Mizu_Tenshi: This is the end. Well it was drawing to the end anyway.
Anyway, I've got my muse, Kumo, to do the roll call.
Kumo: Mizu_Tenshi would like to thank the following people for their support and for reviewing the last chapter: Othela, Chibi, evil-tala, LoneWolf77, mezurashii, knickers bickers, Squirrel of Shadows, kai-baby- girl, whisper*2*imaginary, MidnightMidlight, anomynous, Krixel, blackdranzergirl, Mistress-of-Eternal-Darkness, Identity Thief & 3D_Graveyard, Dark Ice Dragon, Alkvingiel, Syoran-lover and Wise Wolf.
"..." Speech '...' Thought *...* Implied words
Disclaimer: I don't own this anime
Chapter 11: Those unforgettable days
Kai watched the sun rise above the walls of the city basking them in a rich orange glow as he followed Boris through into a deserted park.
Everything was spinning in his head. There was something he had to do, he struggled but he could not remember why he was following the purple haired man in front of him or why he had a bad feeling in his gut.
'Maybe...I'm...sick,' Kai thought but even those words were hard to string together in his mind
Up ahead Boris had met with another man by a large oak. Kai's mind was screaming at him to do something but he didn't know what.
Boris turned and pointed at Kai, gesturing him to come.
Kai obediently walked up to Boris.
"Kai," Boris said slowly, "this is Mr Roskovi and he'll be taking you home, okay? I want you to do everything he tells you to do."
Kai nodded.
"How long will it last?" Mr Roskovi asked, ignoring Kai.
"Twelve hours, give of take," Boris shrugged. "Remember, once you get him to Roskovi inc. I get my revenge," he gestured towards Kai. "I'll teach him not to mess with me."
"Yes, yes," Mr. Roskovi waved him off impatiently before turning to Kai.
Kai looked up at the two men through hazy, half-seeing eyes. He knew this man.
"Kai," Roskovi leaned down so that their faces were on equal height. "I gave you something, a bit beast named Dreamex, where is it?"
Kai dumbly pointed to the sky.
There was a moment of silence and then he was knocked to the ground by Roskovi's fist.
Kai just sat there looking as dumb as ever and did not get up until Boris hoisted him up. There was a red mark on his right cheek where he had been hit.
Roskovi opened his mouth to snarl something but just as he did the sound of sirens drowned out his voice.
~ Bladebreakers ~
"Get up Takao!" Max vigorously shook the blue eyed boy but still he did not stir.
"Come on, we have to search for Kai!" Kenny cried but in vain.
Suddenly Rei burst into the room with such force the two conscious boys jumped back.
"Stand back everyone!" Rei ordered and marched purposefully up to the sleeping boy then, in one quick action, he tipped a bucket of icy water onto Takao.
"Ahhh!" Takao shot up, drenched from head to foot in freezing water. "What was that for?" he demanded to know.
"Don't tell me you forgot!" Kenny sighed.
"Forgotten what?" Takao blinked confused but then realisation spread across his face and he dashed out of bed like a rocket crying, "Oh crud!"
"The BBA have been informed and are searching Roskovi inc. again but let's stop by at the orphanage in case something's happened there," Max called after the navy haired boy.
~ Crossroads Orphanage ~
"No, sorry, Kai never came back," Ryo shook his head sadly.
"Hasn't he got in touch or tried to communicate with you?" Kenny asked hopefully.
"Communicate?" Ryo's eyes lit up, "the communicator! I can't believe I forgot about it!"
"Communicator?" Trish looked up at Ryo through confused eyes.
"Yeah, Kai stole it from Roskovi a while back," Ryo explained as he took the small device out of his ear.
"This is great!" Kenny exclaimed
"What's great, chief?" Takao asked, slightly confused.
"I can track down Kai with this!"
"You can?" Max looked hopeful.
"Give me a minute and I'll find him," Kenny nodded, taking out Dizzi once more and began typing furiously.
"Ah-ha!" Kenny clapped his hands in delight.
"You got him?" Rei asked doubtfully.
"What do I look like? A two-bit bit beast? Of course I've found him!" Dizzi said indignantly.
"Where?" The group crowded around Dizzi and Kenny.
Kenny turned Dizzi around for the benefit of others. "Right here," he pointed out to a part of the map.
"Well then let's tell the BBA," Rei said decisively.
"Already done," Dizzi's electronic voice declared proudly.
"Then let's go!" Takao cried impatiently.
"Wait I'm going too!" Ryo called
"Me three!" Trish piped in.
"Is that okay with Miss Berry?" Rei asked sceptically.
"Nuts to Miss Berry," Ryo balled his fists in determination. "I'm going and I don't care what she says."
"We can sneak out through da window!" Trish suggested.
"Okay," Rei nodded, "let's go!"
~ Kai ~
They stood as still as statues for a brief second before everything suddenly surged into action
Roskovi was looking around frantically for a way to escape and Boris had paled considerably but it was a little too late for either of them to run.
Two police cars pulled into the park with their sirens blazing.
They came to a stop a few meters from where Kai and Roskovi stood and two police men came got out accompanied by...
"Hey!" Takao waved as the Bladebreakes along with Trish and Ryo approached the still figures.
Roskovi growled and brought out his gun. Everyone yelled and ducked as he began firing at the police, everyone except Kai who was still zoned out.
"I'm not going down!" Mr. Roskovi yelled with that madman's fire blaring in his eyes.
"Kai, get out of there!" the Bladebreakers were screaming but Kai didn't hear them. He was miles away.
The bullets made huge dents in the cars and just narrowly missed Kenny's head. Trish was screaming somewhere behind Ryo and the cops were trying to shoot back.
In the pause between reloads the cops got their chance to fire. One bullet clipped Boris is the shoulder and he went down, another caught Mr Roskovi in the leg and he fell to his knees.
Kai watched them shooting, still not moving. He could feel it. He could feel a memory trying to emerge.
Voices swirled in his head. Some belonged to him others were half-familiar voices of people he couldn't quite remember.
'...I won't have a failure in the family...'
'...Monster! That's what you are!...
'...Boris, the day I work for you or any of your colleagues is the day you'll find me on the roof singing I believe I can fly...'
'...Ugh! I can't believe I'm stuck here with some silver-haired reject from the science fair!...'
'...Go back to your home planet...'
'...Sometimes people choose and awful path to follow. My whole life was nothing but training and discipline in the coldness...'
'...I'm sorry...'
'...Forgive me...'
'...I don't belong here, I am pitiful...'
Bullets wailed by as Kai snapped out of his daze as the police began a second round of fire.
Boris caught the sudden aware look in Kai's eyes and attempted to lunge at him but Kai dodged it easily.
Mr Roskovi stopped shooting for a second to see the commotion behind him.
There was a loud rumble in the distance and five more police cars skidded to a halt with their sirens blaring.
"We have you surrounded," the police yelled. "Put the gun down and we will ensure your safety."
It was over
~ Takao's house ~
"To Kai!"
"And to the Bladebreakers!"
"I want wine too! Trish pleaded with them, trying to pry the glass out of Ryo's hand.
Takao's room was packed with as much junk food as they could fit in. The others had to sit on his bed or stand because of all the bowls and plates of food.
"So Kai, I heard you had quite an adventure," Mr Dickinson laughed.
"Yeah and you like to hog 'em all to yourself," Ryo added with a pout.
"Well it would have all of been avoided if you didn't follow me when I tried to escape," Kai pointed out, causing Ryo to blush furiously.
"Chill, guys," Takao said, grinning idiotically. "It turned out all right in the end, didn't it?" He leapt onto his bed and struck a heroic pose. "True justice always prevails!"
"And peace 'n' love for one 'n' all!" Trish joined in, striking another heroic pose.
"Is it just me or is this team regressing in years?" Kai muttered darkly.
"They're just playing around," Mr Dickinson laughed some more.
"Well, the tournament's starting soon," Rei reminded them, taking the attention away from Takao and Trish's antics.
'And after that it's back to the orphanage,' Kai thought.
Mr Dickinson turned to look at Kai as if he had read his thoughts. "You know, my boy, you don't have to go back there if you don't want to."
Everyone turned to look at Mr Dickinson.
"What are you talking about sir?" Kenny asked politely.
"Well with Boris and Mr Roskovi behind bars I'm sure Kai has proved himself capable of looking after himself."
"But Kai's an orphan and there are laws saying that he has to stay in an orphanage until he's adopted or old enough to move out on his own," Rei protested.
"Yes, there are," Mr Dickinson agreed. "But what if he wasn't an orphan anymore?"
"What are you talking about?" Takao asked, climbing down from the bed.
"Whoa! Hang on a second!" Kenny caught on. "You're thinking of adopting Kai?!"
All eyes went from Kenny and then back to Mr Dickinson.
"I don't see what's wrong with it, I may be old but no one's too old to start a family," Mr Dickinson eyed Kai. "It's your call Kai."
"You'd do that?" Kai stared at the old man unbelievingly then shook his head. "Thanks for the offer but a family....I don't think that I..I wouldn't know how," he paused and then tried again. "I'm not a family person."
"What are talking about Kai?" Max asked. "Of course you're a family person, you have a huge family!"
"Yeah but they were all a load of bastards and - "
"Hey, I resent being called a bastard!" Takao interrupted hotly.
Kai stared at him.
"We're you're family now," Rei explained to the slate haired boy.
"Plus, now ya guys 'ave a new brother 'n' sister!" Trish indicated Ryo and herself.
"It's still your call," Mr Dickinson reminded Kai.
Kai was silent for a moment. 'I have a family,' he repeated the phrase in his head. 'Mr Dickinson is offering to adopt me...I don't know...'
He looked up into their expectant eyes. And nodded slowly.
The whole room burst out cheering.
"I can't believe you're leaving us in the orphanage but you'll write, won't you?" Ryo asked.
Kai nodded again and then a small smile pulled across his features.
Takao dropped his glass of wine, "oh my gosh! He smiled! The impossible has happened! I've gotta get a photo of this."
"Hey I want in!" Trish yelled running into the view of the camera.
"Me too!" Max yelled.
In the end everyone got into the photo and Dizzi took the picture. A perfect memory preserved on a photo and behind it, after everyone signed his or her names, in Kai's spindly writing it said;
'Those unforgettable days, for them, I live.'
Mizu_Tenshi: Wow. I can't believe it turned out like that. I planned the ending to be totally different! Omiokane from Nadesico said the last bit. Once again I'd like to thank all my reviewers. I couldn't have done anything without you guys and girls. 'Til the next time, see ya!
~ The water angel
P.S. Look out for my next fic. I'm not sure what it'll be called yet. It's about all the Bladebreakers this time. Basically, they are all having their own problems and these problems soon tear them apart. Ugh, I'm bad at summaries but if you're interested check it out.
Kumo: Mizu_Tenshi would like to thank the following people for their support and for reviewing the last chapter: Othela, Chibi, evil-tala, LoneWolf77, mezurashii, knickers bickers, Squirrel of Shadows, kai-baby- girl, whisper*2*imaginary, MidnightMidlight, anomynous, Krixel, blackdranzergirl, Mistress-of-Eternal-Darkness, Identity Thief & 3D_Graveyard, Dark Ice Dragon, Alkvingiel, Syoran-lover and Wise Wolf.
"..." Speech '...' Thought *...* Implied words
Disclaimer: I don't own this anime
Chapter 11: Those unforgettable days
Kai watched the sun rise above the walls of the city basking them in a rich orange glow as he followed Boris through into a deserted park.
Everything was spinning in his head. There was something he had to do, he struggled but he could not remember why he was following the purple haired man in front of him or why he had a bad feeling in his gut.
'Maybe...I'm...sick,' Kai thought but even those words were hard to string together in his mind
Up ahead Boris had met with another man by a large oak. Kai's mind was screaming at him to do something but he didn't know what.
Boris turned and pointed at Kai, gesturing him to come.
Kai obediently walked up to Boris.
"Kai," Boris said slowly, "this is Mr Roskovi and he'll be taking you home, okay? I want you to do everything he tells you to do."
Kai nodded.
"How long will it last?" Mr Roskovi asked, ignoring Kai.
"Twelve hours, give of take," Boris shrugged. "Remember, once you get him to Roskovi inc. I get my revenge," he gestured towards Kai. "I'll teach him not to mess with me."
"Yes, yes," Mr. Roskovi waved him off impatiently before turning to Kai.
Kai looked up at the two men through hazy, half-seeing eyes. He knew this man.
"Kai," Roskovi leaned down so that their faces were on equal height. "I gave you something, a bit beast named Dreamex, where is it?"
Kai dumbly pointed to the sky.
There was a moment of silence and then he was knocked to the ground by Roskovi's fist.
Kai just sat there looking as dumb as ever and did not get up until Boris hoisted him up. There was a red mark on his right cheek where he had been hit.
Roskovi opened his mouth to snarl something but just as he did the sound of sirens drowned out his voice.
~ Bladebreakers ~
"Get up Takao!" Max vigorously shook the blue eyed boy but still he did not stir.
"Come on, we have to search for Kai!" Kenny cried but in vain.
Suddenly Rei burst into the room with such force the two conscious boys jumped back.
"Stand back everyone!" Rei ordered and marched purposefully up to the sleeping boy then, in one quick action, he tipped a bucket of icy water onto Takao.
"Ahhh!" Takao shot up, drenched from head to foot in freezing water. "What was that for?" he demanded to know.
"Don't tell me you forgot!" Kenny sighed.
"Forgotten what?" Takao blinked confused but then realisation spread across his face and he dashed out of bed like a rocket crying, "Oh crud!"
"The BBA have been informed and are searching Roskovi inc. again but let's stop by at the orphanage in case something's happened there," Max called after the navy haired boy.
~ Crossroads Orphanage ~
"No, sorry, Kai never came back," Ryo shook his head sadly.
"Hasn't he got in touch or tried to communicate with you?" Kenny asked hopefully.
"Communicate?" Ryo's eyes lit up, "the communicator! I can't believe I forgot about it!"
"Communicator?" Trish looked up at Ryo through confused eyes.
"Yeah, Kai stole it from Roskovi a while back," Ryo explained as he took the small device out of his ear.
"This is great!" Kenny exclaimed
"What's great, chief?" Takao asked, slightly confused.
"I can track down Kai with this!"
"You can?" Max looked hopeful.
"Give me a minute and I'll find him," Kenny nodded, taking out Dizzi once more and began typing furiously.
"Ah-ha!" Kenny clapped his hands in delight.
"You got him?" Rei asked doubtfully.
"What do I look like? A two-bit bit beast? Of course I've found him!" Dizzi said indignantly.
"Where?" The group crowded around Dizzi and Kenny.
Kenny turned Dizzi around for the benefit of others. "Right here," he pointed out to a part of the map.
"Well then let's tell the BBA," Rei said decisively.
"Already done," Dizzi's electronic voice declared proudly.
"Then let's go!" Takao cried impatiently.
"Wait I'm going too!" Ryo called
"Me three!" Trish piped in.
"Is that okay with Miss Berry?" Rei asked sceptically.
"Nuts to Miss Berry," Ryo balled his fists in determination. "I'm going and I don't care what she says."
"We can sneak out through da window!" Trish suggested.
"Okay," Rei nodded, "let's go!"
~ Kai ~
They stood as still as statues for a brief second before everything suddenly surged into action
Roskovi was looking around frantically for a way to escape and Boris had paled considerably but it was a little too late for either of them to run.
Two police cars pulled into the park with their sirens blazing.
They came to a stop a few meters from where Kai and Roskovi stood and two police men came got out accompanied by...
"Hey!" Takao waved as the Bladebreakes along with Trish and Ryo approached the still figures.
Roskovi growled and brought out his gun. Everyone yelled and ducked as he began firing at the police, everyone except Kai who was still zoned out.
"I'm not going down!" Mr. Roskovi yelled with that madman's fire blaring in his eyes.
"Kai, get out of there!" the Bladebreakers were screaming but Kai didn't hear them. He was miles away.
The bullets made huge dents in the cars and just narrowly missed Kenny's head. Trish was screaming somewhere behind Ryo and the cops were trying to shoot back.
In the pause between reloads the cops got their chance to fire. One bullet clipped Boris is the shoulder and he went down, another caught Mr Roskovi in the leg and he fell to his knees.
Kai watched them shooting, still not moving. He could feel it. He could feel a memory trying to emerge.
Voices swirled in his head. Some belonged to him others were half-familiar voices of people he couldn't quite remember.
'...I won't have a failure in the family...'
'...Monster! That's what you are!...
'...Boris, the day I work for you or any of your colleagues is the day you'll find me on the roof singing I believe I can fly...'
'...Ugh! I can't believe I'm stuck here with some silver-haired reject from the science fair!...'
'...Go back to your home planet...'
'...Sometimes people choose and awful path to follow. My whole life was nothing but training and discipline in the coldness...'
'...I'm sorry...'
'...Forgive me...'
'...I don't belong here, I am pitiful...'
Bullets wailed by as Kai snapped out of his daze as the police began a second round of fire.
Boris caught the sudden aware look in Kai's eyes and attempted to lunge at him but Kai dodged it easily.
Mr Roskovi stopped shooting for a second to see the commotion behind him.
There was a loud rumble in the distance and five more police cars skidded to a halt with their sirens blaring.
"We have you surrounded," the police yelled. "Put the gun down and we will ensure your safety."
It was over
~ Takao's house ~
"To Kai!"
"And to the Bladebreakers!"
"I want wine too! Trish pleaded with them, trying to pry the glass out of Ryo's hand.
Takao's room was packed with as much junk food as they could fit in. The others had to sit on his bed or stand because of all the bowls and plates of food.
"So Kai, I heard you had quite an adventure," Mr Dickinson laughed.
"Yeah and you like to hog 'em all to yourself," Ryo added with a pout.
"Well it would have all of been avoided if you didn't follow me when I tried to escape," Kai pointed out, causing Ryo to blush furiously.
"Chill, guys," Takao said, grinning idiotically. "It turned out all right in the end, didn't it?" He leapt onto his bed and struck a heroic pose. "True justice always prevails!"
"And peace 'n' love for one 'n' all!" Trish joined in, striking another heroic pose.
"Is it just me or is this team regressing in years?" Kai muttered darkly.
"They're just playing around," Mr Dickinson laughed some more.
"Well, the tournament's starting soon," Rei reminded them, taking the attention away from Takao and Trish's antics.
'And after that it's back to the orphanage,' Kai thought.
Mr Dickinson turned to look at Kai as if he had read his thoughts. "You know, my boy, you don't have to go back there if you don't want to."
Everyone turned to look at Mr Dickinson.
"What are you talking about sir?" Kenny asked politely.
"Well with Boris and Mr Roskovi behind bars I'm sure Kai has proved himself capable of looking after himself."
"But Kai's an orphan and there are laws saying that he has to stay in an orphanage until he's adopted or old enough to move out on his own," Rei protested.
"Yes, there are," Mr Dickinson agreed. "But what if he wasn't an orphan anymore?"
"What are you talking about?" Takao asked, climbing down from the bed.
"Whoa! Hang on a second!" Kenny caught on. "You're thinking of adopting Kai?!"
All eyes went from Kenny and then back to Mr Dickinson.
"I don't see what's wrong with it, I may be old but no one's too old to start a family," Mr Dickinson eyed Kai. "It's your call Kai."
"You'd do that?" Kai stared at the old man unbelievingly then shook his head. "Thanks for the offer but a family....I don't think that I..I wouldn't know how," he paused and then tried again. "I'm not a family person."
"What are talking about Kai?" Max asked. "Of course you're a family person, you have a huge family!"
"Yeah but they were all a load of bastards and - "
"Hey, I resent being called a bastard!" Takao interrupted hotly.
Kai stared at him.
"We're you're family now," Rei explained to the slate haired boy.
"Plus, now ya guys 'ave a new brother 'n' sister!" Trish indicated Ryo and herself.
"It's still your call," Mr Dickinson reminded Kai.
Kai was silent for a moment. 'I have a family,' he repeated the phrase in his head. 'Mr Dickinson is offering to adopt me...I don't know...'
He looked up into their expectant eyes. And nodded slowly.
The whole room burst out cheering.
"I can't believe you're leaving us in the orphanage but you'll write, won't you?" Ryo asked.
Kai nodded again and then a small smile pulled across his features.
Takao dropped his glass of wine, "oh my gosh! He smiled! The impossible has happened! I've gotta get a photo of this."
"Hey I want in!" Trish yelled running into the view of the camera.
"Me too!" Max yelled.
In the end everyone got into the photo and Dizzi took the picture. A perfect memory preserved on a photo and behind it, after everyone signed his or her names, in Kai's spindly writing it said;
'Those unforgettable days, for them, I live.'
Mizu_Tenshi: Wow. I can't believe it turned out like that. I planned the ending to be totally different! Omiokane from Nadesico said the last bit. Once again I'd like to thank all my reviewers. I couldn't have done anything without you guys and girls. 'Til the next time, see ya!
~ The water angel
P.S. Look out for my next fic. I'm not sure what it'll be called yet. It's about all the Bladebreakers this time. Basically, they are all having their own problems and these problems soon tear them apart. Ugh, I'm bad at summaries but if you're interested check it out.