Just Relax

You Stink

It had been a week since the Chibodee encounter. A week since Domon used his super mode to save her. A whole week since they had agreed to work harder as partners. And so far nothing had changed. Rain sighed at this fact.

"Well I guess I should just be grateful he hasn't snapped at me since then," Rain said to herself.

However this was merely a pitiful attempt at being optimistic on Rain's part. For the real reason Domon had not attacked Rain with one of his characteristic angry remarks was because Rain had hardly seen him. Another sad sigh escaped her pink lips.

Domon was training so hard. His stubbornness to conquer the super mode as quick as possible went without limits. He would rise early in the morning when the sky was just a mystical orange caused by the rising sun, only then to return when the sky turned to the color of black. Domon outlasted the sun itself. Rain wasn't quite sure what Domon did all day long, however she was positive that some of the time was spent hacking away at a poor tree with that rusty sword of his, and of course a duel against the waterfall. He fought against that waterfall relentlessly and without a shred of mercy. Rain couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the opposing American team in his own spars against Domon. It was, however, the arrival of this American team that caused Domon to become even more focus and determined. Rain feared that the two fighter's battle had shown something divesting to Domon. Shown him that instead of being the strong, powerful man he believed himself to be that he was indeed small, stupid, and weak boy. Domon carrying such an image was dangerous and could only lead to destruction, the destruction of himself. Neo-Japan's Gundam fighter would train and train, until he felt he was strong enough, until he could cut a tree, until he could conquer the waterfall, and until that image had diminished. He would train until he broke, until he worked himself too hard, and until he destroyed himself.

Another sigh was released from Rain, but this time the sigh was for Domon.

"Poor Domon," Rain said to quietly to herself.

A grunt from behind alerted her to another's presence. Upon turning, Rain was greeted with an angry glare emanating from two chocolate brown eyes. She was surprised to discover that the grunt and unamused face belong to no other then Domon Kasshu himself.

"Domon, I uh.....I uh......." Being unable to explain her comment Rain decided to quickly change the subject, "What are you doing back?"

"I was hungry." And with that he abruptly sat down near the small fire.

Rain knew that there was more then just a growling stomach to Domon's presence. Domon never ate with her. In fact Rain didn't even know when Domon ate, all she knew was that the leftovers were always gone in the morning. Domon's unexplained company, though welcomed, only feed Rain's fear for him. But she wasn't about to question him any further.

They ate in silence. They normally were enclosed in silence, when they were alone together. However on this evening, their silence could be explained by being the product of deep thinking. Rain was still somewhat distracted with concern for Domon. And Domon........well who knew what he was thinking about.

After finishing a large quantity of the unseasoned stew Rain had prepare, Domon stood to leave. Rain wanted to stop him. She wanted to talk to him about his aggressive training and make him take a break. She had tried several times during their dinner, but the words were lost at her lips. All she could do was watch him devour the tasteless meal. And now all she could do was watch him get up and walk away from the warmth of the fire. She didn't want him to go.

"Domon!" Rain called out. Domon didn't turn around, but he did stop.

"Domon, why don't you take the rest of the night off." The man responded only with a grunt, which Rain took as a No, and started to walk away again.

"Domon!" Rain called out yet again, however this time he neither turned nor stopped.

Determined Rain ran up to him and boldly grabbed his arm. Domon, obviously annoyed, turned to her.

"Please Domon you've been training so hard. You need a break," she pleaded.

"Rain," irritation coated his words, "I don't have time for such selfishness."

"Well, if not for you then for me," his partner tried to bargain, "Do it for me. Please."

She should have known that such a plea would have no effect on him or at least have an undesirable result. Domon gave her another disapproving grunt and yanked his arm from her grasp so that he could walk away once again.

Rain, now irritated and growing more determined and frustrated by each grunt of his, replaced her soft pleas with a yell. "You're killing yourself, damn it!"

Domon, surprised by Rain's tone of voice and unexpected vulgar word, stopped just as he reached the edge of their small camp and turned to her.

In seeing her success Rain walked up to him, tenderly placed her hand against his arm, and resumed her pleading.

"Domon," she started her voice now with its usual softness but still firm, "you are training too hard. You need a break. You need to relax." She stressed the words of need. "There is a hot spring just over there." Rain gently nodded her head in the direction of her favorite bath place. However when she turned back to Domon she could see that the hot spring wasn't tempting enough for him. Rain pressed her lips together in determination and frustration before she continued. "As a doctor I can see how much pain you are in right now. How tired and sore your body has become. And as a doctor I order you to take a break. Your muscles need to recover and rejuvenate."

Rain walked directly in front of him as if to block his path, placed her second hand on his other arm, and looked directly into his face. In this position she would be able to plead with her beautiful blue eyes as well. In looking into face, into his endless dark eyes she could see that he had started to weaken.

"Domon, you're not making yourself stronger, you're just tearing your body apart. You'll never be able to conquer that sword if you make yourself too weak." Rain's voice became but a whisper. "You'll never be able to defeat the Dark Gundam or....," Rain lowered her head, she knew her next comment would hurt Domon, "or ...Master Asia."

When Rain looked up again, after a few long seconds, she could see that she had won. Domon let out a defeated sigh and started to walk in the direction of the hot spring that Rain had nodded to.

Rain, pleased by her victory, called out to his retreating back.

"Besides," she smiled, "your starting to smell."

Author's Notes:

I don't own G-Gundam (I hope that is satisfactory enough)

I was originally going to make this a short, "one shot" story, however I decided to make it into a little bit of a longer one (in a feeble attempt to receive a few more reviews). However, as a result I fear this chapter is..well...it's boring. And for that I am sorry. I am also sorry for the quick proof reading. I am sure along with a sense of boredom this story will carry a few misspellings and grammatical errors. In the next chapter I promise there will be more Domon and Rain interaction, or "fluff" as I have heard it referred to as.

Please review. I had promised myself I would not fall victim to the reviews, I would not become one of those writers who beg for reviews or need them, however I now find them quite motivating and a joy to read (over and over again). But I truly wish for you to be honest. Though it may be brutal it is the only way for me to improve.