Thanks for the reviews and its time for more MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nauto: so what do we do first sense sasuke ran away

Kakashi: well first lets uuummm... go over there

Sakura: but that's a snack bar

Kakashi: well that's a good place to start

Naruto: I'm up for that!!!!

* 20 min. later *

Naruto: ummm that was good

Sasuke: im back

Kikashi: welcome back !!!!!! want something from the snack bar???

Sasuke: sure some ice cream would be good

Naruto: hehehhe I will get it for ya *comes back with a monkey shaped ice cream* here you go *hands it to sasuke*

Sasuke: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! MONEKY ICE CREAM THERE EVERYWERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs off crying*

Naruto: *falls over laughing* dude that was great hahahhah

Kikashi: I wonder what's so scary about monkeys

Naruto: o well lets go see the giraffes

Sakura: well ok but im still worried about sasuke

Kikashi: we will see him later lets go

*later at the giraffes*

Naruto: cool lets feed one of them

Sakura: with what???

Kikashi: well there is a hut were you can get giraffe food

Naruto: well that's no fun lets feed him uuuummmm..*looks at snack bar* peanuts and a slushy

Sakura: wont that make him sick

Kikashi: well once naruto comes up with something there is no stopping him

Naruto: * comes back with a grape slushy and some peanuts* I didn't know what flavor slushy the giraffe wanted so I got grape

Sakura: I don't think that's a good idea

Naruto: why!!!

Sakura: well he could get sick

Naruto: well I can eat it and not get sick I think he can *gives giraffe the food*

* Giraffe eats food in one lick*

Naruto: wow that was

Sakura: well it don't look sick

Naruto: see I told you

*giraffe starts to hack and choke*

Sakura: see I told you

Naruto: I don't think it likes grape I knew I should have got orange

*giraffe hacks up all the food that naruto gave him ON him*

Naruto: yuck this is nasty

Kikashi: *picks up peanut* still good 5 sec. rule *eats peanut* yuumm I got to market these

Naruto: dude that's nasty

Sakura: yes very very nasty

Kikashi: well more for me

*later were ever sasuke is*

Sasuke: must find weapon to protect myself against those MONEKYS THOSE BLOOD SUCKING MONKEYS

*later near the giraffes*

Naruto: I hate giraffes you give them some good food and they throw it up on you

Sakura: well that's what you get

Naruto: I was just trying to feed it

Kikashi: well I think a grape slushy is good for a giraffe

Naruto: how bout orange I knew I should have got orange

Sakura: come one lets go some were else

Naruto: ok how bout to the monkeys

Kikashi: ok but if sasuke trys to find us he will just run away

Naruto: and your point is

Kikashi: never mind

*later at the monkeys*

Naruto: hay what does this sign say *looks at sign* look out for flying zoo poo whats that supposed to mean

* Naruto gets hit with a big flying piece of crap*

Naruto: WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!

Kikashi: it's a war zone

*kids are running around in circles getting nailed with pieces of crap*

Sakura: no wonder sauske is afraid of monkeys

Naruto: *still wiping crap off his cloths* im going to teach those monkeys a lesion

*walks over to cage dogging flying crap and pulls pin out monkey cage the monkeys see this and bust out in a crazy swarm of crap*

Sasuke: im back and im not afraid of monkeys anymore

*monkeys runs over and starts to attack with raging fists of shit*

Sasuke: *running around in circle punching the monkey* AAAAHHHHHH BLOOD SUCKING MONKEY GET AWAY FROM ME AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

Naruto: get back you dirty crap factories

Sakura: lets get out of here

Kikashi: *eating bag of popcorn* aahhh and it was just getting good

Sasuke: *kicking the shit out of the monkey* and that's for eating my underwear

Naruto: the monkey ate your underwear????

Sasuke: shut up!!!!!!!

Naruto: *falls over laughing* how the hell the monkey eat your underwear???

Sasuke: he gave me a wedgie

Naruto: *cant breath from laughing to hard*

*monkeys start to group up*

Naruto: hay I think he monkeys are doing something

Sakura: those monkeys are evil!!!!!!

Sasuke: evil monkeys!!!!!!!

*monkeys start to swarm toward sasuke*

Sasuke: there coming back

Naruto: I will so them who is boss

Sakura: ha-ha like last time

Naruto: they were all after me

* while naruto and sakura argue sasuke starts to get eating by the monkeys*

Sasuke: its gnawing my leg

Naruto: well we better go help him

Sakura: hay were kikashi go

Naruto: he is over there at the snack bar

Kikashi: *walks over with a slushy* hay naruto your were right the orange is better


Naruto: ok lets help him *runs over and starts to fend off the monkeys*

* 10min. later*

Naruto: jees these monkeys sure put up good fight

Sasuke: ya they sure did

Sakura: what happened to them???

Naruto: well lets say they will never find the monkeys again

To be continued