Chapter 11

He had no idea just how much time had passed. The seconds, minutes, hours had just ticked away, dissolving into what seemed like finally an eternity. Now he was worried. The rain outside was a blinding sheet, and the wind an angry gale, lashing out at everything in its path. He made a decision. He would go out and locate her himself. Visions of her hurt, cold, unwell, flashed in his mind. His heart froze at the very thought. Just as he leaped out of his chair, he stopped in his tracks.

A disheveled Tomoyo stood at the door. Her clothes clung to her body in wet clumps, her hair plastered over her face. She was shaking slightly. He turned pale. He was beside her in an instant. Gathering her in his arms, he proceeded up the stairs, straight to the bathroom, where he deposited her gently into the massive marble bathtub. Tomoyo drew her arms around herself, trying to keep herself warm. Eriol hurriedly filled the tub with piping hot water. Her body temperature needed to rise, and he hoped he was not too late. His greatest fear was that she might slip into hypothermic shock. He cradled her in his arms, and made soothing noises, as though she were a baby. And in a sense she was. She needed to be protected, loved and cared for just as one. She was the most precious thing to him in the world, and he would gladly pay any price to be with her.

As the minutes rolled by, his anxiety increased. He prayed for God to give her the strength that she needed. Finally, he detected a slight increase in her body temperature, and she had stopped shivering. He rubbed her arm gently, kissing her forehead as he did so. She was the very air he was breathing, she was life in itself. He cuddled her closer, her head resting against his chest. Gently he stroked her cheek with the back of his palm. When he felt that she was sufficiently warm, he tugged at her gown, the wet material proving hard to remove. Discarding it, he resumed his former position again.

They stayed together like that for a long time, neither wanting to move and break the magical spell that was binding them both together. He may have been a little far from the shore, his soul may have been weakened, but in that space and time, everything felt right. This was just how it was meant to be, he could not deny that. He loved her with all his heart, and he knew that she felt the same way too.

But at the same time, he felt this overwhelming need to express himself, tell her just how much he loved her, show her.

'Tomoyo' he began. Taking her silence, and the fact that she was still in his arms as a positive response he continued further.

'These past few months, we've been strangers by day and lovers by night. I knew it was wrong, yet it felt so right. Nevertheless, not a day has gone by without me realizing just how much I need you. I've misjudged you, for which I apologise dearly. You possess the beauty, allure, grace and dignity that no other woman can equal. And I'm willing to pay any price to make amends, except one. I cannot afford to lose you, for you're precious. I love you. Yet if you feel that your happiness lies in being distant from me, then so be it. I believe that when you say you love someone, you should care enough to give them whatever it is that they want, your own needs being inconsequential. And your contentment is my first priority. I want you to be happy.'

Tears rolled down her cheeks, escaping from beneath her closed eyelids. He hugged her closer, kissing her soft forehead once more. He could not bear to see her grieve, he felt as though his very heart was breaking.

'Tomoyo, I love you', he whispered, hoping, praying that she felt the same way. At least he had thought she did; now suddenly he wasn't so sure.

'I know', was her soft response. Stunned he looked quizzically at the ethereal face before him.

Her voice was choked with emotion. 'I love you too, that's why I came back', she voiced quietly. 'There has never been any other man for me Eriol, I have always belonged to you mind, body and soul.'

He cradled her face closer to his body. Now, everything seemed just right. Bending down, he gently captured her lips with his own, giving in to the sense of loss and longing, engulfing them both. He felt as though his heart would burst, due to the sudden surge in affection, he felt for her. Picking her up, he walked towards their bed. As he placed her lovingly in the center, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he gazed into her eyes tenderly.

She had huge eyes, which were just so expressive. He kissed her eyelids, before continuing to admire her. Her loveliness was unrivalled, the unbriddled desire burning within her unmatched by none other than his own. As their lips met once more, forgiving from within the depths of their hearts, they made love, lovers in the true sense of the word, as the wind outside stopped howling, and the moonlight shone over their glistening bodies.

This is the last chapter and I apologise for the huge delay in updating due to unavoidable circumstances. I hope that I have fulfilled my duty as a writer in giving this story a befitting ending and the readers a sense of completion.