Hi people!

12/21/2005 UPDATE: I am painfully aware of the excessively long period of time without updates.While I still have no new chapter ready, I replaced the prologue and the first two chapters with slightly rewritten versions. Those new chapters have a new feature: Kraden's Journal. At the end of the chapter, there is a small comment/explanation about a particular part of the Golden Sun universe. This serves both the purpose to explain things to people who for some reason read this without having played the games (it might happen), and in time, new concepts that I will introduce will be explained there as well. Bear with me if they contain only stuff you already knew in the first few chapters, they will get more interesting as things progress. The changes in the chapter themselves aren't major, but you might find small alterations or an addition of several sentences. I intend to work my way through the other chapters in the same manner while typing up new stuff on the side. Hopefully I'll soon be able to give you another update.

Here is the first Bonus Chapter!

Bonus Chapters will appear irregularly between normal chapters, featuring different characters than our four main heroes and concentrate on events that transpire elsewhere, possibly even in the past.

The following chapter takes place some time before the rise of the Golden Sun, on the Gondowan continent.

Mild Lemon incoming at end of chapter! People easily offended by slight sexual content are hereby warned!

Well then, enjoy the first Bonus chapter!

Bonus Chapter 1

(POV unknown)

Yellowish-brown light shone through my closed eyelids. Where am I? I opened my eyes and tried to sit up at the same time, but waves of pain suddenly assaulted every corner of my body and pushed me back towards the border of consciousness. I wasn't sure, but I thought I heard footsteps along with my name being called twice while I tried to fight away the darkness in my head.

Slowly, the pain subsided and my thoughts cleared again. Carefully, I opened my eyes again. I was lying on the floor of some sort of chamber with purple walls and ceiling. On the border of my view there was some kind of yellow glow.

"I swear, your rashness will be the end of you someday..."

The voice belonged to the woman who was bending down on me and I immediately recognized my battle partner and lifelong friend Menardi. Her distinct features were ruled by a worried frown. "You're finally awake. How do you feel?"

I grimaced as I gingerly tried to sit up again, more carefully this time. "I feel like every bloody bone in my body is broken..." I groaned when I had finally succeeded. Menardi winced. "Stupid question, actually..."

"What happened? Where are we?" I asked her.

It all came back to me then, a flood of returning memories: the fight against Isaac and his companions, the fusion with Menardi, the incredible fury and determination they fought back with...

"Wait, I remember now..." I said, a hand against my forehead, trying to stop my head from spinning. "We lost... and fell into the aerie..."

"Yes..." Menardi confirmed. "I never thought they'd be that strong... Did you see the courage of that healer girl? She surrendered her healing powers to summon that huge, ice-spewing thing that did us in..."

"Are we dead?" I asked. "I always imagined hell to be a warm and cozy place... how disappointing."

Menardi chuckled. "If this is hell, then humankind isn't really all that evil - it's really lonely here... No, I think we are in some kind of secret chamber deep inside Venus Lighthouse. You must've hit your head pretty bad, you were out so long, must've been more than two days. When I awoke, I healed you immediately."

"I still feel more dead than alive..." I muttered, holding my head. Menardi smiled wryly. "I guess I instinctively used my remaining Psynergy to heal myself while I was still out. We both owe our lives to this gem." She took out the Ply Aquamarine we had found in the Lemurian vessel ages ago, twirling it through her fingers while lost in thought.

"Saturos, there's something which I must tell you... I've been keeping this from you all this time..." She looked down, unable to keep looking at me. "I was afraid of jeopardizing both our mission and our friendship by telling you. But after this," she gestured at the opening in the ceiling, "after this, I figured I don't want to die without you knowing..." She looked straight at me again, her eyes shining with unreadable emotion, a kaleidoscope of feelings threatening to overwhelm me with its intensity. I had seen her angry, sad, amused, worried, cheerful and depressed, but all kinds of expressions couldn't prepare me for this.

"I realized just how useless it would all be if either of us died before I could tell you... I love you, Saturos."

"Wow... I... I never dared to think of you that way..." I breathed, not expecting this in the least. Fear of rejection lit up in her eyes and I quickly took both her hands into mine, hoping to reassure her as I tried to explain. "I felt that our mission was far too important... If we had messed things up, our teamwork could have been impeded, and along with that, our chance at success... My only hope was finishing this quickly, that's why I always went straight on and didn't hesitate over secondary things..."

I let out a long, relieved sigh, glad to finally get this off my chest. "The strict training we underwent supplied me with the discipline I needed to see you as my best friend and battle partner whom I trust with my life, but nothing more..." I shook my head. "It was tough as hell, though."

Menardi blinked. "You mean... you were... tempted?"

I grinned despite myself. "Oh, I was... You remember those times when I woke up in the middle of the night, face flushed and drenched in sweat?"

"The nightmares?" Menardi looked bewildered. "What does that have to do with..." She trailed off, suspicion dawning on her face. "Don't tell me..."

I grinned apologetically. "I found it somewhat harder to maintain that degree of self-control in my dreams..." I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as I recalled some of the more vivid images. "Let's just say they weren't really nightmares at all..."

"Oh Mars, and I always comforted you afterwards!" She covered her mouth with her hand, realizing what turmoil her actions must have caused within me. "I only made it ten times worse, didn't I?"

I smiled reassuringly, reclaiming her hand. "It was most considerate of you. It's my own fault I didn't allow myself to properly enjoy it..." I winked at her. "Next time will be different, though..."

Menardi smirked. "What happened to your resolve?" she asked mischievously, leaning closer.

"No seriously..." I said, putting my hands on her shoulders to keep her off me for now so I could continue looking at her. "Would you want to continue pretending? Now that you know the feeling's mutual? I for one can't."

"I completely agree." Menardi said, turning serious once more. "For all we know, we should be dead right now, but somehow we survived... We've been given a second chance, we'd be fools to throw it away..."

"They'll have deployed the reserve team by now..." I mused. "From now on, the fate of the world rests not solely in our hands anymore... I'd say we deserve a break."

"That sounds sensible to me..." Smiling, she put her arms around my neck and leaned in again. I smiled, too, pulling her close until our lips connected. A thrilling sensation went through my body as her lips softly moved against mine while I let my hands wander over her back.

Menardi however was hungering for more; the tip of her tongue brushed against the sensitive skin of my lips, gently yet determinedly requesting entrance which I readily permitted. At the same time she pressed herself forcefully against me, pinning me down on the floor. My sore body protested at the sudden assault and I couldn't help wincing. "Be gentle..." I managed to bring out, even though part of my words were muffled by her mouth.

Menardi broke the kiss to look at me, eyes blazing, a devilish grin on her face. "After all this time you've been making me wait! You've got to be kidding me! There's no way you'll get off that easily! Prepare to be devoured by an inferno of passion!"

My heart nearly leaped out of my chest when she launched herself at me again, her lips once more stifling any protest I might have uttered. The floor was only poorly cushioned by the makeshift bedding Menardi had constructed with parts of our clothes; for a short moment I feared she might accidentally knock me out, but strong hands caught my falling head and placed it gently on my cloak which served as a pillow. Pleasantly cool waves of healing power suddenly flowed through my head, relaxing both my mind and body. It did not stop until the soreness had completely faded away, leaving only a sense of peace and profound gratitude towards my partner. Pulling her down on me, I put my right arm around her neck, firmly locking her in our kiss. Meanwhile my other hand moved to to her waistline and slipped into her clothes. I darted into her knickers, swiftly sliding over the smooth curves of her bum before escaping to 'safer' territory on her back. I was immediately rewarded with a thrilled gasp followed by a sharp intake of breath, her body shuddering delightfully at the sudden touch.

Our heavy armor had long since been removed by Menardi, obviously before I even woke up. Knowing from personal experience that letting me sleep in my armor would only add to my soreness later, she had taken mercy on me and since this part of the Lighthouse actually seemed to be monster-free, she had probably seen no reason to deny herself the same convenience. As other parts of our clothing joined it on the floor around us, I briefly wondered if she might have set this up somehow. Wouldn't put it past her, she's definitely cunning enough...I grinned as I buried my face in her neck and softly bit her, prompting another excited gasp.If she has, I'll have to congratulate her later...

I looked into her eyes and felt my heart skip a beat at the raw desire that was burning within them as she nearly ripped the shirt off my chest, whereas I tried to keep her overgarments somewhat intact as I pushed them up over her shoulders. ...so that she'll still be able to look presentable, on the off-chance of her not wanting to live with me in this tower happily ever after...

When she lowered her body onto mine again, her hot flesh searing my skin immediately erased all coherent thought from my mind, leaving more room instead to concentrate on the sensations swamping my body. I was gradually losing myself within her and she, too, seemed desperate to make up for lost time. The world around us faded into the background, disappearing in a fiery haze as we united in a way I had never considered possible. Several long minutes, it was only me, Menardi and the emotions we created together, until a violent earthquake shook Venus Lighthouse for the second time, causing me to cling desperately to Menardi before my consciousness faded into a blissful stupor.

Did you like it? Please tell me your comments.

More Bonus Chapters will come up in the future, not necessarily featuring the same characters!

I wish to to remind those helpful individuals out there who leave suggestions about Djinn in their reviews that I need assistance primarily in the effects department, making up names for Djinn is the smaller part of the problem. Although the last suggestion I received is one I might actually use, I'd prefer to receive advice on what the special ability of a Djinni could be.

You would also aid me a lot if you sent some suggestions on puzzles I could employ within the new Sol Sanctum - I need about four major puzzle rooms on each path, and so far I have only three of those eight actually planned out so far. Credit will be given for anything I decide to use. Send suggestions at Quizer(at)gmx.de.

until next time
