Part Twelve: The Lab – So Far Away
The gang welcomes her back with open arms; well, all except for Grissom who stays hidden in his office. They greet her with hugs, pecks on the cheek, compliments on her hair. Not surprisingly, she is assigned a case with Nick and Catherine, she sees little of Grissom on her first night.
She hangs photos of Fly and Donna and herself with Cory on the inside of her locker. She wants to keep them close to her, even here. Perhaps especially here.
She stops by Grissom's office as she is preparing to leave, to drop off some paperwork. He looks up at her with a wistful expression.
"The rest of the team received postcards, Sara," he points out. "Greg talked about his non stop for days." He looks a little hurt. "I'm sorry about what happened in my office, when you…" he stops speaking and removes his glasses. "But you took me by surprise, and regardless of how I feel about you," he gives her a pointed look. "I can't see you socially." She sees confusion and fear in his eyes.
She nods, smiling a half smile. She knows all of this, now.
"Sara, are you punishing me?" He looks down at his hands. "Did you think of me at all, while you were gone?"
Sara smiles. She digs into the pocket of her purse, holding something small out to him in the palm of her hand.
He stretches his arm out, allowing her to drop the item into his cupped hand. It is smooth and cool in his palm; and he stares at the blue stone as if to compel it to speak to him.
"A little," she says.
He furrows his brow at her.
"Good night," she tells him.
He stares after her retreating back, again, and he hears her words from before in his mind.
"You know, by the time you figure it out it, it really could be too late."
He knows, now, that it is.
A/N: Thanks to all who joined Sara and the gang on the journey. I'm sorry if some folks are upset by the lack of GSR, but hey, we got a small admission (even if it is too late), and from Griss that's quite a big step. I am pondering another piece that mirrors this time frame (actually it's started, but it may be headed to the circular file). I would appreciate any comments with regard to this idea. Thanks to all for your reviews. Finally the title of this last chapter comes from the Staind song. It's a song about transformation, and I think that Sara would like it. Oh yeah, and it pretty much rocks.