Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha an co. Rumiko Takahashi does.

A/N: Okay all, this'll be my first InuYasha fan fic that I've thought of actually trying to finish and put on ff.net. Hopefully it'll go well. This is going to be an AU...meaning that anything I say is how it's going to be for this fic. The pairing for this will be Naraku/Kagome. I know I'm going to get flamed for this -_-()  Oh yes, and before anyone points this out to me I know the characters are OOC. But hey, it's AU. That's expected, anyways please r&r.

 §  §  §  § = Passage of time

The Innocent

Chapter 1: Two of a Kind

A gentle calm was felt sitting under a blooming sakura tree, the gentle breeze brought a slow shower of pink petals falling in a lazy fashion. Sitting silently under the great sprawling limbs of the tree was a girl of no more then five years of age. She had black hair going down to a little past her shoulders, which were clothed with a pale blue t-shirt. Her eyes were a gray-blue; large... the type of little girl that you would expect to be laughing and playing with friends in the same park in where she was. But no, she sat alone. Sitting cross-legged she stared down at her legs, her denim shorts and low-top shoes seem to be taking her interest away from everything else around her.

Walking through the silent sakura trees a young boy with long black hair could be seen. He seemed lost in thought, not what you would expect from a child of no more then seven years. After a few moments of staring down at his feet he looked up, only then noticing that he wasn't alone in this part of the park. Sitting some several yards away was a young girl; she looked younger then he...though there was something about her that reminded him of himself.

'She looks like I did after 'Kaasan died.' he thought, silently watching the girl. For a moment the wind died down and the girl looked up, gray-blue met reddish-brown.  Neither moved nor drew their eyes away, the wind picked up again showering the two in pink petals. The young boy moved slowly toward the girl keeping his eyes on her, making sure she didn't run. He came within a few feet of where the girl sat before speaking.

"What's wrong?" Simple as that, He could see that the girl was unhappy, so as for young children to do she spoke truthfully.

"They're gone." She said, her voice quivering slightly. At hearing her voice the boy sat down beside her.

"Who's gone?" He said leaning back against the trunk of the tree, waiting for her answer.

"...'Kaasan...and 'nii-chan..." Looking to her he saw that her eyes were watering, becoming slightly frantic he looked around. Lying nearby was a sakura blossom that escaped the harsh wind from tearing its petals from it. Picking it up he turned to the girl.

"Please don't cry... I know what it's like...my 'Kaasan died too." With that he handed the flower to the crying girl. Looking up at the boy she gently took the flower from him, tears sliding down her stained cheeks.

"T-thank you..." She said softly, tears still sliding down her cheeks, the boy smiled slightly.  Lifting his hand he wiped the tears from the girls cheeks.

"What's your name?" He said as he took his hand away from her face.

"Kagome.... What's yours?"


 §  §  §  §

"Naraku-chan?" A young girl called out standing amid many old sakura trees. Turning around she looked, her gray-blue eyes hoping to catch sight of her friend.

"Kagome-chan, over here." A young male voice called out to the girl. Turning she came to find a young man dressed in a pair of dark-blue jeans and white t-shirt. Naraku watched as Kagome came running up to him, she wore fairly much the same outfit as him only her shirt was a dark-green. She stopped a few feet from him a smile on her young face. He smiled back, his crimson eyes showing happiness. The two then ran off together to play as they had when they met in the same park two years before.

Sunset was close at hand when the two were called back by their fathers. Kagome turned to Naraku; a slight frown marred her face. He turned and saw her frown.

"What's wrong Kagome-chan?" Worry was evident in his voice.

"I... I'm moving soon.... to America." She said, her head hanging slightly. For some time neither said anything, then Naraku spoke up.

"How long are you going to be in America?" Kagome shrugged looking up at the older boy.

"I don't know, 'Tousan didn't say... He said I could write to you." With that she dug into her pocket and pulled out a piece of folded paper and handed it to him. Naraku took it and opened it up to find and address written in English. Looking back up at Kagome he smile, though it was touched with sadness. Seeing that Kagome burst into tears, looking somewhat startled Naraku gathered Kagome up in a tight hug.

"Please don't cry Kagome-chan." He said softly into her hair, at this Kagome held on tighter.

"You're the only person who didn't treat me different after they died." She said, not needing to say just who the 'they' were.

" I'll write to you as often as I can, okay?" He said lessening his hold on her. She looked up at him threw her tears and nodded. Before she knew what was happening she found Naraku wiping away her tears, when the last tear was gone he leaned down a bit and kissed her cheek. At this Kagome lost her hold and blushed from what he had done.

"We better go, our Otousan's will wonder what happened to us." Naraku said, a slight smile on his face, Kagome nodded and smiled.

"Good-bye Naraku-chan."

"Good-bye Kagome-chan." Turning the two children ran to their fathers calling, both remembering their time together.