A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

It is a time of great suffering and change. The once lauded order of the Jedi now find themselves outcasts, forced into hiding by the Imperial strike squads and bounty hunters intent on their complete annihilation. Those Jedi who remain are traitors to the order, seeking to gain favor with the Sith lord, Palpatine.

Palpatines favor falls on the fallen Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, now known as Darth Vader. Vader seeks to please his master by carrying out the systematic destruction of the Jedi and its order and the only ones capable of opposing the empire.

Into this strange and chaotic period three friends find themselves flung from a far off place and time. This destinies will tie into the great conflicts that lie ahead, their actions, help determine the fate of the galaxy....

Pain, extreme, intense, overwhelming pain. That's the first thing Xander felt as consciousness swam back to him, resolving the world into being before his eyes. The second the light hit them the pain intensified and he had to choke back the wave of nausea that threatened to overwhelm him. He decided to keep his eyes closed, at least for now, and the pain lessened to more acceptable levels. He attempted to move his head and was met with a similar result. In fact, it hurt to move at all, so he settled for just sitting there, wherever there was, and trying to think back to what had happened.

He recalled being on patrol with Buffy and Willow. Some huge demon had come out of nowhere, Buffy went after it but the demon was just too strong. He had tried to help, thus the overwhelming pain he was now in. There was a big fight between Buffy and the demon, then some sort of bright flash, then here…

He decided to try to open his eyes again and the result this time was more tolerable. His eyes surveyed his surroundings in confusion. It certainly didn't look like any place her had ever seen. The walls were a metallic gray, with soft white lights built into them. The air around him smelled stale, as if it had been recycled again and again, and there was a strange humming sound, like that of machinery, coming from all around. Perhaps they were on a boat out at sea.

He looked to his sides and was relieved to find the forms of his two best friends, apparently unconscious as he had been. They didn't look any worse for the wear, he observed, certainly not as bad as he felt. He found himself feeling glad that they were taken from that fight, since he didn't think there was chance in the hell mouth they could have won. Still… It looked like they weren't out of the woods yet. In fact, they seemed to be in even deeper.

"Buff… Wills" He called, shaking his friends lightly, but was rewarded with silence. Sighing, he took stock of their surroundings.

There was something about this room that puzzled him. The room they were in wasn't particularly large and it resembled a prison cell, except that there wasn't a cell door, just an open space at the front of the cell. He could see a faint glow coming from the walls at either side of the opening but wasn't really sure what that meant. Curious, he decided to check it out.

He managed to pull himself to his feet with no small amount of effort, and limped forward, toward the opening. As he neared it he began to hear strange hissing sound, coming from the opening. A thought occurred to him and he removed a quarter from his pocket, palming the coin he tossed it at the opening. As the coin hit the space between the walls, there were sparks and the coin ricocheted back toward him, landing at his feet.

Leaning down to retrieve the coin, he sighed as he saw the black singes on it. "Force field" He muttered dejectedly, recalling the star trek episodes he had watched with Willow and sometimes Buffy, where the dangerous criminals were locked up behind walls of energy.

"Now what?" He questioned, to himself as no one else who was around was conscious. He turned back to the others and started to limp back to the bench he had awoken on when he heard noise coming from outside the cell. He spun around quickly, finding that in his current state that wasn't the best idea, and saw a squad of it looked like men in white armor walking toward the cell. He couldn't be sure it was men though as every part of their bodies was covered by the strange white armor, and their heads were covered by white helmets that looked rather menacing to him. Their hands gripped guns that looked rather menacing too and at the center of the group walked a man in a brown uniform, complete with cap.

He began to back away from the cell opening, knowing that whatever was about to happen was not a good thing, and tripped on his own legs in his weakened state and tumbled to the ground. By this time the approaching group had reached the cell door. The man in brown, withdrew something from his jacket pocket and tapped something on the wall with it. The field sputtered and dissolved with a flash of blue and the men in white and the officer proceeded into the cell.

The officer took one look at Xander and said. "Take this one for now. The others are still out."

"Yes sir" The troopers responded , their voiced possessing no emotion, and two of them reached down and grabbed the injured Xander, yanking him to his feet painfully. "Ahh!" he cried out and struggled back, but his protests were ended when one of the troopers backhanded him with the butt of his weapon. His head rocked back from the blow, then slumped forward and he was silent.

Without a word the officer turned around and marched out of the cell, the troopers following with a dragging the boy's unconscious form behind them, the boys shoes clacking against the deck.

The field snapped back on and the group proceeded forward and out of the cell block, the cell door slamming shut behind them with a hiss.

Inside the cell, the figure with blonde hair moved, her head lifting slightly, her eyes struggling to focus. One word escaped her soft, red lips. "Xander?"

Then her head slumped back to the hard metal surface and all was silent in the cell once more.

In another part of the cell block, the Jedi Malkon Cross had his own problems to deal with…

End prologue