Hello everybody, and welcome to my first fan-fic! Peasants: yeeeaaahhh!!

Whoa! Where the hell they come from? Peasants start milling around, drinking and having quite the merry old time Oh well. I was never one to crash a party. Anyway, I do not own Rurouni Kenshin but I do own this story line. (Growls) SO BACK OFF!  Um…so read, eat, drink, and be merry but please don't puke on the carpet; I just had it cleaned.  looks around at the party See-ya later! Smiles and jumps into the now humongous peasant mosh pit Hey King, watch the elbows!

                        One point: This is actually a redone Chapter one.  The first (if you read it you know this) was crap.

Sorry, I guess I was just in a hurry to get it out!

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin. 

Chapter one: A Reunion

(London: semi modern times)

Cold, wet, standing in the rain was feeling good on my soul.  Good on my face, good on my tears.  Just wash away--let everything wash away, sink into the ground beneath my feet.  Let my tears join him.  Just close my eyes, tear my eyes, shut my eyes from… I must leave--return home.  Another place of his.  Another memory, just another--just one more.   

            "Kenshin." Sanosuke, a call back to the land of the living.  Turn slowly, the grass is wet. Mustn't fall. Fall to the ground, to join him.  Speak.  Swallow then speak.

            "Hello, my friend."  My throat hurts. 

            "It's been a long time."  Keeping it short are we?  Always not one to talk with his mouth, finding other ways to speak his mind; often enough with his fists in the local bars.  Out of so many people left behind, the only one Kenshin is ready to see, grateful to see. 

            Quietly "That it has."  The rain is so loud, he probably didn't hear me. A wave of sadness: all the better. 

            "Is that all you have to say?!" A fierce whisper.  So this is how he wants to start off after ten years apart?  Ten years.  Ten years…after I left of course.  With that…how could I blame him?  I had no word to anyone--not even by best friend.  But still…anger.  This was hard enough without him.

            A hiss "What would you have me say?"  Silence. "Would you have me deny it?"

 "It was long for us." Sanosuke swallowed " If it was long for you why didn't you come back?"  A shout, a growl as his long black coat whipped around him.

            "I couldn't! How did you think I could?!" Incredulously.

            His face twisted, he spoke bitterly "Nothing was keeping you away!"

            "He was keeping me away!" A flung protest the silence.  Thick silence.  Kenshin turned his back to him, whipped up his coat collar to keep the rain out.  His friend felt the coldness emanating off of him, Kenshin surrounding himself with bitterness.

            Sanosuke's mouth turned thick.  He swallowed harshly. "Go home," A command "go and see for your self what you left behind."

            What did he mean by that?  Hadn't come here this evening just to do that, to give his father one last prayer in death?

He struggled to speak calmly "Then what was I doing here?"  He heard Sanosuke's steps crunch in the grass where he slowly turned and started walking away.

            "Dying." He whispered, and left.

* * * * * * * * * *

Okay, so what do you think so far?  Its going to get better sweat drops heh…I hope.

Don't worry if everything's a little fuzzy. It's supposed to be! Every thing will be revealed in time.  receives several death glares Ooookay, so—um…everything will be revealed in the next chapter! yeah! Sorry so short, kind of a hard idea/story to leave you on the edge of.  Bye for now!  See you next chapter.  REVIEW! thwacked on the head….please?