FD* hey this is the story you all waiting for! The hikaris are girls!

YF* I'm not in it! And you are!

FD* whatever, and do the disclaimer, please!

YF* muttering* yamis do not getting any respect here

YF* sighed* Disclaimer: we don not own Yu-gi-oh


Secrets of the Hikaris

Chapter one

Yugi's pov

It had begun after the battle city, the time after the yamis got their own body. First everyone and me was thrilled by the change, but then things changed. Yami and everyone begin to drift away from me. Not just me, the other hikaris as well. It seem almost if the yamis had took over their hikaris life, only to live it better. Yami had stopping showing affectionate gestures to me almost immediately. Now only a cool nod to acknowledge my presence, even that was rare. Still I was satisfied with just the nod, but even that was too much to hope for. I had become a nuisance to everyone; no one cared about me anymore, now only Yami. Even my own grandpa had ignored me, and concerns only about Yami.

I sighed deeply, knowing Ryou and Malik suffer the effect of the yamis as well. Today Yami was out with the others again, leaving his hikari alone, not that was surprising. But it still hurts every time Yami leaves me, or act cold against me. I called Ryou and Malik over, the pain always lessen when we shared it together.

Third's pov Ryou and Malik quickly went over to Yugi's house after receiving the call. The kind of gathering was now very common for the three hikaris.

"Hi, Yugi!" Ryou's soft voice called out.

"Don't worry, everyone's out, grandpa is at a trip for duel monsters and wasn't coming back until next week. We don't have to pretend anymore." Yugi said, but his voice is feminine.

Ryou and Malik visibly relaxed at the announcement. The three of them had kept a huge secret over the years that no one had known.

Ryou, Malik, and Yugi are actually girls, and known each other since they are small. They had witness a murder, and were threatened by the killer. So their families had either moved away or send them to their other relatives. Disguised as boys, they had lived peacefully. By coincidence, the three met again, neither giving the signs of knowing each other, for fear of getting discovered. Only when the three girls are truly alone, they could stop pretending. Now, their yamis are the center of the attention, even their family start to forget their true identity.

But one day, everything changed again.

Everyone had gathered at Yugi's house, having a huge party. Even Ryou and Malik were invited, but only because they need someone to do the set up and clean up.

"Ding Dong!" a bell interrupted the partying teens.

"Go and answers it. Yugi." Yami's cold voice drifted over.

Yugi silently went to the door, as Yami had demanded. (FD* Yami is so mean!)

Outside stood a chauffeur dressed man. "Are you Yugi Mouto?"

"Yes, I am."

"This letter is for you." He hand a lavender envelope to Yugi.

Yugi hesitantly took the envelope when a familiar writing and pattern appeared in front of her eyes. She gasped as old images running through her mind.

"Ryou! Malik!" she shouted.

Hearing their best friend's call, Ryou and Malik quickly run to Yugi.

"What's the matter?" Malik exclaimed.

Too shocked to reply, Yugi shoved the letter in front of them.

Ryou and Malik had the similar reaction as Yugi when they recognize the letter too.

"Excuse me. Are you Ryou Bakura and Malik Ishtar?" The chauffeur guy asked.

"Yes." Ryou and Malik replied.

He smiled and hand them two other identical letter. "Here, these are for you." Then left the house.

Ryou, Malik, and Yugi exchanged knowing glances, and quickly went up to Yugi's room. After locked the door, the three sat on Yugi's bed and opened the letters.

"It's from FD!" they simultaneously shouted.

FD is a girl they used to known before they came to Domino. She was the same age as the three of them and has a mysterious past. FD had helped them out when they are threatened by the killer. She had arranged their escape and everything else.

The contents in the letters are basically the same. On the letter FD had told astonishing news. The killer who had threatened them was put in jail and they could change back to girls. Also Fed had be observing them for the past week, and come to the conclusion that they are unhappy.

You are all too weak and let the other step all over you.

FD suggested of training them personally over the summer. You need to be trained both mentally and physically.

After finishing the letter, the three Hikaris looked at each other. "Yes!" they said together.

Few days after, Yugi found her grandpa, "Grandpa?" she asked. Yugi had stopped using Grampa a few weeks after the Battle City Tournament.

Grampa turned and caught the sight of Yugi, "What?" he said harshly. "I'm busy."

Yugi's amethyst eyes filled with tears at the Grampa's tone, but she controlled herself. "I would like to live in a friend's house for the summer. Is that okay?"

Grampa raised an eyebrow at Yugi's mention of friend, "Whatever, now go!"

Yugi quickly left the shop as tears trailed down her cheek

At the last day of the school, Ryou, Malik, and Yugi gathered at the Sakura Park with their luggage as FD had instructed.

After they arrived for few minute, a teenage girl with messy golden hair and sharp emerald eyes run toward them.

"Long time no see, guys?" She smirked at them.

Yugi, Ryou, and Malik grinned. "Hey FD!"

(As it's too boring let's skip to the training house.)

The four of them arrived inside a deep forest. Yugi and the others looked up in surprise at the location.

"FD, where are we going?" Ryou's timid voice called out.

FD waved carelessly to them, "Relax, I know this place inside and out. Come on."

The hikaris shrugged at each other and followed FD through the wood.

After about half hour, FD stopped in front a bush, "Voila!" she smiled triumphantly.

They stared at her if she's crazy.

Malik start hesitantly, "err, it's a bush."

FD smiled sheepishly, and then pushed the bush aside. "Voila?"

The hikaris looked in awe at the elegant scene in front of them. A huge house fit for ten stood in the middle. A crystallize pond on it's front left. Several fruit trees framed around the garden. The place is like a hidden dream palace.

FD smiled at the expressions on the hikaris face. "This place will our resident for the summer."

The hikaris nodded, still enchanted.

FD chuckled, "Come on." She dragged the three to the back of the house. There are all kinds of different structures that the three hikaris had seen in Martial art camps on TV.

"What are these?" Malik exclaimed.

"You guys will start training martial art to become stronger." FD answered.

"Martial art?" Yugi gasped.

FD smirked then her face turn serious, "today we have to discuss what had been happening to you guys."

Yugi, Ryou, and Malik lowered their head; the pain is still there.

All day, the three hikaris explained their yamis, the adventures, and the being ignored. They poured their heart out about everything that's been happening to them.

FD smiled sympathetically, " I understand now."

Ryou lifted her head up, "you believe us?"

" I observed you, haven't I?" FD paused, " you better shut off all links from your yamis, we don't want them suddenly to snoop around, do we?"

Malik laughed bitterly, "No worry about that, they don't care one damn about us."

FD smiled mysteriously, "just in case."

The summer in FD's house was the best time the three hikaris had in a long time. FD had insisted them changing back to girls now that the killer was gone. The four of them trained martial art and mentally also. There was a huge waterfall and lake near them, they often relax and play there. The time was awesome.

The carefree time they had also bought some changes to themselves.

Yugi had a growth spurt, and was almost as tall as Ryou. Her hair had grown longer, now instead of spiked up; it falls over her shoulders. The originally spikes are pointing down instead of up. Her eyes, no longer the innocent and big, now were sharpened to rival Yami's eyes, however still bigger. The sharp golden bangs framed her face, giving her a sharp look.

Ryou's silvery hairs had grown longer and sharper. The training had given her few hard muscles here and there. Her eyes sharpened and look almost like Yugi's, only brown.

Malik's hair grown past her shoulders, several bangs framed her face, some fall over her eyes. Malik originally had almost same color of skin as Ryou; after all she is in a tomb for a long time. The brown tan was to make her look more masculine. Now it was washed off, Malik's skin had become a shade darker than Ryou. (Sorry, I just thought Malik had been in tomb, he had been under hardly any sun, how could he have such a dark tan.)

The three of them had developed their feminine traits in the summer, as most girls should already have. Now they had female curves and other stuff. (Imagine!) The three of them had excelled in the martial art and mind training FD had done.


Yami sat in Yugi's room, gazing at Yugi's picture. The two months without Yugi and the mind link being broken made the pharaoh realize something. He really misses Yugi! He had always taken the warmth and comfort of Yugi's mind for granted. The time of Yugi being away had created emptiness and coldness for Yami. Grampa had told him that Yugi would go directly to school after summer. He was getting more excited as time drew near, and Yugi would be home. Through he would never tell other about it. After all, the confident pharaoh miss his weak hikari would not be a good thing for his image. The only one know about this is Bakura and Marik. After all, they are going through the same thing.

"Bang!" Yami tensed at the sound, then relaxed when he caught the sight of Bakura and Marik.

"Hey, missing Yugi again?" Bakura smirked, "look like the pharaoh has a crush on his own aibou."

"I do not! Anyway it's not like you aren't missing your own hikari. Maybe the great tomb robber had a crush on Ryou."

Marik smirked, "stop bickering, they are going to be home in a few days. Now quite being so tense."

Bakura glared, "hey you are excited too, so admit it."

"Whatever guys, we have to go to Joey's party now. So let me change, and we can go." Bakura and Marik nodded and left.

Yami opened the drawer of Yugi's cloth, trying to find the awesome outfit he saw his aibou was wearing few days ago. Yugi wouldn't mind him borrowing it, Yami was sure.

As Yami went through the clothing, he came to a hidden spot. A bright color caught his eyes.

Yami frowned, and pulled out a DRESS! Yami stared at the female clothing in his hand, 'what's Yugi doing with a dress! Does he have a girl friend?"

To his surprise, Yami felt angry at the thought of Yugi having girl friend. He angrily stuffed the cloth in the drawer and left Yugi's room. (FD* Yami is feeling jealous!)

In the forest

FD, Yugi, Ryou, and Malik settled comfortably on FD's big canopy bed. "I'm going to enroll in the Domino High this year."

The three hikaris exchanged looks and pounce on FD. "That's great."

FD smiled mysteriously, "Hey, would you guys like to moving with me?"

The three hikaris stared.

FD looked at them strangely, "What? I thought you aren't happy in your current houses."

Yugi cheered. "Of course!" then hang her head; "I don't think I can handle live with Yami after what happened."

Ryou and Malik nodded in agreement.

"So you agreed." FD smirked.

"Yeah!" the four of them started a pillow fight in the gigantic canopy bed.

After two days

Yugi, Ryou, Malik stared at the piles of paper place in front of them.

"These are the paper signed by your families that gave me rights. Now you are all adopted by me!" FD announced.

Yugi, Ryou, and Malik stared at her for a long time, then burst out laughing.

"Okay mother!" Yugi said playfully.

"Sweetie, pack your bags, and it's way over your bedtime!" FD smirked playing along in an imitation of a disproval mother.

Ryou was the first to straighten up, "Tomorrow, we have to face the gang in school. I don't know what to do."

Malik and Yugi sighed; the old wound still haven't fully healed yet.

FD smiled, "everything was going to be alright!"

The hikaris stared at her, she really seem like a mother now.

However FD just had to ruin the glorious effect by stuck out her tongue. "We are going to rock Domino High."

Yugi, Ryou, and Malik smiled determinedly.

Careful Yamis, the brand new hikaris are back! ********************************************************** FD* isn't it good!

YF* you add yourself too much!

FD* I have to explain everything in the first chapter. The rest will consist mostly Hikaris and Yamis.

YF* fine, when will I get to be in it?

FD* some time in the later chapter. Now please review!