Disclaimer: Kimmi doesn't own anything!

Kimmi: I do! I own my life, my friends and family… AND I OWN YOU MR. DISCLAIMER!

Disclaimer: 0__o;; Oh, dear…

Kimmi: Indeed, that is the title… Just a few notes before we start… Firstly, Gemini is my Yami

Gemini: Hello!

Kimmi: And my Millenium item is the Millenium Scrunchie!

Gemini: Don't mind any insane things she says… She is a very disturbed little child!


Kimmi: Well, this seems so quiet… Where is everyone?

Gemini: I think they're coming in 3… 2…

Everyone (except Gemini & Kimmi) Comes rushing in

Gemini: HELP MEEEEEEEEEE!!! (Gets trampled by everybody except Kimmi)

Kimmi: Whoo-hoo!!!

Tea: Friends…

Gemini: You say anything about friendship…

Kimmi: And she'll burn you… Honestly, she WILL!

Gemini: Fire is my best friend… ^___^

Yugi: Oh, dear…

Kimmi: ACTIVATE THE LIGHT! (OH, DEAR light goes on)

Gemini: You love that light don't you?

Kimmi: No! I love… either Bakura… Marik… Yami… Tristan… Duke (when he comes here)… or Joey!

Bakura: Me?

Marik & Yami: Not another crazy fan…

Tristan: I told you Tea! I am loved!

Joey: Huh? 0__o

Yami Bakura: I'll rule the world! Give me your Millenium Items

Kimmi: (holding her Millenium Scrunchie) You ain't getting this!

Y Bakura: Why not?

Kimmi: Because… It won't suit you!

Gemini: Great answer…

Kimmi: -__-;;

Marik: Anyway, you won't rule the world you feeble tomb robber… I WILL!!!

Gemini: You decided yet?

Kimmi: No… My choice depends on what reviewers say…

Gemini: Yeah! That's why you peeps MUST R&R!!!

Yugi: So, what's going on now?

Joey: FOOD TIME!!!

Tristan: I agree with Joey!

Kimmi: Oh, dear… Gemini… the light…

Gemini: (turns on OH, DEAR light) I think we should keep this on… knowing you always say 'Oh, dear!'

Kimmi: It's a phase I'm going through! And I must question now how this can be funny…

Gemini: When crazy people disrupt fictional characters lives, it's always funny!

Yami: You're not necessarily disrupting our lives

Kimmi: I KNEW IT!!! No matter what I do, I'm just not good enough!

Yami: O…K…

Y Bakura: You know what you need? BLOOD, DEATH, DESTRUCTION!!!

Gemini: Umm… We're trying to keep this show clean!

Kimmi: That's why you see anonymous people cleaning the stage!

Y Bakura, Yami & Gemini: 0___o;;

Kimmi: Never mind that last comment… It's full of cheese!

Joey: (Pops in from kitchen) Who said cheese?

Tristan: (Pops in after Joey) I like cheese!

Gemini: I bet you would!

Bakura: (Bitch-slaps Gemini) NEVER GAMBLE!!!

Tea: You just bitch-slapped her?

Bakura: (Bitch-slaps Tea) You got a problem with that?

Marik, Yami, Y Bakura, Gemini, Duke, Mokuba & Seto: JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!

Kimmi: When did you three get here? (Points at Duke and Kaiba brothers)

Duke: I just used the back door!

Tea: There wasn't a back... Oof! (Gets hit by Bakura)

Kimmi: Go Bakura! Whoooooooo!!!!!!!!

Jerry Springer (Jerry): Alright, here what is the problem?

Gemini: Jerry, as much as we love ya and so on… You're really not needed here!

Jerry: Fine then! Don't come crying to me if this man cheats on ya with his sister's best friend! (Pointing at Joey)

Joey: How do ya know my sister?

Jerry: Umm… (Shifty faces & then disappears)

Seto: Whoa! Does that mean your sister's going out with Jerry?

Joey: O___O

Kimmi: Mokuba, take your brother away!

Mokuba: Okay, Kimmi! (Takes Seto away)

Kimmi: I like having power!

Gemini: We gotta stop the show soon!

Kimmi: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Fine then, Gemini, you gotta do the whole R&R though!

Gemini: Fine!

Kimmi: Fine!

Gemini: Fine!

Kimmi: Shut up and do the R&R thingy!


Gemini: Remember… If you don't R&R, Kimmi could have YOUR man! Do you want that to happen?

Audience: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Gemini: I would have thought so… Now grab your man before she does!