A/N: This takes plac 4 years after the gang leaves for New York. Angela, Cory, Shawn and Topanga are 24.

Dilemma: In the episode "And then there was shawn", Jack says that he is older than Eric. But...in the episode (I think) "Boy Meets Real World", Eric says he's 4 months older than Jack. Which is wierd...because Eric is about 3 years older than cory, but Jack is supposedly only a year older than shawn. So Shawn has to be 2 years older than cory. Someone explain...please.

"One in a million"

By G.H.

Shawn P. Hunter, international affairs manager of GamiCorp, sat at his desk on the 34th floor of the Timeware building in New York City. On the wall to his left hung his numerous awards and licenses, all forming a circle to frame his diploma from NYU. The wall to his right was textured glass, and through it he could see the mangled outline of his secretary, Mr. Lempke, trying to calm a ranting and raving customer. Behind him was an expansive (A/N: Yes, 'expansive') window that spread the entired length of the room. Shawn turned around in his chair to watch the citizens of New York City work and play.

Somewhere down there, he knew for sure, was 'Topanga's cafe' , which was doing very well after 3 years in business. Cory was down there to, working with the criminals and convicts that his Police Officer brother Eric would bring in occaisionally. Cory was the director of Prisoner Recreation at one of the New York prisons. He looked over what the prisoners got to do for Sports and Activities.

There were three people he knew he couldn't see, though. Rachel was still with the Peace Corps, and was stationed in a poor Tropical island nation helping the people. Jack had moved on the the Navy and was now a Lieutenant, travelling on the ship 'The Sierra'. He had met a girl during his time on the ship, and they were going to be married in a few months. And then there was angela. Shawn hadn't seen her lovely face in 4 years. She had decided to stay in Europe with her father, because she liked the culture. Shawn and her had managed to keep in contact for about a year and a half, then her letters dwindled and finally stopped. He still loved her.

Shawn looked at the clock on his desk, it read 12:30. Lunch break. He opened his door and walked out, mumbling a quick goodbye to Mr. Lempke. He walked up to the marble plated elevators and stepped off the red velvet carpet when the gold-plated doors opened. He gave a nod to another passenger in the elevator. she was a short blonde woman who looked very ansy. Perhaps she was one of the new students for the work-study program in the Local affairs department? Shawn smiled to himself as he remembered he and Cory's days in the work-study program.

As a matter of fact, that was how Shawn had gotten so far in his career as fast as he did. the man he temporarily worked for all those years ago had gave him a recommendation to GamiCorp. GamiCorp was a major company that was relativley unknown, because it produced many other smaller names to market it's products, Like 'CDhouse' burners and players, or 'Home-Maker's' Kitchen products.

Shawn's job was to make sure that all of the shipments got to foreign countries without a hitch, and that there were no complaints. This, of course, meant that he got to travel a lot. And because of that, he hadn't yet gotten the chance to settle down and have children. All of the women he had ever dated had left him because he never got enough time to spend with them. He was okay with it though, because he actually enjoyed being a bachelor. There were so many less restrictions. Who would've though shawn hunter, labled 'Trailer Trash' most of his life, would end up in the greatest City in the world, pulling down 250 grand a year? Certainly not him.

He made his way through the crowds on the sidewalks, and he could have sworn he saw Eric chasing a couple of poodles down the sidewalk. Shawn shrugged to himself and opened the door to the cafe, and was hit by the smells of exotic and familiar coffees. At the counter was Topanga, working right with her employees, serving coffee and other lunch items to the hungry customers. He got in line and smiled to her.

"I'll have a double espresso, Mrs. Matthews." He said to her with a grin.

"Of course, Mr. Hunter." She smiled back at him.

Topanga called his order back and Shawn waited at the counter as his drink was being prepared.

"Topanga, where's Cor at? Normally he's here at 12:45...don't tell me he accidenatlly let another prisoner escape...You know, the axe murderer?" He softly laughed when he heard the frightened 'Eep' from the person behind him.

"No, and cut it out Shawn, you're scaring my Customers. Supposedly there was a really big fight in the basketball courts at the prison, so all of the employees had to stay back at get it all settled. New rules, ya know?"

Shawn nodded and told her goodbye as she handed him her latte.

"And Topanga.." He called to her from the door.


"You know Cory and you are welcome at my apartment any time, right?"

"We know, it's just that we're so busy."

"It's okay. Trust me, I understand. Just...call me when you guys are free, okay?"


"See ya later, tell Cory I said Hey."


He left the small cafe and retraced the familiar route back to the TimeWare building. Shawn got back into the Gold-plated elevator and walked the well-known path through halls and rooms to get to the East side of the Building, where his office was. He passed by the nervous girl again, and he was right, she carried a nametag around her neck identifying her as 'Ella Meeker', a visitor to the company.

"Hunter! H-Hunter!" A voice behind him called.

"What is it, Lempke?" Shawn, irritated, said as he turned around slowly to face his fidgity secretary.

"I...I...figured you'd w-want to k-know"

"Know what?"

"You're b-being sent to En-Engl-England."



"Great. I'm heading back to the office, okay? Be back by 1:30."


Shawn swiftly turned back around and opened the door to his office, walked past the pictures of his him and friends hanging on the wall. There was one that was slightly bigger than all the others. It hung a little towards the top and it was a picture of Rachael, Cory, Eric, Topanga, Angela, and Him taken atMyrtle Beach during the Summer of his Junior Year in College. Shawn just then realsied how short he looked compared to Rachel. He smiled a little bit and headed back to his office to call of the inviation to Cory and Topanga. On his desk was a long note on the details of this trip. Apparently a chain of stores in England was getting pissy because there were holes in some of the clothes. Shawn would have to go over there and try to convince them that another shipment would be there soon and tha t they would be fully compensated for their losses. He sighed and got back to work on the case of the disgruntled Australians who itched because of some of the silk clothing.

The next Morning....

Shawn dropped off his luggage and coarded the 747 plane to Liverpool, England. He went through the security precautions speedily and was on the plane a few minutes before take-off. He found his seat in first-class, and a few moments later watched the ground slowly become a distant object barely visible through the clouds. Resting on the absurdley comfortable leather seats, Shawn fell asleep, and for 6 hours his dreams were filled with the memories of love lost. Angela. He dreamt of the time they first met, in his Senior year. She had asked him for directions to Mr. Feeny's class, and he had felt an immediate attraction to her. Then there was their first kiss in. He could still smell the perfume she wore that night. Then...a bad memory. Their break-up. It seemed like forever as he played over the memories of she and him fighting, while they loved eachother all along.

How could he have been so stupid? Not to see that Angela loved him the entire time? they had finally confessed to eachother, but then Angela was taken away. He didn't even get to propose. He had tried to convince himself that it was for the better, that she needed some time with her father. But Shawn wanted her to spend time with him. He knew he was being selfish, but she was just the kind of person that you simply couldn't spend enough time around. The good memories came back. what he wouldn't give to be back with her again.

What seemed like only five minutes later, a flight attendant shook his shoulder trying to wake him up. Shawn raised himself in his seat and looked out the window into the blackness of Liverpool at night.

"The forecast calls for it to keep raining for a few more hours, sir. I'd advise you to use an umbrella. If you don't have one there will be some in the airport."

"No, I'm fine..."

Shawn was still not fully woken up when he staggered out of the passenger tunnel, still quite half-asleep. What did the directions say? To get your own cab? He could do that. What suprised him most was that there actually were cabs in britian. He'd always assumed they just used those double-decker busses.

He walked into town for a while, admiring the atmosphere. He looked down at his watch and it told him that it was time to get to his hotel, check-in, and sleep some more. He caught sight of some cabs up ahead and he ran through the crowd to get one. The rain was starting to get heavier now.

Just as he reached towards the door handle, his hand ran into another one.

"Oh, sorry." He said to the woman, for the sheer sake of being polite.

"don't worry. It's fine. Share a cab?" From what he could see, she had a very pretty face.

Afterall, what kind of man would turn down a cab ride with a pretty girl?

The car drove for a few minutes while no one said anything, except for the driver who wanted to know the destination. He told his and watched as the girl took off her hood and told her's. Shawn looked at her and did a double-take.

The face...so framiliar, The lips, he had kissed those lips, and the eyes, he had stared into those eyes before. Shawn told hismelf it wasn't possible. he told himself it couldn't be true. The chances were one in a million. but his mouth outran his brain.


The girl turned to him and her eyes got wide, and she started smiling.


A/N: I know...this has cliche written all over it. But I like S/A, so deal with it. ^.^