The Continuing Lifes of Boy Meets World

We're all probably wondering what has happened since Cory, Topanga, Eric, Jack, Rachel, etc. left for New York, and since Angela left for Europe with her father. Let's find out..

Chapter 1-A New Life They had been on the plane for hours! The excitement had welled up inside Topanga, though there was also a knot in her stomach. What if she didn't like New York? What if New York didn't like her? It was like going to a new school. You really didn't know anybody there. But Topanga was lucky. Because she did know that she had her friends. So it wasn't completely unfamiliar. Topanga sighed. She'd worry about it when she got there.

Cory smiled from behind his magazine. He could imagine Mr.Feeny. Letting his plants drink the water he provided. He could imagine Joshua-his little brother curiously looking from behind the fence. As he had once done. He could imagine his dad rushing to work..newspaper in one hand and money to buy coffee at a nearby gas station in another. He could just see his mother, Amy, drinking her coffee thoughtfully as she watched Joshua from through the window. Cory chuckled under his breath. He already missed his home. But he'd have another life in New York. And maybe after time, New York might seem like home.

Shawn could think of nothing else but Angela. What was she doing in Europe? Had she met a guy? Shawn shivered at the thought. But then straightened up. Any guy trying for Angela had to get through him first. And that wasn't going to happen. At least, he hoped not. What was he saying? Of course it wasn't going to happen! He wasn't going to let it. He loved Angela. And Angela loved him. That was that.

Eric stared over at Jack and Rachel and sniffed disapprovingly. Rachel was too good for Jack. Jack was a rat. But rat as Jack was, Jack was his best friend-and Shawn's brother so he had no choice but to "go with the flow". Eric wanted Rachel so bad that he felt like he just wanted to stand up and scream out. But he couldn't. And he knew that if he tried no sound would come out. He definitely loved Rachel. The feeling was indescribable. Eric felt that he was in a difficult position. He bestfriend was going out with the woman that he loved. And Eric could say nothing against it. He couldn't tell Jack how he really felt. But hey, maybe there were some nice single ladies in New York..Eric could look forward to that. Right?

Jack and Rachel whispered to eachother and laughed. Eric looked over a few times, and it got them thinking.Eric definitely didn't like that it was Jack with Rachel and not him. Jack always got the feeling that Eric wanted Rachel. Bad. And that he was very jealous of Jack. Even though he said he wasn't. Jack knew he was pretending. Oh yes. But Jack and Rachel were together. And if Eric didn't like that, that was just too bad. And nothing was going to change in New York. Noth-ing. Rachel knew that Eric had been acting odd lately but, why? Rachel was completely clueless. The possibilities were stacking up in her head. But her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a jolt. The plane had landed. Rachel looked out the window. There, shining brilliantly in the sun, stood New York.