
A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for all the reviews! Meant a lot to me through this whole story!! This is the last chapter obviously... *tear*tear.... and I decided to finally write after watching the season premiere of Angel, about a mere 10 minutes ago. Yay Spikes back!!

Disclaimer: If I really owned Spike then I wouldn't be here right now typing down all my fantasies, now would I? I'de be living them hehe.

Rating: Pg13

Summary: Buffy Summers- a fresh, upcoming model in the business is hired to do an intimate photo shoot with Spike Johnson, the hottest thing in music. They will be King and Queen of the year.... but does hatred and desire turn them into the couple of the year? B/S


3 Years Later

" I can't believe you did that!" Buffy shrieked, stopping and looking about the room.

"What were you thinking?!" Cordelia yelled in horror.

"Were you even thinking at all?" Willow chimed in.

" Men! Its so like them! Rush, rush, rush!" Anya added.

The four of the women glanced back over to the three guilty looking men.

" Bloody hell. Calm down! I only furnished one bloody room!" Spike yelled back in defense.

"I think it looks nice." Xander supported, gaining death glares from all of the women population. "Er, I mean.... horrible, horrible. Bad." Xander quickly amended.

"I think its cool." Oz said.

Buffy snorted. "Oh yes, because an all leather room just screams feminine." She retorted sarcastically.

" Well we had to do something while you bloody birds were off shoppin'!" Spike said defiantley crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes, to furnish our new home! Not to come home and have it all.... furnished." Buffy shuddered looking at the leather black couches and curtains.

" And just how big does a mans television have to be?" Willow said referring to the rather large set up against the far end of the wall.

All three men glanced at each other and shrugged simutaneously.

All four girls shook their heads and rolled their eyes.

"Okay, we're going to go make lunch and then we'll talk about this later." Buffy said as she picked up the bags she just recently set on the floor and trouncing off into the kitchen with her companions following.

"So Buff... how's married life treating ya' ?" Cordy asked once they were all packed into the kitchen.

Buffy and Spike dated for a few months until they finally decided to tie the knot a while back. Spike had moved into Buffy's floor in L.A for a bit, until they finally decided to get their own house. She had always wanted a house with a riverfront near the beach, so Spike had managed to get them a beautiful two story one with the ocean in their front yard. Literally.

The beach was a mere walk down their hill and its the most beautiful place to be. Buffy had instantly fell in love with it. Their first night in the house was very peaceful and exciting, letting the waves drift them off to sleep.

Now, a few weeks later they were furnishing their new dream home. Which what sounded like fun had been turning into a nightmare for the blonde couple. From the paint, to the floors and couches they had argued about *everything*. But still, they loved every minute of it.

" I'm adjusting. Its hard at times.... especially if he has no taste in decorating whatsoever!" Buffy yelled the last part loudly, so he could hear it from the other room.

"Ey! At least 'm not the one who wanted pink-"

Ah! Spike don't you dare!" Buffy threatened.

" .....teddy bears and-"

"Ah! Okay, he's *so* dead!" Buffy said before storming out of the room.

Willow, Anya, and Cordelia looked at each other before going back to making sandwiches.

They could hear Spike yelping, and then hurried footsteps through the house.

Xander and Oz entered the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Hey. Lunch is almost ready.." Willow said as fixed another sandwich.

" Spike! Don't-ahh!!" The five of them could hear Buffy's giggles and screams from the other room.

"Ah, the dinamic duo are going at it again. How many times today? Five?" Xander joked as Anya sat down next to him.

" Well love does makes you do the whacky." Cordelia said.

"The whacky or the phsycotic?" Xander joked.

Buffy came running into the kitchen with Spike hot on her heels. She wormed her way on the other side of the counter, the long countertop seperating them as he was on the direct other side. Buffy was gasping in pants out of breath, and amusement was dancing in Spike's eyes as he watched her.

"Stop...*gasp*... it. You... *gasp*... can't...win!" Buffy managed to say between pants. Spike started walking over to her, a predetary gleam in his eyes. Buffy instinctively backed away.

" Is that a challenge, luv?" Spike sneered, closing in on her a few more steps.

" Challenge you? Never." Buffy retorted, bringing her hand on her chest for dramatic emphasis and let out a little gasp when Spike snatched her wrist and pulled her to him, crushing his lips against hers.


When the two blondes continued to kiss, unaware of the five very uncomfortable people still located in the room.


Xander tried again and they finally pulled apart. Buffy blushing, and Spike looking anywhere but at them. The three continued to make coughing and gagging noises, all except for Oz who was studying his sandwich intently and Anya who was slightly bemused by the little show.

"So do you guys want to take a little break before going back to the decorating from hell?" Buffy asked as she walked back over to hre friends.


"We can take a walk on the beach..." Willow suggested. Buffy's smiled.

"Sounds great, come on." Buffy said walking over to get her coat.


Buffy walked along the sandy beach holding Spike's hand. The others were a little ahead of the pair, laughing and fooling around while they stayed back, walking peacefully together. The wind was small gusts of refreshing salt air, and the water was at steady waves crashing along the shore and rocks.

"I kind of like it." Buffy admitted, glancing up at Spike. He looked down at her, obviously thrown by her comment.

" Pardon?"

" The room. It can be like.... your own. Whenever you need some privacy or a place to hang with your buds." Buffy said with an innocent smile that made his knees weak. They stopped walking and he turned to look at her.

"You serious?" He asked.

" Uh-huh." She said softly. Spike, touched by the offer, bent down and kissed her lovingly. "Besides, all that leather.... I can just imagine all the naughty things I could do to you." She quipped with a smirk as his eyes widened at the idea.

'Oh yeah... bloody well keeping those couches.' Spike thought before he pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

They were both breathless and panting when they finally pulled apart.

" You can thank me more tonight." Buffy said before jogging up in head of him.

" Little minx..." Spike whispered to himself before he ran to catch up to her.

Buffy, Cordelia, Anya, and Willow were all lying on the sand contently, enjoying the dim light of the sun's rays. Buffy pushed her magazine she was reading down so she could glance at her husband and the two other men fooling around in the water.

" So, Anya.... did you set a date yet?" Buffy asked, gaining all the girls attention. Now it was time for the much needed girl talk they had been neglecting recently.

Xander had popped the question to Anya a few weeks back, after having a guy- to-guy talk with Spike.

" Not yet. I was thinking in June... Xander all hot and sweaty..." Anya sighed dreamily as all the girls around her cringed or made disgusted faces.

" TMI. I so didn't want to have that visual." Cordelia shuddered. Anya shrugged.

" What do you think Buffy?" Anya asked to the more experienced wedding- goer.

" I like it. Then we can have all these pretty flowers packed around.... oh! And we can all wear pretty little sun-dresses!" Buffy smiled.

She definetely approved of her maid of honor idea. She would rather wear sun-dresses then some radio-active long green dresses she had seen.

" And for your honeymoon you can go on a cruise to an island! Some little paradise off in the Atlantic..." Cordelia added.

" Oh and you can-" Willow began.

"Oh no! Run Harris! They're planning your bloody future already!" Spike called to the dumb-founded brunnette.

No one seemed to see Spike coming up to them during their little conversation. Nonetheless, they all managed to throw him an evil and threatening glare, which was now named 'The Evil Look of Death.'

"Shut up!" Buffy said whapping him on the arm. He pouted, giving her his best lost puppy look.

Buffy rolled her eyes before mumbling,"Baby." Spike's face fell and changed into a more leering glare.

He slowly walked the last two steps to her, and hauled her over his shoulder, running down to the water.

"Ah! NO! Spike! Put...me...down!" Buffy tried her hardest to wiggle out of his grasp but came up short. He ran into the water and with one twirl he dunked her in the freezing cold.

Buffy came to the surface of the water, slicking back her soaked hair. Her eyes narrowed into two green slits as she swam over to him.

"You ass! Its so cold!" Buffy accused as she jumped and forced her hands on his head, sending him under the waves.

Spike re-surfaced and lifted her by the waist in the air.

"Back to trying to drown me again, pet?" Spike smirked as she tried to get free from his strong hold. "Now, now luv. I believe its my turn..." He said before throwing her back into the water.

"Ahhh!!" Buffy's cry was muffled as she went under once more.

The two spent more time fighting, pushing, and splashing each other in the water, followed by series of kisses. Above and below water.

The five friends on the beach shook their heads at the blondes antics and laughed.

" Do you think they'll be done soon?" Cordelia asked with a sigh.

" Not nearly." Xander said.


All of the guests had vacated the home for the evening, in promises to be back ready to work tomorrow, leaving the pair all alone.

They were now sitting on the swing on their front porch, wrapped up in a blanket cuddled next to each other. Buffy sighed as she leaned her head down to rest on his chest. Spike instantly wrapped his arms around her waist tenderly.

" Hmmm...." Buffy hummed in contentment.

" What are you thinking about, kitten?" Spike asked placing a kiss to the top of her head.

" Children."

"What?!" Spike asked. Buffy giggled at his worried reaction.

"Don't worry, I'm not ready yet to have children yet. I'm just thinking about them playing and growing up here." Buffy said smiling at the vision.

" Cor, luv. Thats where they will learn how to swim..." Spike said pointing at the ocean. "And thats where they will learn how to climb their first tree... and..." Spike trailed off, pointing into different directions.

" Why, Mr. Johnson... are you planning our childrens future?" Buffy couldn't help but poke at his softness.

Spike blushed and shrugged it off.

" Teddy bear." Buffy mocked as she cuddled up farther in his arms. He stiffened at that.

" Teddy bear?"

" Mmmhmm. My cute, soft, cuddly teddy bear." Buffy said, unaware at his sneer.

" Take that back!" Spike defended.

" Oh but its all very sexy." Buffy assured him with a quick peck to his lips.

" Sexy, huh?" Spike pressed.

" Uh-huh." Buffy whispered to his lips before giving them another sweet kiss.

It was silent for a few more minutes until one particular word sunk into her.

"They?" Buffy questioned, raising an eyebrow.

" One boy, one girl. Sound good to you?" Spike mocked.

" Mmmm....yeah. I can see that. A cute little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes..." Buffy said.

"I always wished I could've had a brother or sis around." Spike admitted.

"Me too."

The moments passed quietly by, until Spike finally decided to speak up, shyly.

"Ya' know, the first time I saw you...." Spike began, hesitantly stalling until he noticed her pointed glare for him to finish. "I knew."

"Knew?...." Buffy pressed the subject. Spike let out a long draw of a sigh before continuing.

"I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me....well, techniqually it did since you knocked me straight on my arse...." Spike laughed before coming serious again. "You were beautiful. Something in your eyes just...... I knew I'de marry you someday." Spike whispered.

" Quite the poet are you, William?" Buffy teased before letting her gaze drift back to the waves. "Ya know... I think I knew too."

"That so?'

"Yeah." Buffy sighed as his hands drew comforting circles on her side.

Another peaceful moment passed between them before Buffy's head shot up.

"And hey- for the record I said I was sorry for that. But no, Spike Johnson couldn't accept that." She swatted him on the arm. "And if you looked where you were stepping...."

"Oi! Are you tryin to say its my bloody fault?"

"I'm just saying that there are two parties to blame here..." Buffy batted her eyelashes innocently.

"Oh, yes because don't you know I can foresee the bloody future? Infact, when I stepped out of that elevator I knew a beautiful small blonde was going to run straight into me. So I said to myself, 'what the hell' and went with it." Spike said.

Buffy rolled her eyes.

"Sarcastic ass." She accused.

"Wicked bint."

"Stupid ego-"

They both stopped and looked at eachother, speaking at the same time:

-"You're impossible"-

-"You're impossible"-

They both laughed, before cuddling up more.

"Do you think we'll ever stop bickering?" Buffy questioned a moment later.

"I hope not." Spike said after a dreamy sigh. Buffy grinned.

"Me neither."

"I love you so bloody much." Spike whispered before taking her lips. He was surprised when she pulled back and made her way to the front door. She opened it a crack before turning evilly to him.

"Wanna show me?...." Buffy asked innocently, giving him a sly smile and disappearing inside the house.

"Evil vixen...." Spike mumbled before jumping up and joining her in their house for what seemed like a very long night.



A/N: Oh my gosh! So sorry for the lateness for this final chapter. I wrote about five different versions of it but I finally decided to use this one. Hope it was okay! And can you believe that this is the very last you'll read of Desire? No more, *sniff*sniff*. So sad, I know lol. I just want to thank everyone who reviewed and wrote me mail and encouraged me to keep going on this! Your reviews had made me laugh and smile! I hope you liked this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm really touched that so many people loved this. This story wouldn't have been what it is without all of you! Thank you so much!

I hope you continue to read, review, and enjoy my stories I have to write. My new story should be up soon, and it is another A/U. Hope you will all check that out as well!

And with that said, I bid you a final good-bye.

Thanks, again!

-SpIkEs AnGeL