Five Days to Smile

Disclaimers: Don't own Weiss, never will. . .

Warning: Has M/M partners and some swearing. I've already done my job of warning you so beware. . .

A/N: First of all, I would really, really, really want to apologize to all of you guys out there that I have kept you waiting for the final chapter. I had a few problems as it may seem and this didn't just happen once, it happened twice!!! I swear I must be jinxed or something. Well, hopefully this chap makes it to the ok list. =) Enjoy the last chap!

//. . .//-telepathy

/. . ./-thinking

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Aya buried his tired and exhausted head into the soft silken pillow all the while ignoring the sound of the morning calling to him. He usually wakes up at the crack of dawn but now he was too worn-out to care. Last night he felt that that the world could go to hell as long as he felt heaven in the German's arms.

Allowing himself to relax a bit, he stretched his long tired out limbs, he twisted so that he know faced the part of the bed which the older redhead was occupying. . .rather, was supposed to be. . .

He partly cracked open an eye to see the empty and untouched surface of the bedspread. After which he got up and scanned the room slowly, his mind all the while refusing to believe that Schuldich could just get up and leave him after last night.

/Maybe he just went out for a while. . ./ he thought to himself as he started to slide off the bed. As he planted his feet firmly on the carpeted floor, his cellular phone rang its tune catching the redhead's attention towards the knapsack at the corner of the room.

Making his way towards the insisted sound, he took a mental note to change his ring tone when he had the time. Hearing 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' in the middle of June wasn't exactly that catchy, especially when you hear it in the early morning in full blast just makes you want to flush it down the toilet.

His face already holding a sour expression as he answered the phone, he greatly regretted not going with his first decision of clogging the toilet with it. One thing he hated more hearing in the morning than his loud 'Reindeer' song in full volume, was Yoji's voice screaming into his ear in full volume.

"Ohayou Aya!" Were the first two words that greeted him this fine and beautiful morning.

/Great, there goes my day. . ./

"Hey look, I know that you must fell like shit at the moment but I just want to tell you that the mission's over. We rendezvous at the Koneko where Kritiker agents are already waiting for the disc. Yo, I gotta run. Omi's got me doing a delivery now and I need to get going or the kid might blow. See ya!" and with out waiting for a reply, which Aya wasn't going to give anyway, Yoji hung up.

Narrowing a pair of amethyst orbs, he clicked his phone off and carefully started to gather his scattered clothes on the floor, all the while rage was consuming him.

/How dare he. . . / he thought as he freshened up and dressed in new clothes.

/How dare he do this to me?! That son of a BITCH!/ he grabbed his bag that was left there by the German as he headed for the door. /I swear to god, when I find him, I am going to make him wish he was never born!/

Slamming the door behind him and ignoring a startled yelp from the housemaid cleaning the cabin, he made his way towards the front desk and inquired when the redhead had left.

"Oh," the manager said in his aristocratic tone. "He left just last night. He said he'd take care of the bill so you need not worry." His wide smile made the redhead want to punch him square in the face. "As a matter of fact, he left this when he checked out." Pulling from a drawer behind his desk, the man pulled out a set of keys which Aya knew all too well. "He said to give it to you when you are to leave. Your parking number is 303 B1." Placing it in the redhead's hand, he bowed and went to tend other clients. "Thanks." He muttered softly and made his way to the parking lot.

As he reached his assigned slot, he opened the door to his Porsche, threw the duffle bag into the back and inserted the key into the ignition. Turning the engine on, he lay back for a few moments, and closed his eyes as he lat the air conditioning of his car envelope him. After giving a sigh and placing both hands on the steering wheel, and making sure that he was relaxed enough to drive, he heard a soft tap to his left. Looking out, he saw the maid that was cleaning the cabin a while ago standing beside him. He stared in curiosity at the woman as he rolled down his side window.

"Um,' she said nervously as she reached out her hand. "You left this in the room and I saw it while I was cleaning. I thought it might be of some importance that is why I came after you." Aya looked down at the object in her hand and was thanked the gods that he didn't leave just yet.

"Arigatou. . ." he said as he reached out his own hand and took the disc attached with a letter and placed it on his passenger seat.

"No problem." She said and she hurried back of to work.

Blinking a few times at his at his own absentmindedness as to how he could overlook the fact that he needed to return to the Koneko and give the disc, he rolled his window back up and started to drive back to town.


After a long journey of grueling traffic, he finally made his way back to the store where he saw the youngest member of the group opening up shop. As he parked it on the sidewalk and opened the window, he was greeted by Omi in his regular cheerful voice.

"Good morning Aya." He said as he stood beside the white car. "How did your mission go?"

/Always as optimistic as ever, eh?/

"Fine, Omi, can you do me a favor."

"Sure Aya, what is it?"

"I need you to give this to Manx if she comes by and asks for it." Forgetting to take off the letter, he reached out and gave the chestnut haired assassin the disc.

"Um, Aya, I think this is for you." He said as he caught a glimpse of whom the letter is addressed to.

"Ah." Aya said as he took back the note from the young hacker. As he was about to leave, Omi stopped him from doing so.

"What will I say to Manx when she as asks me where you are? I am taking a guess that she would want you to give her the disc personally."

"Tell her I have something else to do." And he sped off without waiting for his reply.

"Ne, isn't that Aya's car?" Ken asked as he walked out of the shop carrying a pot of plant and placing it on the sidewalk.

Omi only nodded in response.

"Where is he going in such a hurry? It's not like him to leave on a work day. Maybe Yoji's rubbing off on him." He said as he scratched his head in curiosity.

"I don't know about Yoji rubbing off on him, but I know that Aya has his reasons." Omi said as he pushed the soccer player inside to do some more work.

/I just hope you know what your doing, Aya./


"Why the sullen look Schuldich?" Crawford asked as he took a seat beside his comrade who was staying unusually quiet and staring out the huge windows facing the airstrip. "It's not like you to be so hung up on a lover." That earned him a soft chuckle, but nothing more. He just continued to stare directly outside. He was vaguely able to hear a sermon Crawford was making to the rest of the team when they arrived, but tuned his mind to other matters.

It had hurt when he felt the strong anger inside the younger redhead's heart after finding him gone. He didn't want to leave, he just had to. His own heart felt like it was about to break into a million pieces when the katana master's emotions washed over him. He just wanted to die. He could never bring himself to hurt the man. He would shoot himself if that ever happened. But duty had won over last night. They needed to finish their final mission for all of them to be free from Esset's hold forever. Unfortunately, he was not handling the situation as well as he had thought he would. He was already missing his red haired kitten and the thoughts of last night weren't helping matters.

Giving a sigh as he saw one of the many other airplanes he had saw over the hour take off and the realization of his plane to Germany leaving in a few minutes was leaving him in a more depressing mood.

"Still thinking about the Abyssinian?" he heard the cool voice of the American behind him.

"Ah," he said as he turned to look at his teammate. They had been through a lot, he and Crawford. Nights of where they killed for a living, bathing their victims in their own blood, nights of planning their final mission to escape from Esset. Nights often are spent in each other's arms. True he had Crawford as one of his many lovers, but he was far different from his kitten. Crawford could be sweet if he wanted to, but he had a certain image to protect. Sometimes at late nights, Schuldich would just find himself alone in their room because Brad had to work late. With Aya, it seemed like a different story. He was much like Crawford in a way, but if you're able to dig deeper into his being you would be able to see the true Aya. A man who is looking for a life with out suffering and a life filled with love. Crawford wasn't like that. He may care for Schuldich, but over all, to the American, he was just a simple fuck toy, a man whom he can control. Aya showed a different side. He was submissive and trusting. He could feel the man's heart. He was giving himself fully to the German. No questions asked. And now he threw it all away for the sake of freedom.

/You are an idiot you know that Schu? You. Are. An. Idiot./

"Don't worry too much about it." Crawford's voice snapped him out of his reverie. "We're free. Shouldn't you at least show some happiness?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It's not like it's the end of the world or something, right?" The telepath said with a smile, trying to boost his uneasiness rather than Crawford's

"That's good to hear." The pre-cog said as he reached out a hand to cup the German's face, tilting it so as jade eyes looked straight into his golden ones. "I never want to see you sad Schuldich, you know that. Nagi's staying here to finish his education and Farfarello's already been shanghaied off to Ireland. Won't you at least reconsider coming with me to America?"

Averting his gaze, he stayed silent for a few minutes before answering.

"I already told you that we're over, right? I'm no longer yours. I don't belong with you or in America."

"Hmm, you're right." The American said as he stood up. "But are you sure being alone in Germany is?" He threw a glance over his shoulder before leaving the confused German alone.


He entered the bedroom that he had shared with the man for the past four days before they went to the ski resort. It was the same as they had left it two days ago. Disheveled.

He had searched everywhere for the damn foreigner and he was as tired as hell. He had tried the restaurant the first day he was here, the club where he was molested on the second, the spa that they had visited on the third, and he was too desperate that he even tried the library and park, all to no avail. He had spent his day searching all over the place for the telepath and he was now too worn out to even try to remember how he was going to kill the bastard when he found him.

Giving a loud sigh, he allowed himself to plop down unceremoniously onto the bed. He lay there for a few moments before taking off his coat and throwing it deftly to the floor. He later figured that he shouldn't have. The cool air around him was dancing along his skin, making him shiver slightly. He decided to wrap himself in the blankets, as he imagined the German's warmth around him, but that was not enough to relax a feeling creeping out from inside of him. A feeling he once felt after his imouto got hit and he soon learned to get rid off when he joined Weiss . . . fear. He tugged at the bedspread to gain the most heat, but it was not able to penetrate into what felt the coldest most. He knew that this couldn't last, no matter how long he hoped it to be. True, he wanted to kill the telepath for the last five days, but as it seemed, emotions were just a cover up for the truth that he liked him. Deep down, he knew what he truly felt for the man, but couldn't bring himself up to it because of the fact that they were enemies to begin with. Nevertheless, he found himself falling in love with the person he vowed to hate for all eternity. He was the one that took his sister from him, shouldn't he, Aya, at least feel some sort of just retribution to the man? Hell, he hadn't expected his ideals of him to turn around just because of one night either. He closed his eyes as he wrapped his tired arms around a soft pillow that once held the older assassin's head at night. He could breathe the man's scent from the cushion. It smelled just like the smell that drew him to the German in the first place along with the warmth he had longed all his life.

He slowly opened his eyes as he remembered that he had not been able to read the letter the older redhead had given him along with the disc in his haste to finish his own mission of seek and destroy. Reaching into his jeans pocket where he had stuffed it earlier, he lifted the note up to his weary face and started to read.


I am so sorry for having to leave you, but something important came up. I cannot tell you for I fear it might only endanger you. I am also sorry to say that we can no longer see each other after tonight. It breaks my heart to have to leave you but I am doing this because I know you deserve someone better than me. Someone who will take care of you better than I ever can. I only hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Maybe, if we had not met as enemies before we would have a better chance now. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I hope that you will be able to lead a good life from here on out. I give you my regards and I only wish the best for you.

I will love you always kitten.

Yours truly,

Unconsciously, after he read the letter, tears began to well up in his eyes and he could not stop them from coming out. He tried to blink them back but the realization of Schuldich being far away from him was too much to bear. Crushing the note in one hand, he clutched desperately to the silken pillow, burying his head deep into it. If he died of suffocation, so be it. He had only realized that the German had meant so much to him even if it was only for five days that they had been together. And he had let him slip away just like that. He didn't know what to do any longer, except to lie here and let his irritation out. Hell, he was too frustrated that he was getting delusional.

He could have sworn he felt the bed creak under another person's weight and he could just imagine the presence of the man right beside him, but he was sure it was impossible. He had already left him, why would he come back?

"Because I love you." The all too familiar nasal voice whispered into his ear, causing him to abruptly turn around and stare wide teary amethyst eyes up at compassionate and loving jade green ones. Reaching a hand out to cup the crying assassin's face, Schuldich used a thumb to wipe away a tear forming in one of his eyes, a smile that was far from his usual smirk was on his lips as he leaned closer towards Aya. The other arm was slowly moving to the younger redhead's waist and brought the shivering form closer. Before their bodies could come closer, Aya flung both arms out and around the neck of the man before him, holding the half-startled, half pleased German in a tight embrace.

"Miss me that much huh?" Schuldich said as he brought the smaller frame closer. Aya was currently at a loss of words as he sobbed in the embrace. He couldn't believe that Schuldich could, would and had come back to him.

"You better believe it kitten, cause I'm here to stay." That earned the telepath a soft laugh from the small man.

"Stay the hell out of my mind Schu." He said in a warning tone, but not with his usual iciness.

Chuckling softly, the telepath replied softly into his ear as the katana master calmed down. "You know, you still owe me a dance."

Looking up into the Schwartz assassin's eyes, he tilted his head sideways and raised an eyebrow, questioning.

A wide smile appeared on his face as he hurriedly dragged a reluctant kitten off the bed and into the living room where the stereo system was placed. Shoving a CD into the player, he brought the redhead into his arms and both started to sway with the music, rather, Schuldich was using his hands to bring Aya along with the music. The younger redhead gave an exasperated sigh as he leaned his head into the crook of Schuldich's shoulder and allowed himself to be captured by the beat of the music softly playing. It was calming and wonderful to be in the arms of the one you love. Knowing deep down that the telepath was now here for him and would never leave, he snaked both arms around the German's neck once again, closed his eyes and for the very first time after his sister's accident, he smiled.

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I'm done? Woah. . . sorry again for taking too long on this chapter. Firstly, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Jade, who still doesn't want to tell me her penname, and who's apparently is celebrating her birthday soon. =), secondly, to all that reviewed, thank you for your insights on my story, and please continue to state what you think. Well, gotta go. Still have to stuff the two love birds back there in a love game. See ya!=)

-Gunning Angel-