Hiei's Split

Chapter 6

When Hiei woke in the morning, he came to find himself feeling completely refreshed and ready to take on the day with a vigor that he hadn't had in a long while. As he shook Kurama awake, his koi growled in protest. "Let me sleep some more damn it.", Kurama replied, "I'm not feeling too well.",

With that a sneeze issued from under the covers. Hiei sighed, getting up, "Well then, I'll go get us some breakfast.", Hiei said, then frowned, "Um... Kurama?",

"Yes, Hiei?", Kurama's muffled voice said.

"Nothing bad happens when you get a cold does it?", Hiei asked.

"No, except.... Sneezing, coughing, head- aches, the usual, nothing uncommon for the common cold.", Kurama said, "One more thing. Any plants that I may have in this room tend to act funny...",

End Story: For my next great story..... Um.... Through Death Love Lives, a Death- fic, but not really, HxK KxH. Will come out when my other stories are completed.