Legends of the Slayers Knight.

Author: Jedi Knight aka Vampyr64 aka Socrates

Category: Story/Action/Adventure/Drama/Romance

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and ME own Buffy, George Lucas owns Star Wars, I own the rest of the universe. IT=S MINE I TELL YA, ALL MINE, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Summary: HmmY It=s actually a bit complicated and it would give the story away. Let=s just say that Buffy, Willow and Xander take a little tripY

Rating: PG13, to R, for violence and graphic nudity, hehe, just kidding!

Spoilers: This story takes place at the beginning of say season 2 so up till then.

Feedback: I DEMAND IT!Y. Pwease?

Authors notes: I love these little things. Okay, well I decided to change the entire approach for my Star Wars/Buffy crossover. Those of you who read the first part of A New Hope, just forget about it cause that story is gone the way of the dodo. I think this concept works much better and will hopefully be more enjoyable. Who knows, I might even finish this one!


Light flooded the darkened compartment, rousing Xander from his uneasy slumber. Residual pain from his torture made it painful to move, or even to blink his eyes, though he did so to stave off the stabbing pain of light. He shivered against the sudden coldness that hit him and pulled himself so he was sitting up. Confused, he tried to gain his bearings but was cut off as a voice rang out.

"On you feet!"

He looked up hesitantly and found himself looking at another of those men in white armor, this one with a large gun pointed right at him. "Move it!" the voice repeated and Xander quickly complied, afraid for his life.

The guard, seemingly impatient, reached out and grabbed him by the collar, bodily dragging him forward out of the compartment and to the edge of a ramp where he yanked him forward and released him, sending the young man tumbling down the ramp and crashing to the cold deck at the bottom.

As he lay there on the deck, his eyes swept the space around him, marveling at the sight. He looked to be in some sort of hanger, though it was much larger and decidedly more futuristic looking then anything he had ever seen. All around him men in white armor moved back and forth across the expanse, several vehicles that looked like spacecraft were visible, and in the air dozens of strange looking… they must have been robots, scurried around the cavernous interior. At the other side of the hanger Xander could see a large opening with a view of snow covered mountains, the edges of the opening tinted with a blue glow.

Xander spared a glance behind him and saw that he himself had just been on one of those spacecraft. If he hadn't been so frightened for his life, he would have thought this was very cool.

He struggled to his feet, his ears picking up the unmistakable sound of laughter coming from his attacker. "I don't see what's so special about you young one."

A sudden urge filled Xander's mind and he turned to make a biting remark, but someone beat him to it. "That is why you are a mere storm trooper and I am a Dark Jedi my idiotic friend."

Xander turned to find the source of the voice, and gasped. There, approaching him was a man dressed in black, finely made robes, a black cape with purple lining billowed behind him as if from some wind, though there didn't seem to be any inside the hanger.. He looked to be in his mid 30's to early 40's, with dark hair cut short and green eyes that seemed to burn an emerald fire. There shouldn't have been anything about the man particularly impressive, but just the same Xander found himself mesmerized. Behind him walked a younger man who appeared to be around Xander's age, perhaps a bit older, also dressed in dark robes, though not as finely made and without a cape, his startlingly gray hair seemed quite out of place on someone so young and his hair bobbed around, secured in the back in a ponytail style.

The two reached where he lay and the older man turned a dark look upon the, Storm Trooper, the man had called him.

"Do not ever do such a thing again, or you will know pain." The man in the cape promised, and his words seemed to have made an impact as the Trooper fumbled with a salute in reply "Y-yes sir, I'm sorry my lord. It won't happen again!"

"See that it doesn't." Then, the man turned to regard Xander himself. "As for our guest here, me and my apprentice have business to see to but it shouldn't take long. See that he is made comfortable and escort him to our chambers."

"Yes my lord."

With that, the man spared him one last curious glance, then turned and moved off across the hanger, his apprentice in tow. Xander watched them go, a strange feeling beginning to grow in the pit of his stomach.

"Alright. On your feet." the Storm Trooper grabbed him once again, though less roughly this time Xander noticed. "Careful now, don't want to make the old man angry do we?" he taunted the trooper, seeing with some satisfaction that it made the other man shiver a bit.

Seeing the situation he was in, Xander had little recourse but to follow the Storm Trooper across the hanger and into the darkened hallway, his mind settling on two questions: one, where was Buffy and Willow, and two, how the hell was he going to get out of this mess?

When Buffy thought of all the things she could have been doing, the thought of being chased through space on a starship by a bunch of other starships, was not foremost on he mind. Nevertheless, that was indeed the situation she found herself in.

She heard the tell tale roar of the incoming ships again and soon after their craft was rocked by a series of explosions.

"Do something!" she shouted at the man in the pilots chair, a 'Jedi' he had called himself, named Malkon Cross.

"I'm trying!" he replied as he yanked hard on the controls, sending the ship they were on into a hard dive. "ED" he turned to his droid co pilot designated ED-14, "We need that hyperspace equation NOW!"

"Working on it boss" the strange looking droid responded in a remarkably calm voice as its metallic fingers flew over the console, inputting the information necessary to create a hyperspace route.

"Why don't we just hit it?" Buff questioned incredulously, "Y'know, warp speed or something?"

"Warp what?" the Jedi looked at her confused.. "Look I don't know what you're talking about., but a ship can't just jump to hyperspace without the proper route planned out. Otherwise we'd run the risk of shooting right into a star or a planet or some other gravity mass! Not a good thing, trust me on that!"

"Well then tell your bucket of bolts over there to hurry the hell up or something!"

"I'm working on it." Malkon grabbed onto what looked like a joy stick, and thumbed a switch above him, bringing to life a screen in front of him. "C'mon, c'mon." he chanted as he moved the stick back and forth, trying to get the ship in his sights. "Aha!" he cried in triumph, the crosshairs lighting up as he gained a target lock. He squeezed the trigger on the joy stick and Buffy heard what sounded like a loud discharge of some kind, followed by a loud boom.

"WHOOOHOOOO!" Malkon cried in triumph. "GOT HIM!"

Through the large viewpoint in front of them Buffy could see small, twisted shards of burning metal shooting past them. Their joy was short lived however, as the ship was rocked by another series of small explosions.

"Damn!" Malkon cursed as he struggles to evade the ship that was firing on them. "They've got a lock on us.", he turned to Buffy. "You've gotta take over." he instructed, motioning to the joystick..

Buffy looked incredulously at him. "Me? Uh-uh. I'm more of a hands on girl."

Malkon rose his eyebrow at her "Look, I'm not asking you to save the day or anything alright. I just need you to buy us some time so ED can get those coordinates while I work on dodging their fire."

Buffy was still hesitant. "But-", "Look," Cross interrupted her, "We don't have tome for this okay, so just take the damn stick."

Buffy scowled in response but did as she was told. He quickly gave her a basic rundown "This is your targeting screen, that's the target reticule and that's the firing stud. Just point, and shoot. Just like playing a Holo-shooter."

"A what?"

"Forget it, just start blasting!"

The slayer bit back her reply and focused on the small screen, trying her best to line up the crosshairs with the image of the ship. She grinned when the reticule flashed, indicating a target lock, and squeezed the firing stud. A muffled cracking sound was heard and Buffy momentarily recalled from school that there was no sound in space. "Yes!" she shouted in triumph, glancing back at the screen. She blanched when the readout showed that the fighter had dodged the blast. Scowling at the screen, Buffy tightened her grip on the stick and tried again.

"Don't worry about getting a hit, just try and keep them off our tail." The Jedi told her as he pulled back on the control stick then twisted it, sending them into a corkscrew maneuver. "ED, those equations would REALLY be nice right about now."

"calculations are nearly complete." the droid intoned, its metallic digits flying across the navigation consoles control panel.

More explosions rocked the ship, sending alarms all around them screaming to life.

"Shields are failing." Malkon grimaced. "ED!"

"Got it." the droid informed, feeding the hyperspace equation into the computer.

Buffy cursed as the target she was shooting at dodged another blast. "It's about damn time!"

"Punch it!" Willow shouted, slamming her fist onto her armrest. Everyone turned and stared at her. "Uh, I mean, lets get outta here?"

"Right," Malkon turned back to his consol. "Hold on, this is gonna get bumpy!" He yanked back on the hyperspace activation throttle. Time seemed to freeze for a moment around them, the explosions outside the hull falling eerily silent. Then the world shattered around them as the stars in the view port leapt at toward them at blinding speed.

The small craft shuttered and vanished into the void of hyperspace, leaving its pursuers in the proverbial dust. With little fuel and a failed mission, the pilots of the TIE fighters had little recourse but to simply drift through space and hope that the end came quickly. After all, TIE's were cheap to manufacture and pilots even cheaper to train.

Such was the way of the empire.

Buffy clutched the armrests of her chair so tightly she was tearing the padding, her eyes screwed shut, trying to ignore the churning in her stomach. Beside her, Willow was doing much the same.

Malkon on the other hand was completely calm and at ease. "Well, that was fun."

Buffy opened one eye long enough to glare at him, quickly shutting it as caught sight of the vortex out the view port. "Fun? You call that fun? We nearly got killed!"

"The point is we didn't."

"Arghh," the slayer yelled at him. "Men!" she shared a look with Willow. "I mean I'm all for action and adventure but THAT," she gestured wildly to illustrate what had just transpired, "was plain madness."

"You don't get out much do you?" the older man questioned her, grinning slightly. Seeing that the young woman was fast losing patience, he added. "Relax. We're out of danger for now. Those ships following us aren't hyperspace capable, and the star destroyer wasn't close enough to track our exit route."

Buffy calmed down a bit at this, slowing her breathing and going pensive. The silence was broken a few minutes later by Willows soft voice "What about Xander?"

The slayers eyes snapped open and she turned to regard The Jedi. "Any ideas?"

The seasoned pilot thought for several moments, scratching his goatee. "ED, can you get me the list of freighters scheduled to land at the R'mos base in the next 36 hrs?" The droid beeped and nodded, its metal fingers tapping at the console in front of it. "Bringing up the list now."

Malkon scanned the list quickly, his eyes fixing on one particular section. He looked over at both her and Willow, his eyes lighting with a devious smile. "I have a plan."

Buffy felt a knot forming in the pit of her stomach, and she had a feeling she wasn't going to like this. Not one bit.

Oh boy.

End part 6.

Next up, Buffy, Willow and Malkon plan a rescue attempt, and Xander meets with the dark lord and his apprentice.
