A/N: This is the final chapter. I would like to thank all those who have
reviewed this story, all your kind words and comments are greatly
appreciated. I hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I have enjoyed
writing it and my best wishes to all.
Again, many thanks.
Chapter 18~ Patience is a Virtue
Two's face went, if possible, even paler. With a shaking hand, he replaced the receiver and stared at it as though it was about to spring at him.
"What is it?" One asked, concerned by his brother's reaction.
"He's here" Two said in a quiet voice, still transfixed by the telephone.
"The Merovingian. He's here now".
"What?" One's face too drained of all possible colour and he bit his lip hard. So hard infact that his bottom lip began to bleed.
Upon hearing this revelation, Estelle began to struggle again and she would have succeeded, had One not come to his senses quickly. The thought that their boss was coming now made them feel almost sick with fear. He had never done this before. Never. He always let them get on with their job. Why was this time any different?
Suddenly, Two's eyes widened.
"Remember what the Merovingian said to us, before we left?"
One looked up at his twin, confusion written all over his face.
"No. What?"
"He said 'If, by the time you return, she is not dead. Well, you know what will happen'. Remember, he said he wanted the job done in one night. Not two days."
"So you're saying-"
"That must be why he has come. To do the job himself".
A ringing silence fell on the bedroom, only slightly broken by Estelle's whimpering as One still held a hand over her mouth. Suddenly, light footsteps were heard from somewhere on the staircase. Maybe a floor below. The twins instinctively stared at the door, every minute getting more and more concerned. The footsteps grew louder until they were right outside the door.
Knock, Knock!
The twins nearly jumped out of their skins. In past experiences, the Merovingian did not wait for the door to be opened. He ordinarily marched straight in to whatever room he wished, be it occupied or not. The twins exchanged worried and confused expressions and Two slowly began to make his way forward to the door.
Each step he took, reminded him that there was only a block of mahogany between him and almost certain death. Or worse. His hand reached for the brass doorknob and slowly opened the door.
For a brief moment, One and his boss just stared at each other, each one unsure of what the other was about to do. One took the opportunity as it was laid to him on a silver platter and smiled slightly at the Merovingian in an attempt to save whatever he had left of his life. He knew, once the Merovingian wanted someone dead, there was nothing they could do about it. They could run but they would be caught. They could scream but they would be silenced. No one had ever survived once he decided to kill them. No one, save one.
"Please, come in" he opened the door wider and his boss stepped over the threshold.
One looked up as they entered, hiding his fear completely as he nodded politely at his boss.
"Ah. My two loyal henchmen, good to see you. Although I can see ze plan did not go quite according to my will." The Merovingian raised a brow and looked down at the bed where Estelle was still pinned by One's iron grip. "Well, no matter. You can finish the job here, in front of my own eyes."
The twins looked at each other and were about to pull out their blades when a frantic, high-pitched voice sounded from the bed.
"You wouldn't dare. I have friends and family back home. If I'm not back tomorrow they'll be worried about me. They'll come looking" Estelle said all this very fast, almost as though she was dangling over the edge of a cliff and her only chance was to plead with those she would much rather send to their graves. The Merovingian approached the bed slowly, a grin spreading across his face as he read the fear in her eyes. One's eyes followed his boss' progress as he reached Estelle's immobile form. He knew better than to speak. The Merovingian reached down and ran his finger along her cheek causing Estelle to recoil in horror and revulsion.
"How very interesting, mon cherie. 'Owever, you are incorrect. You have no family, at least, you 'ave no family since zis morning."
Estelle blanched and her eyes grew wide in panic.
"What do you mean?"
"Let us just say you need not worry about buying your nephew his second birthday gift, your brother in law, his thirty-first, or your sister, her twenty-ninth" The effect of this sentence was incredible. Bolts of terror shot through Estelle's veins and she reacted. She struggled against One's clutch as a fox would if it were trapped in a hunter's snare.
"Y-You killed them?"
The Merovingian smiled at the rapid response he was receiving. He chuckled, almost sadistically.
"Une point! You are catching on quick, cherie."
Estelle fell silent and she swallowed hard, determined not to show her feelings. Determined not to cry in front of him. Finally, she spoke up again, a note of fury in her tiny voice.
"You had no reason. She was never involved in anything."
The twins chanced a glance at their boss, noticing that he was quite calm about the situation. Maybe they would get out alive. Maybe, just maybe. Then the Merovingian spoke again, this time in an even softer voice
"Ah. But you see I could not leave anyone around. Non, impossible. It was easier to eliminate you all.
"Oui. Three down, one to go"
New fear awoke in Estelle as the Merovingian uttered those words. The twins looked up at their boss, each awaiting the next syllable to fall. In that split second, One loosened his grip slightly on Estelle. However, that was all it took for Estelle to snatch her chance. Leaping up from the bed, she made a frantic dash for the door. Upon seeing his prey making a bid for freedom, the Merovingian acted immediately.
He reached the door just before Estelle could fling herself out of the room. Grabbing her wrists, he thrust her against the wall causing several items to topple off the shelves. Despite her frantic efforts to loosen his grip on her, Estelle quickly discovered that she was again, trapped.
"I would 'ave thought zat you had learnt your lesson, cherie" he hissed in a dangerous voice. Seeing the fear in her eyes, he bent even closer to her shaking form and whispered in her ear. "Now. You 'ave no choice. You will see your family soon, cherie. Oui. Very soon."
But the fire in her heart had not yet burnt out. Still struggling against her captor, Estelle fought against her former boss. But he only tightened his grip on her, causing both her wrists to go cold and numb. "But why?" was all she could muster as the tears of repressed pain and anguish made their first appearance.
The Merovingian turned to face the twins and smirked as he held Estelle even tighter. "It is so touching ze way humans react to a zimple elimination, don't you agree you two?"
At a loss for words, the twins only nodded to show their apparent agreement.
The Merovingian turned back to his prey, staring down at her with ravenous eyes that longed for her destruction.
"You two" he called to the twins again "Lock the door".
One got up from the bed and grabbing the keys from the bedside table, he moved past where his boss and Estelle were standing and locked the door, shooting a contemptuous glance at Estelle as he went. Satisfied, the Merovingian faced Estelle yet again and in a low voice that was almost a purr he murmured into her ear.
"There is another way, mon cherie"
Estelle's damp eyes widened as this proposal was trickled into her consciousness, and yet the Merovingian did not remove his head from its current position beside her cheek. His hot breath made the hairs on the back of Estelle's neck stand on end and she shivered at the mere thought of what he may be suggesting.
Staring stubbornly forward she replied with a voice laced with malice and loathing. "You are beyond insane. I will never come back with you, never."
From beside her head came the soft reply. "Well you have one thing correct, cherie. You are not coming back with me. I was merely suggesting that you have the choice of who touches you last after this. My henchmen or me." With that, he dealt a soft kiss to Estelle's pale cheek and then released her. Backing away towards the bed as fast as she could, Estelle stared up with wide, frightened eyes at the man now advancing upon her, merciless in his contempt.
'Owever, I am not insane. Not yet. You see I have enough sanity left to know that I really do not want any more of the Croft bloodline left alive, to, shall we say, carry on the family tradition. And now my plan is perfect. Your zister is dead. Your brother-in law is dead. Your parents are dead. Even your nephew is dead. You are alone, cherie. You have no- one. No-one will remember you. So zere is no-one left to question your tragic and sad demise."
Silence reigned over the room as the Merovingian uttered what sounded, to Estelle's ears, he own death sentence. The twins knew better than to move, for if they did anything in their boss' presence, without his permission to do so, they would be at his unforgiving mercy. Having been in the Merovingian's service before, Estelle too knew the code for behaviour in his presence. She desperately searched in her mind for a way out of the situation she was now stranded in, and found none. Her eyes flew to her coat lying discarded and forgotten beside her on the bed. Before anyone could stop her, she reached out for the garment and pulled a small revolver from her inside pocket. It slim and silver, only slightly larger than a novelty lighter. However, it was real and it was most certainly more dangerous than a lighter.
Staring around the room, Estelle knew she had the upper hand. But using the gun on the twins would mean certain death. They would phase and then she would be in an even worse situation than she was now. She could turn it on their boss but then they would still kill her anyway. The slim weapon seemed to provide no way out, save one.
Blinking the last of her tears away, she finally realised her only way out of the situation. Gazing up at her tormentor and former boss, she kept her expression neutral as she uttered her final words to him.
"Yes, I will die. I do not wish to live to see the dawn of a day without anyone to love. I will die, you are correct. But I refuse to die by your diabolical hand. I have more dignity than that."
Below, in the lobby of the hotel, all the staff and guests looked up in horror as a deafening bang sounded from the floor above. Commotion broke out as the hotel staff rushed to see what had made the noise.
The twins stared, horror-struck at Estelle's lifeless body upon the bed. Blood flowed from underneath her head, staining the ivory bedcovers a poisonous crimson. At her feet lay the small silver revolver. Upon hearing the fast approaching footsteps, the Merovingian motioned to the twins to stay silent and follow him. Dashing out of the room, he first made sure that his face was arranged into a suitable shocked and horrified expression.
No sooner had he reached the landing, several of the hotel staff came rushing up the stairs.
"Zere was nothing I could do. I just gave 'er ze news about 'er zister and she just shot 'erself." He pointed frantically at the room and then kneeled down, pretending to sob. The staff rushed into the room and a few seconds later, there came various shouts and screams from inside.
"Prenez la police et une ambulance ici maintenant !"*
The twins looked on, not quite knowing what to say or do. They had killed before. They had seen many deaths before. But never had they witnessed something like this. A young male knelt down beside the Merovingian, fooled by his false tears.
"Is there anyone you would like us to call?"
The Merovingian looked up and only through their years of working for him, could the twins make out the glint of victory reflected in their boss' eyes.
"Non, merci. I will make the call myself."
"I that is your wish, monsieur. The phone is by reception."
The Merovingian got slowly to his feet and motioned again for the twins to follow.
The Merovingian turned back to face the young man.
"I suggest you stay around here. The police will want to ask you a few questions, I'm sure."
"I will stay then."
The twins knew enough about the Merovingian to know that he was never honest. Most likely he already had a car waiting to pick them up.
"How could you do this? Mon Dieu! My most loyal henchmen. You have failed me. Oh merde!" The Merovingian continued along this thread until they reached the lobby where he silenced himself. He walked straight down to the main doors and out into the Parisian night. Oblivious to the fact it was pouring with rain, the twins got into the car behind their boss, which had been indeed, waiting for them directly outside. Without a backward glance, the car sped off into the night.
Not a word was said between the twins or the Merovingian, only telepathic exchanges were made between the brothers, as they contemplated what he was going to do next,.
Finally, they reached the airport and the Merovingian suddenly spoke up again.
"When we get 'ome, there is someone I wish to discuss with you."
The twins blinked, unaware of what thread their boss was now treading. "Who?" inquired Two.
The Merovingian's lip curled upwards and he replied in an icy voice
"Let us just say that she is an easier assignment."
* = Get the police and an ambulance here now!
Again, many thanks.
Chapter 18~ Patience is a Virtue
Two's face went, if possible, even paler. With a shaking hand, he replaced the receiver and stared at it as though it was about to spring at him.
"What is it?" One asked, concerned by his brother's reaction.
"He's here" Two said in a quiet voice, still transfixed by the telephone.
"The Merovingian. He's here now".
"What?" One's face too drained of all possible colour and he bit his lip hard. So hard infact that his bottom lip began to bleed.
Upon hearing this revelation, Estelle began to struggle again and she would have succeeded, had One not come to his senses quickly. The thought that their boss was coming now made them feel almost sick with fear. He had never done this before. Never. He always let them get on with their job. Why was this time any different?
Suddenly, Two's eyes widened.
"Remember what the Merovingian said to us, before we left?"
One looked up at his twin, confusion written all over his face.
"No. What?"
"He said 'If, by the time you return, she is not dead. Well, you know what will happen'. Remember, he said he wanted the job done in one night. Not two days."
"So you're saying-"
"That must be why he has come. To do the job himself".
A ringing silence fell on the bedroom, only slightly broken by Estelle's whimpering as One still held a hand over her mouth. Suddenly, light footsteps were heard from somewhere on the staircase. Maybe a floor below. The twins instinctively stared at the door, every minute getting more and more concerned. The footsteps grew louder until they were right outside the door.
Knock, Knock!
The twins nearly jumped out of their skins. In past experiences, the Merovingian did not wait for the door to be opened. He ordinarily marched straight in to whatever room he wished, be it occupied or not. The twins exchanged worried and confused expressions and Two slowly began to make his way forward to the door.
Each step he took, reminded him that there was only a block of mahogany between him and almost certain death. Or worse. His hand reached for the brass doorknob and slowly opened the door.
For a brief moment, One and his boss just stared at each other, each one unsure of what the other was about to do. One took the opportunity as it was laid to him on a silver platter and smiled slightly at the Merovingian in an attempt to save whatever he had left of his life. He knew, once the Merovingian wanted someone dead, there was nothing they could do about it. They could run but they would be caught. They could scream but they would be silenced. No one had ever survived once he decided to kill them. No one, save one.
"Please, come in" he opened the door wider and his boss stepped over the threshold.
One looked up as they entered, hiding his fear completely as he nodded politely at his boss.
"Ah. My two loyal henchmen, good to see you. Although I can see ze plan did not go quite according to my will." The Merovingian raised a brow and looked down at the bed where Estelle was still pinned by One's iron grip. "Well, no matter. You can finish the job here, in front of my own eyes."
The twins looked at each other and were about to pull out their blades when a frantic, high-pitched voice sounded from the bed.
"You wouldn't dare. I have friends and family back home. If I'm not back tomorrow they'll be worried about me. They'll come looking" Estelle said all this very fast, almost as though she was dangling over the edge of a cliff and her only chance was to plead with those she would much rather send to their graves. The Merovingian approached the bed slowly, a grin spreading across his face as he read the fear in her eyes. One's eyes followed his boss' progress as he reached Estelle's immobile form. He knew better than to speak. The Merovingian reached down and ran his finger along her cheek causing Estelle to recoil in horror and revulsion.
"How very interesting, mon cherie. 'Owever, you are incorrect. You have no family, at least, you 'ave no family since zis morning."
Estelle blanched and her eyes grew wide in panic.
"What do you mean?"
"Let us just say you need not worry about buying your nephew his second birthday gift, your brother in law, his thirty-first, or your sister, her twenty-ninth" The effect of this sentence was incredible. Bolts of terror shot through Estelle's veins and she reacted. She struggled against One's clutch as a fox would if it were trapped in a hunter's snare.
"Y-You killed them?"
The Merovingian smiled at the rapid response he was receiving. He chuckled, almost sadistically.
"Une point! You are catching on quick, cherie."
Estelle fell silent and she swallowed hard, determined not to show her feelings. Determined not to cry in front of him. Finally, she spoke up again, a note of fury in her tiny voice.
"You had no reason. She was never involved in anything."
The twins chanced a glance at their boss, noticing that he was quite calm about the situation. Maybe they would get out alive. Maybe, just maybe. Then the Merovingian spoke again, this time in an even softer voice
"Ah. But you see I could not leave anyone around. Non, impossible. It was easier to eliminate you all.
"Oui. Three down, one to go"
New fear awoke in Estelle as the Merovingian uttered those words. The twins looked up at their boss, each awaiting the next syllable to fall. In that split second, One loosened his grip slightly on Estelle. However, that was all it took for Estelle to snatch her chance. Leaping up from the bed, she made a frantic dash for the door. Upon seeing his prey making a bid for freedom, the Merovingian acted immediately.
He reached the door just before Estelle could fling herself out of the room. Grabbing her wrists, he thrust her against the wall causing several items to topple off the shelves. Despite her frantic efforts to loosen his grip on her, Estelle quickly discovered that she was again, trapped.
"I would 'ave thought zat you had learnt your lesson, cherie" he hissed in a dangerous voice. Seeing the fear in her eyes, he bent even closer to her shaking form and whispered in her ear. "Now. You 'ave no choice. You will see your family soon, cherie. Oui. Very soon."
But the fire in her heart had not yet burnt out. Still struggling against her captor, Estelle fought against her former boss. But he only tightened his grip on her, causing both her wrists to go cold and numb. "But why?" was all she could muster as the tears of repressed pain and anguish made their first appearance.
The Merovingian turned to face the twins and smirked as he held Estelle even tighter. "It is so touching ze way humans react to a zimple elimination, don't you agree you two?"
At a loss for words, the twins only nodded to show their apparent agreement.
The Merovingian turned back to his prey, staring down at her with ravenous eyes that longed for her destruction.
"You two" he called to the twins again "Lock the door".
One got up from the bed and grabbing the keys from the bedside table, he moved past where his boss and Estelle were standing and locked the door, shooting a contemptuous glance at Estelle as he went. Satisfied, the Merovingian faced Estelle yet again and in a low voice that was almost a purr he murmured into her ear.
"There is another way, mon cherie"
Estelle's damp eyes widened as this proposal was trickled into her consciousness, and yet the Merovingian did not remove his head from its current position beside her cheek. His hot breath made the hairs on the back of Estelle's neck stand on end and she shivered at the mere thought of what he may be suggesting.
Staring stubbornly forward she replied with a voice laced with malice and loathing. "You are beyond insane. I will never come back with you, never."
From beside her head came the soft reply. "Well you have one thing correct, cherie. You are not coming back with me. I was merely suggesting that you have the choice of who touches you last after this. My henchmen or me." With that, he dealt a soft kiss to Estelle's pale cheek and then released her. Backing away towards the bed as fast as she could, Estelle stared up with wide, frightened eyes at the man now advancing upon her, merciless in his contempt.
'Owever, I am not insane. Not yet. You see I have enough sanity left to know that I really do not want any more of the Croft bloodline left alive, to, shall we say, carry on the family tradition. And now my plan is perfect. Your zister is dead. Your brother-in law is dead. Your parents are dead. Even your nephew is dead. You are alone, cherie. You have no- one. No-one will remember you. So zere is no-one left to question your tragic and sad demise."
Silence reigned over the room as the Merovingian uttered what sounded, to Estelle's ears, he own death sentence. The twins knew better than to move, for if they did anything in their boss' presence, without his permission to do so, they would be at his unforgiving mercy. Having been in the Merovingian's service before, Estelle too knew the code for behaviour in his presence. She desperately searched in her mind for a way out of the situation she was now stranded in, and found none. Her eyes flew to her coat lying discarded and forgotten beside her on the bed. Before anyone could stop her, she reached out for the garment and pulled a small revolver from her inside pocket. It slim and silver, only slightly larger than a novelty lighter. However, it was real and it was most certainly more dangerous than a lighter.
Staring around the room, Estelle knew she had the upper hand. But using the gun on the twins would mean certain death. They would phase and then she would be in an even worse situation than she was now. She could turn it on their boss but then they would still kill her anyway. The slim weapon seemed to provide no way out, save one.
Blinking the last of her tears away, she finally realised her only way out of the situation. Gazing up at her tormentor and former boss, she kept her expression neutral as she uttered her final words to him.
"Yes, I will die. I do not wish to live to see the dawn of a day without anyone to love. I will die, you are correct. But I refuse to die by your diabolical hand. I have more dignity than that."
Below, in the lobby of the hotel, all the staff and guests looked up in horror as a deafening bang sounded from the floor above. Commotion broke out as the hotel staff rushed to see what had made the noise.
The twins stared, horror-struck at Estelle's lifeless body upon the bed. Blood flowed from underneath her head, staining the ivory bedcovers a poisonous crimson. At her feet lay the small silver revolver. Upon hearing the fast approaching footsteps, the Merovingian motioned to the twins to stay silent and follow him. Dashing out of the room, he first made sure that his face was arranged into a suitable shocked and horrified expression.
No sooner had he reached the landing, several of the hotel staff came rushing up the stairs.
"Zere was nothing I could do. I just gave 'er ze news about 'er zister and she just shot 'erself." He pointed frantically at the room and then kneeled down, pretending to sob. The staff rushed into the room and a few seconds later, there came various shouts and screams from inside.
"Prenez la police et une ambulance ici maintenant !"*
The twins looked on, not quite knowing what to say or do. They had killed before. They had seen many deaths before. But never had they witnessed something like this. A young male knelt down beside the Merovingian, fooled by his false tears.
"Is there anyone you would like us to call?"
The Merovingian looked up and only through their years of working for him, could the twins make out the glint of victory reflected in their boss' eyes.
"Non, merci. I will make the call myself."
"I that is your wish, monsieur. The phone is by reception."
The Merovingian got slowly to his feet and motioned again for the twins to follow.
The Merovingian turned back to face the young man.
"I suggest you stay around here. The police will want to ask you a few questions, I'm sure."
"I will stay then."
The twins knew enough about the Merovingian to know that he was never honest. Most likely he already had a car waiting to pick them up.
"How could you do this? Mon Dieu! My most loyal henchmen. You have failed me. Oh merde!" The Merovingian continued along this thread until they reached the lobby where he silenced himself. He walked straight down to the main doors and out into the Parisian night. Oblivious to the fact it was pouring with rain, the twins got into the car behind their boss, which had been indeed, waiting for them directly outside. Without a backward glance, the car sped off into the night.
Not a word was said between the twins or the Merovingian, only telepathic exchanges were made between the brothers, as they contemplated what he was going to do next,.
Finally, they reached the airport and the Merovingian suddenly spoke up again.
"When we get 'ome, there is someone I wish to discuss with you."
The twins blinked, unaware of what thread their boss was now treading. "Who?" inquired Two.
The Merovingian's lip curled upwards and he replied in an icy voice
"Let us just say that she is an easier assignment."
* = Get the police and an ambulance here now!