Felicia: Well this is my second Naruto fic (The Clown Incident was the other one and yes I'm going to continue it), and first Naruto songfic. I hope I did an ok job with keeping them in character. I tried to.. Well, I guess go ahead and have fun reading.

Thanks to: sTaR SNiPeR for betaing and helping me this fic *huggles s.S.* and Kelsey for encouraging me a lot while I was writing it *huggles Kelsey* and to all the other people that I bothered about this fic too.

Things I use in this fic:

~ Lyrics ~


Warning: Yaoi, one-sided incest (Itachi is the one who likes Sasuke)

Disclaimer: I'm broke. So, of course I don't own anything of value like the characters from Naruto.

Forfeit the game/Before somebody else
Takes you out of the frame/Puts your name to shame
Cover up you face/You can't run the race
The pace is to fast/You just won't last

Sasuke fell to his hands and knees on the hard ground, panting. His thoughts brought him renewed strength and determination as he forced his body to get up and continue his training.

He continued training for many hours after that, until finally, his body gave out and he collapsed on the cold, hard earth beneath him. With some of the last of his strength, Sasuke pulled himself into a setting position, leaning against a near by tree. I won't give up though. not ever.

You love the way I look at you
While taking pleasure in the awful things you put me through
You take away if I give in
My life
My pride is broken

"Still weak I see. foolish little brother"

Sasuke's head snapped into the direction of the voice he had just heard. Only one, somewhat breathless reply was given by him, "Itachi."

Itachi came out from the shadows he was previously in, into the intensity of Sasuke's glare. Death and hate, that was what Itachi mainly saw in his little brother's eyes, along with the intense need for revenge. The look in Sasuke's eyes made Itachi smile. I see he's still been thinking of me. Keeping me in his mind at all times. Perfect.

"What.are you doing here.Itachi?" Sasuke demanded, thought he was still somewhat breathless from training.

You like to think you're never wrong

(You live what you've learned)

You have to act like you're someone

(You live what you've learned)

You want someone to hurt like you

(You live what you've learned)

You want to share what you've been through

(You live what you've learned)


"Is a big brother yearning to visit his little brother so wrong?"

Sasuke growled and replied, "Visit me? Don't tell me that shit!"

Itachi smiled and walked over to Sasuke so that he was now standing right in front of him, "Sasuke. I've hurt you a lot..."

Sasuke just turned his head and glared down at the ground.

"I made you constantly think of me. Didn't I?" Itachi inquired while starring directly at Sasuke's eyes.

This caused his little brother to glare up at him once again, "Don't act like you know me! You know nothing about me you fucking bastard!"

"I know more then you think, my dear little brother." Itachi replied his voice dropping with a hint of desire in it.

You love the things I say I'll do

The way I'll hurt myself again just to get back at you

You take away when I give in / my life

My pride is broken

Sasuke's glare grew fiercer as he snarled out, "The only thing you know about me is that I hate and want to kill you!"

A smile grew on Itachi's face again. "Yes Sasuke, you want to hate and kill me because I told you to. But, what do you think would've happened if I had stayed with you and told you to love me?"

Sasuke eyes widened slightly before a glare was once again fixed on his face. "No. I would still hate and want to kill you no matter what you did or said!"

You like to think you're never wrong

(You live what you've learned)

You want to act like you're someone

(You live what you've learned)

You want someone to hurt like you

(You live what you've learned)

You want to share what you've been through

(You live what you've learned)

Itachi chuckled slightly then replied, "You know Sasuke, it's bad enough you're lying to me, but you're also lying to yourself by saying that." Itachi replied running his hand along Sasuke's cheek

"I already told you, stop acting like you know me you fucking bastard! I know what I want, and that is to kill you!" Sasuke yelled jerking away from his older brother's touch with his glare never once letting up.

With a rather amused look on his face, Itachi said, "Little brother, *my* foolish little brother. You really are confused, aren't you?"

"What the hell do you mean? You're the one who is confused!" Sasuke snapped back.

"It's in you eyes. I can tell you're thinking about what would've happened if I had stayed with you and told you to love me." The older male said with a small smile dancing across his face.

Forfeit the game / Before somebody else

Takes you out of the frame / Puts your name to shame

Cover up your face / You can't run the race

The pace is too fast / You just won't last

The younger Uchiha's eyes tightly shut as he hollered, "You must be seeing things then because that is the furthest thing from my mind!"

"Then look me in the eyes."

"Why the hell should I?" Sasuke demanded as he opened his eyes slightly and looked off to the side and down at the ground.

Itachi kneeled down in front of Sasuke and placed one hand under the younger boy's chin firmly, then turned it so Sasuke would face him. "Because I said to, little brother."

Sasuke met Itachi's gaze briefly before he jerked his head away and slapped at Itachi's hand. "I don't give a rat's ass about what you say!"

You like to think you're never wrong

(You live what you've learned)

You want to act like you're someone

(You live what you've learned)

You want someone to hurt like you

(You live what you've learned)

You want to share what you've been through

(You live what you've learned)

A smirk crossed Itachi's lips. "Is that so?"

"Yes that is so!"

"Would you give a rat's ass if I told you something that I've never told anyone else?" Itachi's asked while staring predatorily at Sasuke's eyes and his breathing a little bit raspy.

Sasuke fidgeted slightly when he saw the way Itachi's eyes were starring at him. He then regained his composure and firmly stated, "No, I wouldn't!"

"Hmm." Itachi began as he rose up to his feet. "You aren't the least bit curious?"

Sasuke looked up at his older brother. "No, I'm not curious at all!"

"You're lying again." Itachi stated with a small smile.

You like to think you're never wrong / forfeit the game

(You live what you've learned)

You want to act like you're someone / forfeit the game

(You live what you've learned)

You want someone to hurt like you / forfeit the game

(You live what you've learned)

You want to share what you've been through / forfeit the game

(You live what you've learned)

"For the last time, stop acting like you know me!" Sasuke yelled as he used the last of his adrenalin to lunge forward at Itachi and swing his right fist at his older brother's face.

Itachi's caught his little brother's first and twisted his arm slightly. His eyes narrowed slightly. "None of that now, Sasuke." He said.

Sasuke would of struggled against Itachi's grip, but couldn't due to his lack of energy from pushing himself so hard while training. His clenched his teeth as he at least tried to keep upright, though it didn't help much as he soon fell limp into his brother's arms.

Itachi caught Sasuke before he even came close to hitting the ground. He then lowered Sasuke to the ground and rather carefully put him in a setting position with his arm on Sasuke's back to help him stay upright.

"Get the hell away from me and stop touching me!" Sasuke said with as much anger and hate in his voice as he could but it came out weak and soft.

"Shhhh... you're weak and need to rest." Itachi said as he ran his hand through Sasuke's hair lightly and inhaled the scent of his hair. It smelled of hard work and pushing, sweat and blood. Itachi thought to himself.

"Don't tell me what I need to do!" Sasuke snapped and jerked his head away from Itachi's touch.

Itachi sighed, "Enough Sasuke."

"Enough what?"

"I'm tired of this."

"Tired of what?"

"It stops here."

"What stops here?"



"I love you."

"You what?!"

This time Itachi didn't say anything back, he simply bent his head down and lightly pressed his lips to Sasuke's. After a moment, he pulled back and starred into Sasuke's now shocked wide eyes.

Sasuke was still in shock and only replied with one word, "Aniki..?"

Felicia: Well. There it is. Make sure you all review and tell me what you think. Please though, no flaming because it's Itachi/Sasuke. Oh, and in the reviews, tell me if you'd like me to continue this fic, cause I have a few ideas of what I could do with this fic. I want at least 5 reviews before I continue it though (that doesn't mean I'll continue it right after I get 5 reviews though).

Closing Statement: Love and pain become one and the same In the eyes of a wounded child

Please go to my ff.net profile where you can find links to my Naruto website (Hell is for Children) and Naruto yahoo groups (Gaara_Yaoi, Uchiha_Itachi, KakaSasu) and either take a look at them or join them please.
