Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or nothing to do with it. Just my idea's and this story.

Finding Out About Us – Chapter One

"Tea!" Mai called to the brunette across the street. "Wait up!"

Tea stopped walking and shifted her backpack to her other shoulder. "What's up Mai?" She asked when her friend caught up with her.

"I know it's a Friday night and all, but do you have any plans?" Mai asked.

Tea shook her head. "Unfortunately, no. Why?"

Mai nodded. "Good. Because I found this website where people can display the stories they write, and would you believe it, there's a whole section about all of us. So I need to use your computer."

Tea raised an eyebrow. "Come on Mai. I wasn't born yesterday."

"No, I'm really serious." Mai pleaded with her friend. "It has all kinds of stories. Some about me, Joey, Yugi, and there's lots about you." She added.

Tea judged Mai' face. "You're really are serious aren't you?"

"For the last time, YES!" Mai shouted. So can I use your computer or what?"

Tea frowned. "My computer crashed and it's still not running right. The guy's at Comp-U-Whiz said it won't be ready till next week."

Mai groaned. "Well now what?"

"Hey, I bet we could use Yugi's computer!" Tea suggested.

Mai's face suddenly lit up. "Really? Well what are you waiting for? Come on!" Mai grabbed Tea's arm and started pulling her in the direction of Mr. Mutou's game shop. A short while later the two girls stood outside the game shop.

"So who's going to ask?" Tea questioned.

"I think it should be you. I mean you've known him longer than I have. And you are one of his best friends. He'll say yes to you, I know he will." Mai gave her friend a shove towards the door.

Tea glanced back at Mai before walking in. "Well here it goes."

"Hi girls." Said Mr. Mutou as he walked in from the back room. "Are you here to see Yugi?" He asked.

Tea nodded. "That's if he's not to busy."

Mr. Motou smiled. "Just give me a minute." Then he disappeared back into the doorway behind the counter.

"Hi guys. Have you come to trade cards?" Yugi inquired.

Tea shook her head. "Sorry, not today Yugi. Actually we need to ask you a favor."

"O.K What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Could we use your computer for a couple of hours?" Tea smiled. "It's for a school project." She quickly added.

"Sure. Go on up to my room. I have to help Grandpa sort some cards for the display case. After that maybe I can give you a hand."

Mai flashed Yugi a quick smile. "Thanks. We owe you one."

*1/2 hour later in Yugi's room*

Tea put her hand over her mouth and tried to stifle the giggles. "Oh my god! That's hilarious. I wonder what the boys would think."

Mai laughed. "Joey would probably go out on a man hunt trying to find the person who wrote that."

Tea scrolled down the screen the stopped. "Here's one about you."

Mai got up from sitting on the bed. "Ooh, let me see!" Suddenly her eyes grew wide. "What! ME and JOEY?"

"Mai, Shhhh." Tea reminded her. "Do you want Yugi up here."

Mai crossed her arms. "Well, that's just gross. To think that me and Joey would...would...well just read it." She pointed at the computer screen.

"I think it's kind of cute. I mean it's just a kiss. Come on Mai, Joey's not that bad."

"Yeah, well read on." Mai pointed back at the screen. "Third paragraph down."

Tea's eyes grew wide, and then she broke into another fit of giggles. "Better you than me." Was all she could managed to say.

Rolling her eyes, Mai grabbed the mouse from Tea. "It's my turn to find a story. But you're right, me and Joey together wasn't as bad as the one about you and Yugi."

"Ugh! Don't remind me. I care about Yugi and all, but he'll like my brother."

Yugi, Joey, and Tristan all sat in Yugi's living room staring at the ceiling. "What'd you say Tea and Mai were doing again?" Asked Tristan.

"They said they needed to use my computer for homework." Yugi answered.

Joey frowned as he spoke. "Well they sound like a bunch of cackling chickens in a hen house."

Tristan shook his head and sounded worried. "I don't know about you, but my homework is never that funny. Maybe someone better check on them?"

"Would you?" Asked Yugi looking at Joey.

Joey jumped to his feet waving his arms. "No Way! I'm not going in there. If there's anything I've learned from having a sister is that when girls are acting like that you stay as far away from them as possible."

Just then a loud thump sounded on the floor above their heads and they could hear another fit of laughter. "Well someone has to go." Tristan stated gloomily. "We can't just leave them like that can we?"

This is what I've got so far. So who should go up and check on Tea and Mai? Joey? Tristan? Or should we throw Yugi into the fire?