Now, I know I promised a couple more chapters, but I wrote this without thinking much about it, and I realized that maybe this should be the epilogue and then end it. So, you're going to have to live with it.

~Disclaimer: Me no own Yu-Gi-Oh! I've been trying to buy it on Ebay, but for some reason, I can't find it. *Seems genuinely confused*~


Yuugi slipped his hand into Yami's, his smile widening as he looked into the taller youth's eyes. Yami blushed, His deep red eyes flashing with happiness as he did so.

Despite constant putdowns and insults thrown at the young couple, they had managed to survive. Now, three years after their first kiss, they felt they had truly found happiness.

They were in college, and the atmosphere was different from that of high school. The people in high school were judgmental and popularity was the most important thing in everyone's mind. In college though, it seemed the people were more mature and sophisticated.

They no longer had to try their hardest to fit in. They learned this when their relationship was accepted without the blink of an eye.

That night, they happened to be in the same Movie Theater that they had sat in when Ryou had first seen them kiss. Coincidentally, Ryou and Bakura were there as well. It had not been as easy for the white-haired couple as it had been for Yuugi and Yami.

From the moment they were first together, Ryou had doubted their relationship. Whereas Yuugi and Yami's trust and faith in each other was all that kept them from crumbling under the weight of high school prejudice.

Ryou and Bakura had broken up and gotten back together many times, each time swearing that they would try to make the relationship last. Now, almost three years later, they were together, and once again they were trying to make it last.

They both knew it wouldn't be easy. But whoever told you love was easy, and whoever told you life was fair, lied.

Happiness doesn't come easily, especially for some people, but with strength and courage, happiness will come in time.

The End


OMG!!! OMG!!! I FINISHED something. *Does dance*

Crystal: Hikari, it's not that great. *Rolls eyes*

Junko: How would you know? You've never even written a story, and when you're as bad a writer as I am, you know that when you actually COMPLETE something, you've done a good job. Not only that, but I finished this one with only 1 OC. GO ME!!!

Crystal: Yeah, as opposed to Flames of my Eyes that has, what, 6 OCs?

Junko: There's FIVE OCs in FomE, and I couldn't help it. Anyway, BTW, thank you everyone who supported me on this one and for all of my friends who yelled at me to finally complete this, I never would have gotten this far without you. As this was my first fanfic on I feel particularly indebted to those who stuck with me even though I took a long break from it. Thank you everyone, and I encourage you to read my other fics if you enjoyed this. Though beware of multiple OCs.

Crystal: Run away while you still can!

Junko: SHUT UP! Please review! *Smiles and winks*