Rabid: Okay, since alot of people have been asking this, here is the F.A.Q. for my fic.

Q: Wait, is Kagome a hanyou or a youkai?

A: Well, if you have read the A/Ns at the beginng of the chapters, you would know that I am a dumbass or a baka, and I wasn't thinking straight. There you have it. SHE IS A YOUKAI AND THE NEXT TIME SOMEONE ASKS IM GONNA SCREAM.

Q: When are you going to do review replies again?

A: Never, I get too many reviews on both of my fics to do it for both fics. ^-^ Tell me your e-mail address in a review and I will reply to you that way.

Q: How did Kagome get the Kangaroo to Japan? Its illegal to smuggle exotic animals!!

A: Well, Kagome is a demon right? A demon with abnormal speed right? Well lets just say that she snuck it aboard a ship (Quickly mind you) and hid the kangaroo with her miko powers. When the ship docked (She was on that ship with her family.) she quickly got the kangaroo back to the shrine. Keade loves it as a helped now so she decided to keep it.