Battousai VS Kenshin: Part Six

Author's note: Last Chapter. Hooray! Thankyou, everyone, I've never gotten so many reviews before!

Suddenly, Kenshin winced and felt his forehead. Yellow eyes dropped on Kaoru.

"I do love her. I do...I really do." Battousai said, looking directly at her.

Yahiko and Sanosuke looked around nervously.

"Uh, Kenshin?" Yahiko asked.

Battousai frowned at him.

"What?" He hissed.

Yahiko nearly shuddered at Battousai's tone.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked shakily.

Battousai glared at him. Yahiko's eyes grew the size of saucers as Battousai got up, and began to walk towards him.

Yahiko swallowed and stared at him like a deer caught in headlights.

"Nothing is wrong with me." Batousai growled, walking past the ten year old.

Kaoru couldn't take it no more. She only wanted it to end.

"Battousai, stop!" She ordered.

Battousai froze and turned around, staring at her questioningly.

For once, Kaoru felt no fear around him.

"Don't snarl at Yahiko like that, ever" She said.

Battousai squinted.

"Then he needs to learn not to ask so many annoying questions." He replied, turning away again.

Kaoru stomped her foot.

"No! Yahiko's like my brother, and I won't have you snap at him!"

Battousai turned back around and shot a death glare at her.

"Are you trying to tell me what to do? I am Battousai the Man Slayer!" He hissed again, raising his voice a tad.

Kaoru approached him.

"I don't care if you were Buda himself, I love you, Battousai, but I certainly don't care for your attitude."

Battousai looked a little hurt, but his cold sense of style quickly took over.

"No one tells me what to do. If I want to snap at the kid, then I'll snap at the kid."

Kaoru grew even more angry.

"Not around me you won't! This is why I wish you wouldn't do this Battousai transformation thing! You're not Kenshin anymore!"

She suddenly began to cry.

"You're some other person! You're Kenshin on the outside, but some raving man-slayer on the inside! I wan't Kenshin back! I'm tired of trying to decide between the two of you!" She sobbed.

Battousai finally looked deeply hurt. His eyebrows loosened, as did his muscles. His face completely shattered into heartbreak.

"So, you love the wanderer?" He mumbled.

Kaoru wiped away a few tears.

"I love you both, but I- I'm sick of it!" More tears fell from her eyes.

Battousai sighed and kneeled before her. Kaoru looked at him, as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I understand." He said quietly.

Kaoru couldn't decide if she was happy or devistated.

Battousai smiled at her, very sadly, and closed his eyes. Kenshin appeared.

"Miss Kaoru, why are you crying?"

Kaoru weakly smiled and through her arms around him. He felt nice. So warm. So comforting. So... Kenshin! SUddenly, Kaoru felt strange. She looked at Kenshin, and a pair of yellow eyes stared back at her. Kaoru just sighed and looked down. Battousai tilted her chin up and kissed her. Kaoru closed her eyes. This felt nice. Nicer than anything. When the kiss ended, Kaoru looked up to see Violet eyes again, with a speck of gold in them.

"I..." Kaoru didn't understand.

"Battousai is the man I used to be, and the lover I am today, that I am." Kenshin said, just a hint of Battousai in his voice.

Kaoru smiled.

Yahiko smiled.

Sanosuke, very confused, just shrugged and left.

The End

A/N: If you didn't get the ending, Kenshin and Battousai molded together. They're now one.