A/n: I don't own, you don't sue


1. Great Angels, you've got Charlie, they're afraid of muffins! The babies...

2. They aren't even allowed to use guns! I doubt very much they could even if they were allowed....

3. Short skirts and tube tops, what the hell kind of clothes are they to work in?!

4. Falling for the bad guys..... Ok, that's one trait at least every other group has had... At least these guys are sorta cute, I'll give her that much...

5. Haha! Dogs that eat Molar Mics! It would figure.....

6. Ok, so Natalie is dangerous, and from what I gather the other girls leave her alone when she's on the phone.... Man, they're babies....

7. Dylan keeps her lighter where?! Damn...

8. Since when do Angels fly.....? Out of Bars, no less....

9. Alex taps phone lines..... This is information that could have been brought to my attention before!

10. Natalie kept the Pineapple wax.... I guess her guy's gonna enjoy that.... I hope it's the guy that enjoys it....

11. Blondes usually make the best distractions, it's a universal rule. I'm so glad I'm not blond..

12. Bull riding..... in a Mongolian Bar..... Yeah, I'd definitely go just to laugh.....

13. Note to self: Get better code names for victims.....

14. How many times can one guy die? First he get thrown off a bridge, then he's in a castle that blows up, and then he gets shot and falls off a hotel roof! Please tell me he's really dead this time....


Sorry this one was so short, but tell me what you think anyway!