Dear Readers.

As you can tell, I have taken down the chapters of As One. And I wanted to explain to all of you who have been really great to me over the years. So here goes…

I've been getting quite a lot of letters and messages about As One, and I thought I should address them more formally. Firstly I want to thank all of those who have been reading from the very beginning. I never knew so many people would actually enjoy this story line. It's flattering and very sweet of 'those of you' who sent messages and personal emails requesting an update and offering support to 'not give up.' And there were those who wrote that they actually refuse to 'let' me give up. I just wanted to thank you all so much for that.

I have therefore decided that I will continue on with this story. However, as I am much older from when I first began writing this story, I will need to start from the beginning. Meaning, I am going to rewrite the story. I began this story somewhere in middle school and looking back on it now I can see huge mistakes and plot holes, ect. To write a new chapter I need to make sure it's up to par.

I cannot promise when the chapters will be up or when I will get to it. Only that I promise I will. The rewrite will be much different from the original keeping only the major storyline, characters, and main idea of each chapter. So for those of you who've been reading from the beginning it'll be like a new read. Please be patient with me and I will be sure to get it done.

