Kaidoh's thoughts as he jogs.

by RubyD

Running. It was dull work at first - on second thought, it still is - but you won't let your determination be beaten by something as mundane as a little boredom. So everyday you run; before school, during practice, after practice, and whenever you can fit it in, following the routine set up for you by your teammate. Strength and stamina increasing bit by bit.

"How do you like the schedule," he asked, but not really asking in that low drawl of voice. He already knew your answer.
"Ah," you responded, not positive or negative. For him, it's good enough.

Your mind begins to wander not long into your path around the city, each road and street familiar enough that it might be possible to jog with your eyes closed. The succession of footsteps set the beat to the not-quite-song in your head. It's a good day out, a Sunday, warm, a day neither before nor after a tournament. The ground is dry from lack of rain and, if you look hard enough, you might spot your footprints from yesterday.

"What are you doing today," he asked, yet still not exactly asking.
"Running," you said, wondering where this was going.
He tilted his glasses up, adjusting. "Mind if I join you later?"

After a while, you forget about the aching in your legs. Actually, it has faded, leaving a pleasant numb sensation, allowing your body to simply move without a thought, like a well-oiled machine. Your mood has lightened from the work, though not many would be able to tell from the usual severe expression of your eyes.

You looked at him. "Che. It doesn't matter to me."
"I'll meet you halfway into your route."
"You know where I - ?"
"I know."

Turning the next corner, just half-way into your run, you've picked up a partner. You're not sure if he'd been following you for some time, or just walked out of a store when you'd passed, but he quickly comes up on your right. Soon he matches you stride for stride, and step for step, setting a nearly-harmonious pace. You give a glance and grumble a greeting, but have nothing else to add.

The both of you keep running, silent. You still haven't said a word to each other by the time your route brings you down your street, where you slow down. The thought comes to you that you should invite him in for water or rest, if he were to stop also. You open your mouth to ask, but somehow feel awkward.

"I'll keep going," he speaks up, taking you from your thoughts. He slows down just enough and gives a flash of a dark smile. "There's a new formula I'll need to test out when I get home. If it's successful, I'll bring it for practice tomorrow."

That's enough to make you cringe and slow to a walk. But he speeds up ahead of you, keeping on until he disappears down the next corner. You release a hiss of air, cooling down after the run, next to stretch some more when you get inside.

"Have a good run, Aniki?" your brother asks when you return.
"Aah," you say. "It was all right."
