A/N: Ok, I've been avoiding author's note's in this piece because I thought it would take away the feel of the diary. However, I'm finding they're somewhat necessary. Thanks so very much to everyone who has reviewed. I love your compliments and I love your suggestions. A special thanks to Bon Bon for suggesting that I change Molly's name to Fiona so as not to confuse readers. Also thanks to RaVeN* NYC for the Asian tips. Both of the changes have been made in the previous chapters. Also a special thanks to my beta, Katana. I'm sorry I didn't update so long after chapter fourteen I was away in Boston, the home of Abby! Also I was very upset because my beta and I had had plans to go to the Comic-con and meet Joss Wheadon and other Buffy and Angel writers and possibly Eliza Dushku, but when we got there the line was five people wide and over three miles long so we had to head home. Oh also about the comment of Xander's ability to teach math, well I had already posted that before I got a beta, and once I got Katana that was the first critique she had as well, but I think it's too late to change it now, so just realize that maybe the Academy's education is not exactly top notch. Lol. Again, thanks to all who reviewed, I know it's tempting to pass stories that do not follow the traditional themes so I greatly value the reviews that I do get, and admire your willingness to read outside the box. (sorry for the cliché.) And finally if someone could please tell me how to get italics and bold print that would be oh so helpful. Here endeth the note.

03-27-05 Dear Diary,

Nothing really interesting happened today. In fact it was kind of boring. Oh except for one thing, Angel left today and I caught Miss Summers giving him a very long juicy goodbye kiss. I have decided that my teacher is totally pimpin' it. I'll have to give her some props. I didn't know how I was going to work with Spike and not spill the beans though. But he did not need to be told, the second our class was over today and I went over to get a drink from my water bottle, I heard him tell her he didn't want to talk to her, she had Angel breath again. You know, sometimes Spike says stuff in a way that makes him look so much like a four year old so I just started laughing, and then I couldn't stop. I laughed so heard tears were rolling down my cheeks and I had to hold my stomach because it hurt so badly. Miss Summers and Spike had no clue why I was laughing and looked at me like I was crazy, fortunately it was only them though, no one else had stuck around to help me today. I'm not sure how long I laughed but I got a good ab workout and then went back to weapon training.

I had a plastic wood grain stake with a stopper on the pointy end and I was supposed to try to stake Spike with it. As you can guess this was an incredibly easy task for myself, a fifteen year old newly called slayer, against the one-hundred twenty-nine year old master vampire, NOT! I never got near him and now I have a few more bruises to compliment my black eye. Then I had to do the same thing to Miss Summers, pretending she was a vampire of course, because she claims that fighting female vampires is far different than fighting male vampires. It, of course, was equally difficult for me. O well.

On the bright side, Josh called me again tonight. We're going to try to meet tomorrow night at like ten o'clock at this under 18 club in the city. Yippee! I have to go find something to wear.


05-28-05 Dear Diary,

You know it's a good thing Miss Summers can't kill me, because if she could, I'm not entirely sure I'd be alive right now. Well all I have to say is it's not my fault rules are so strict for the newbies around here. I just wanted to go on a date, is that so wrong ?And oh boy and was it a cool date. We went to this under 18 club called 'The Life' and we danced hard core. It was awesome. But then Miss D'Summers came in. I don't know how she got in, I thought she was 19, but she did and caught me dancing with Josh. I expected her to be all cool about it though since she's usually tight like that, but of course she wasn't. She dragged me off, I mean away from him and started yelling, well talking harshly, at me. Then she took me back to her sis. All the trouble I got in was totally worth seeing Miss Summers' face. She actually looked more baffled than mad that I would sneak out after all the trouble I've already been in and all the tiring training I'm doing. Then, she exploded. Because I live on the Hell mouth, I'm just going to state that that was a metaphorical explosion.

She decided detention isn't doing the trick, so she put me on restriction. I'm now not allowed outside my room other than for classes, meals, training and my previously assigned detentions. Forget thanking her for whatever it was I was going to thank her for! I don't see what the big deal is, I'm sure she snuck out when she was younger, who doesn't? And it's not like I could have gotten hurt! Hello! Invincibility!? Well she didn't see it that way and wouldn't change her mind about my restriction. Well I try not to be a brat, but I most certainly can be. We'll see how she likes our little training sessions from now on. (Insert evil laugh) nighty-night. (Wicked grin).

~A very ticked off Abby~


Dear Diary,

Well, I showed Miss Summers today! Today I chose Demi for my sparring partner, she had no problem with it, not knowing I've had extra help in combat training. I somehow managed to break her rib, which is not hard considering she is a very, very small girl. I still say The Powers That Meddle, as Spike has started calling them, were dumb in picking such a tiny girl to be a slayer. Plus Groo had showed me this really cool new kick yesterday where you like spin on one foot and then strike out with the other, and I had wanted to try it out. I'm sure dear old Demi will be just fine, slayer healing and all that. After all, my black eye from Stacey is already gone. Well Miss Summers was mad I could tell, but she didn't day anything. I think she was tired of dealing with me, plus we were supposed to be fighting so it's not like I broke any big rule or anything. I don't think Demi is exactly going to forgive and forget though.

Well that was just the beginning. When it was time for my private training, I refused to train with her. She was livid, so for once she didn't say a word, and she just walked out, pet vampire in tow. A minute or two later Mrs. Wood came in. We didn't train much, we mostly just talked. I told her everything about Josh and Billy and the whole thing with Stacey last week and about missing my parents and sister. And about wishing that I knew if I was going to win the war and wondering about what would happen if I didn't; about wishing there were boys around here because I seem to keep falling in love with my teachers which is kind of gross if you think about it. I even told her about my, now past, crush on her husband, but assured her that it was over and that she didn't have competition, I'm sure she was extremely threatened. (Insert Spike-like smirk) She was very sympathetic about everything and told me that I should talk to Miss Summers since we don't seem to be getting along but really need to. I made it very clear that there was no chance in hell I was going to talk to Miss Summers about anything ever again, all she ever does is get me in trouble, she's not even the principal, Mr. Giles is! She said that was my decision but in her past she wished that she had talked to Buffy, Miss Summers, about things in the past because it would have saved her a lot of trouble too. Then she told me a little of her history.

As I knew she was the second slayer to be the second slayer to Miss Summers, if that makes any sort of sense. She had been kind of a wild slayer and ended up biting off more than she could chew, getting her watcher killed. She decided she would head out to California to work with the other slayer. So that's when the two met. She lied about her watcher's death, saying he was on a retreat. When the demon that killed her watcher came after her, she finally confided in Miss Summers, after a lot of trouble, and her sister slayer was able to help her through it and defeat the monster. Then Mrs. Wood kind of pulled Miss Summers into her rebellion and the two got into all sorts of trouble until Mrs. Wood accidentally killed a human. Then Miss Summers got serious again and tried to help Mrs. Wood, but Mrs. Wood didn't want her help and went over to the dark side. Then there was this whole big thing where Mrs. Wood shot Angel with a poisonous arrow to distract Miss Summers from saving the world from the mayor, Mrs. Wood's new boss, and then Miss Summers stabbed Mrs. Wood, trying to save Angel, whom she had dated and loved, which put Mrs. Wood in a coma. Mrs. Wood said there was more to the story after that but she didn't tell me. Her point was that if she had just talked to Miss Summers after killing that man, she wouldn't have been in a coma for several months. Would it be okay if I changed my mind about being happy to be called as a slayer?

My first impression was shock that one of my teachers had killed someone. Mrs. Wood surprised me by laughing when I told her that, apparently she's not the only one. Mrs. Rosenberg killed a guy who killed her girlfriend. Oh my god, Mrs. Rosenberg is a lesbian I am so getting back to that later. Mr. Giles killed a man named Ben, right before Miss Summers committed suicide to save Miss D' Summers. I can't possibly imagine how she committed suicide and yet is my fighting teacher, guidance councilor and pain in the ass, but there's so much weird new information I've gotten these last couple of weeks, I believe it. Then there's Spike, who has murdered hundreds upon hundreds of people. And Mr. Johnson murdered his best friend. I am suddenly very afraid to attend my classes. I wonder if the other students know this. If not, would it be wrong to blackmail the other teachers with the info? Yes it would, I would never do that, probably. So that's what I learned in my training today, sometimes good people kill other somewhat good people. Weird.

Okay, now back to the Miss Rosenberg being a lesbian thing. Oh my gosh! How did I miss that? I don't exactly picture myself naive, dumb yes, naive no. And does that mean she wants me because I'm a girl? Gross! No, of course it doesn't that would be like saying all my male teachers fantasize about me. So how exactly do you act around a lesbian? Okay, relax Ab, act just like you would a normal person. How is it that I'm fifteen years old and I've never dealt with this before? Maybe I've met lots of lesbians and just never realized that they were! Maybe they're everywhere! Ack, I think I need to be on Ritalin, I'm getting way to worked up for no reason. Okay there are lots of great gay women. There was the one in that movies, Frieda, and ummm, Billy Jean King I think was the tennis player's name, and umm, I love Rosie O' Donnell, and there's umm Ellen D' something, and well, I guess I can Miss Rosenberg onto the list. Okay, I won't treat her any differently, her sexuality is her business, not mine. There, now I feel better. I can't believe what a closed minded person I can be some times.

Okay, well now that I've done some spiritual growing, lol, I can.well I can't do much of anything I'm on restriction and there's no one to talk to since Kimberly is out doing something. Oh this shall be loads of fun.
