
Logan and Marie decided to take a trip to Canada. To remember the first time they met.

"Nice scenery"

"Yes it is."

"I meant what's outside the car. Can't you get your mind out of the gutter for one minute?"

All of a sudden, a tree falls down, causing Logan to turn the wheel real fast. They slammed

into a ditch.

"What the... stay here, this looks familiar and I don't want you getting hurt."

"At least the vehicle isn't in danger of blowing up this time."

Wolverine gets out, and sniffs. Turning toward some bushes, his claws come out. *snikt* as a

huge form leaps out and knocks him 10 feet. Wolverine slides thru the snow, gets up groggily.

The form, which is now shown to be Sabretooth, hits wolverine with a teddy bear, with a note

attached, and runs away laughing. Leaving wolverine sitting on the ground with a puzzled look on

his face. He opens the note.

Note: "Happy anniversary shmuck. I was bored. Live with it"