Title: Truth and Consequences

Rating: hard R

Pairing: James/Sirius

Warning: Contains no het

Archive: Sure. Tell me if you can.

Feedback: Duh. [email protected]

Disclaimer: Not mine, no money.

Summary: Humor? Sirius leaves home and goes to live with James. (For a little while, anyway.)

I rolled over as two loud bangs shook the neighborhood, and after something resembling,

"Damn tha ucking Knight us."

I stuffed my head underneath my rather flat pillow to drown out any other unwelcome noises. Unfortunately it's a well-known fact that no one, not even wizards, can survive long without oxygen. Muttering to myself about "silencing spells" and "underage injustice", I rolled over and sprawled out on my back, hoping that I could go back to sleep. That moment was when it all came tumbling down. My window was open in the hope that a passing breeze would take pity on my hot attic room, and that's when I heard it. A small sob followed by,

"JAMES POTTER, don't you fucking dare leave me out here. Wake the fuck up you miserable cunt!!"

Sirius. He was the gods' gift to men, women, and anything that could speak. Definitely not the gods gift to small, quiet, respectable wizarding villages. I moaned. Not this, not now, nooooo.

My parents hated Sirius. Sirius who flirts shamelessly with everything, curses like a muggle machine gun, and spends hours in the bathroom. Sirius who last summer had been invited to spend a week with me. In that ONE week he managed to convince my parents that I was gay, suicidal, and had destructive tendencies. While some of the things were true that wasn't the point.

"JAMES get your ass down here and let me in!!! You have three fucking minutes before I start to tell stories and sing."

I stuck my head out the window,

"SHUT UP SIRIUS! I'm coming, already."

I thumped my way down the stairs; my dad was standing on the landing glaring,

"Let him in. We'll deal with this in the morning."

"Okay. Thanks."

Dad grunted and stayed on the landing, presumably to welcome Sirius with open arms. Damn it. Continuing down the stairs I opened the door and Sirius flounced in. Sirius dragged his trunk in behind him looking to be the perfect picture of an abused little rent boy. Tear-streaked face, running eyeliner, and fishnet shirt. His hair hung limply around his face framing pouting lips, hollow cheekbones, and dark eyes. I sighed and shut the door, turning for what was sure to be another disaster. Sirius threw himself at me, wrapping long legs around my waist, and bursting into tears. Well this was unexpected; usually it was a cheerful,

"Come on James, let's go get drunk." or a

"Don't worry it's not illegal, I think."

Dealing with a bawling teenage boy wasn't in my resume. Awkwardly wrapping my arms around Sirius I murmured nonsense that I hoped was reassuring. Apparently it was successful as the boy locked his arms around my neck, ceased crying and started whimpering. I wavered around; Sirius was as effective as a leg-binding curse,

"Sirius, could you walk? I can't really move my legs." I whispered

In response Sirius hitched his legs up to my hips and buried his face in my shoulder. Well, that took care of one problem, and added another; boxers weren't the most effective concealer. Making my way to the stairs I tried to walk with as little friction as possible, any attempt at pulling Sirius off was abandoned as he merely clung tighter. Going up the stairs I passed my rather shell-shocked father, just keep on going, don't look him in the eye. Finally reaching the attic ladder, I succeeded in convincing Sirius that

"No, I can't carry you up the ladder stairs." And miraculously got him into my room.

"I'll go down and bring up your trunk, alright?"

A muffled sob which I interpreted to be a

"Yes James, thank you ever so much, you're so kind." Looking down the ladder stairs I saw my dad waiting for me at the foot, great, might as well get it over with. After I finished climbing down he handed me Sirius' shrunken trunk,

"The spell will run out in twenty minutes,"

"Thanks dad."

"Are you sure you aren't gay? I mean that boy he…"

"NO! For the last time I'm NOT gay!"

And with that wonderful, witty comment, I raced up the ladder and slammed the trap door. I'm not in denial, and I was telling the truth, I'm not gay, I'm bisexual. But he didn't ask that, so technically I wasn't lying. Placing the trunk at the end of the bed. I hoped he wouldn't get any ideas about continuing our discussion; I turned to find a half-naked Sirius taking up my entire bed. Fast asleep. I eyed my options, hard floor and no sleep, or trying to budge Sirius over and dealing with the potential for embarrassment in the morning… Sleep was definitely important so,

"Sirius, MOVE."

He grumbled sleepily and edged over about four inches. Wonderful. Perching on my 1/16 of the bed, I tried to go to sleep without touching Sirius or falling off the bed.

"Sirius, you awake?"

"Now I am."

"Why are you here? I mean, what's wrong?"

"I'm not going back home. Ever. My dad finally lost it. He started screaming at me, calling me a slut, a pervert. He said I wasn't any son of his and than he disowned me. So I left. End of story."

"You can stay here until school starts again. I'm sure my dad will say yes."





Yawning, I curled closer into the warm heat of his body next to me, wrapping my arm around his chest and spooning him from behind. I enjoyed a happy thirty seconds of this before I realized that I was twisted around Sirius, legs entangled, and with a teenaged boy's healthy morning erection to boot.


"Is that all you can say James?"

Shit, shit, shit, shit. I started to pull myself away when he turned to face me, Sirius smiled,

"Good morning James."

Then, looking down at my cock,

"Good morning to you too."

I turned so red it's a wonder that I didn't have an aneurysm.

"Sorry, umm I'll just go now."

"Fuck you will James. Do you have any idea how long it's taken me to get you like this?"

"What but I"

The rest of my sentence was cut short as he leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine,


He ran a hand through my hair, fingers clenching, and roughly forced my head toward his. Pressing his mouth up to mine he gently, yet persistently, pushed his tongue into my mouth. He moved his hand down, underneath the elastic of my boxers and wrapped his long fingers around the throbbing length of my cock. He ended our kiss and I gasped for breath, he smiled,

"Do you want me James?"

"Yes, more than anything. Please?"

There would be time for embarrassment later. He moved down, pushing my boxers away and allowing my erection to spring free. As he took his hand away, I moaned and pressed against him, mourning the loss. He bowed his head and engulfed my cock in his mouth, tongue swirling around its sensitive head, a warm, wonderful, wet heat. I gasped and all coherent thought left me. This was pure pleasure. Arching into his mouth I came, screaming his name. Afterwards I lay there, floating. I rolled over to him and reached for his cock, but his hand stopped me,

"No, that was just for you."

"You sure?"



I kicked off my now stiff boxers and curled around him again, still sticky with cum, and went back to sleep. When I woke up again I was still in the same position and Sirius was snoring slightly, but the main thing that I noticed was trap door raising. I froze, obviously naked, with the sheets shoved down to the bottom of the bed and the room reeking of sex, as my dad came into view.

"What the hells are you DOING James?"

Oh well, might as well, go out with a bang.

"Lying naked on the bed with Sirius after getting a blow job."

(Three hours later)

"REMUS!!! You can't ignore us forever! Just open the fucking door!"

"NO. I don't care what mess you got yourselves into. You'll damn well get yourselves out."

"Moony please??? We're the victims of injustice, disowned, without money, your best friends."

"ENOUGH ALREADY. I'll let you in but I don't want to hear about it."