Author's Note:  Thank you for all the great reviews…You have no idea what they mean to me :-)

~~~PART II~~~~

Hunter's POV

Oh God.  My fucking head hurts…I'm hearing bells that I never thought existed.

Where the fuck am I?  What am I doing here? 

I open my eyes, but it's still as dark as it was when they were closed.  I hear myself groan in pain and I reach to pull off whatever is obscuring my view…It is then that I realize that my arms…I move my legs…and my legs, are being restrained…

Rope?  What the fuck?

Oh shit…

Randy's POV

He is stirring.  I was wondering when he was going to come back to consciousness.  Apparently slamming his head against the wall wasn't enough to keep the Game down.  But it was no big deal.  Good thing I had that chloroform on standby.

I chuckle as I remember the adventure back to the hotel room.  Oh yes, I had a helluva time dragging his soaking wet 260 pound deadweight to my rental and into an elevator.

I got a few curious stares, but there's nothing the excuse that 'he passed out drunk' can't cover.  Hell, Rob even offered to give me a hand.  I, of course, politely declined, informing him that I could take care of my own leader.

"Fuck."  I hear his hoarse groan.  I turn my attention to the bed on which I have tied him securely to the king-sized four-poster.  And damn, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to cum right now in my pants.

"That's exactly right Hunter."  I reply as I move toward the bed and settle myself comfortably along his delicious mass.

Hunter's POV

I feel all of the color in my face drain completely.  It's Randy.  Everything begins to flood back to me.  The little shit!

My breathe catches as I feel his wet tongue trace the edge of my earlobe.

His lips ghost over mine ever so slightly, as if never even there.  My heart is damn near beating out of my chest…

"Untie me you piece of shit!" I demand, finally finding my voice.  Though blinded, I know that he's smiling, no scratch that, smirking.

"Whatever you say H," he says and then I find myself blinking before a completely candle lit room.  My arms and legs are bound as I lay in the middle of gigantic bed swathed in silk sheets…and…I have never felt more humiliated in my life.

As I presumed, he is smirking.  It is a smirk that is more than oddly familiar and as he does so, he tosses the silk blindfold over his shoulder.

He is completely dressed.  I look down at myself and I am far from his state.  And much to my embarrassment, I take in the sight of my raging hard on.

How the tables have turned…

Randy's POV

I pull back from him momentarily to take in the image that is my masterpiece. 

Ya know, I was a boy scout when I was younger, and as you could probably guess, tying knots was definitely a forte of mine.

He's sneering at me, and I'm just smirking…you can't imagine the number of fantasies I've had about this.  But now, it's a reality.  Before me lies his warm and perfectly cut body…prone and vulnerable, just as I had envisioned it…but now that he is right here, I know that he is more incredible than I ever could have dreamt.

"I 've got big plans for us," I say as I pull something out from the bag I have placed at the side of the bed.  I run my fingers up and down the solid wooden handle.  As I show it to him, I could swear that I have stricken the fear of God into him.  This is too much fun…

I roll my eyes, "No, I'm not gonna sodomize you with your own sledgehammer, whaddya take me for, some freak?"  I smile at his expression.  "No, don't answer that."

Hunter's POV


At this very moment I am completely vulnerable.  And I don't like it.  I've never been vulnerable in my entire life and I have no intentions to begin.

"Randy," I say through gritted teeth, "You had better untie me this very fucking instant, otherwise I'll have you wearing your ass as a hat!"

He just laughs in my face.  "Aren't we one to make threats?"

Randy's POV

He growls animalistically at my retort.  And I know that I am completely turned on.

I smile softly at him as I move to straddle his waist.  I hear him groan in frustration and I do the same as his cock brushes against mine.

With one hand I sweep back the silky, fine strands of hair that have fallen in his face.

"Hunter," I whisper softly.  "I only want one thing from you."

He snorts incredulously and his nose flares, "And what exactly is that Orton?"

I smile at him and quirk an eyebrow.  "Simple…Just call me…'Master'."