A/N: Hey all! Sorry that I haven't updated this fic... I've had some trouble with writing this part of it for some reason. Though I did leave for about a month during the summer so I wasn't able to update then. Though sometime ago I lost what I did have written thanks to someone totally restarting the computer. So... this is my final attempt at writting this chapter. Hope you all enjoy it ^_^ Oh and well I typed this up without the aid of spellcheck...so if anything is totally wrong... that's the reason.

Chapter 2: The New Girl

"It's been so many years since I last saw you, since I last heard your voice. I wonder if things will be as they were before I left... I pray that it is... I need you now more then anything else."

Walking quietly through the crowded hallways of the highschool this one girl gained more attention then one would think. She may have been a new student, but it was her condition as well as her resemblance to another that drew peoples eyes toward her small frame.

She wore the manditory school uniform which consisted of a white and dark-green sailor top and knee-length skirt that matched the top. The dark colors contrasted starkly against her pale skin that as well as her bandages. Skirting across her left eye brow were a few butterfly bandaids, only slightly covering up a long gash that looked as though it had just had its stiches removed from it. While further down on her face a small square of guaze that was taped to her right cheek hiding the injury from view. Yet, still further down was a white cast bound around her left arm from around her hand up to just below her elbow.

As she walked threw the halls she never strayed from her path, nor did she speak to anyone. She just calmly walked toward her destination. As she continued to walk the first bell rang signaling that it was time to get to class. As everyone hurried off to class, the girl still walked calmly and at the same pace. She soon came to be alone in the hall way, she stopped and came to the door of a classroom. She slid the door open, gaining the attention of the entire class. The teacher turned to look at the girl and smiled.

"You must be the new student, please come in." In saying so the girl stepped inside of the classroom and stood next to teacher.

"Everyone this is Higurashi Kagome, please make her feel welcome. Kagome you make take a seat now." The teacher said politely to the silent girl. Kagome nodded and looked to the classroom. After finding an empty seat she made her way to it and sat down.

The day slowly went buy, each class period went by as each new teacher entered the room. Yet threw all of this Kagome spoke not one word to anyone. Lunch soon came and everyone raced to door for a chance of getting out of the room. Though three people had gotten up to leave while one merely stayed seated.

"Hey, um.. kagome was it?" A female voice called out, the girl looked up to find another girl with long black hair pulled up into a high ponytail and with brown eyes standing a few feet from her desk. Kagome nodded.

"Do you want to come outside with us for lunch?" She said cheerfully. For a moment Kagome merely stared at the girl.

"You name is Sango, right?" She said, it sounding more like a statement then a question.

"Yeah." She said somewhat hesitantly. For a moment Kagome did nothing, then without saying a word she slowly stood up and grabbed her small lunch bag and began walking toward the door. Watching Kagome for a few seconds Sango then followed her.