Hello again! This is going to be a long and bumpy ride, so hang in there. Personally, I like to think of this as the fourteenth movie. The chapters are like the chapter breaks on an LD or DVD. Sort of. Anyway, on with the show!

Dragon Ball Z belongs to Akira Toriyama, FUNimation, and not me.

New characters do belong to me, and I'd prefer it if you bribed, I mean, asked me to use them.

(())-words inside these are thoughts. Words like _this_ are emphasized. **************************************************************************** ****

DBZ The Movie 14 The Lady Kari By NansJns

Ch.1: The Girl in the Woods

Through the view screen, the Earth looked like a blue ball with white smudges and dark patches. To some eyes, it would have been beautiful, but to her eyes, it was just one more planet to search. The planet didn't appear much different from several others she had scoured, and then nearly destroyed in her frustration. 12 years of searching, of chasing ghost stories, of endless hunting with no result, had left her in a slightly foul mood for the past year and a half or so. This time, however, promised to be different. The green creatures she had spoken to had been quite certain that what she sought was here, on this unassuming backwater mud ball. If this was the mud ball they had spoken of.

"Is this the place? Is this where the last of the Saiyans are?" she asked her people at the console, her dark eyes narrowed.

"Affirmative, My Lady. Scans show that the last two pure-bloods and three half-breeds are here," the man on the right answered. She took in a deep breath to contain her excitement.

"Very good. Bring us down close to them, but not so close that they notice us," the woman they called My Lady instructed.

"Yes, Ma'am!" the man nodded, and piloted the ship down to the surface of the Earth. Where the Saiyans were, it was night, and the ship slipped unnoticed into a forest close to them. Once it was safely nestled between the trees, there was a humming sound, like a kitten's purr, and the ship faded from sight like a chameleon.

"Now what, My Lady?" a second underling asked.

"Now, we wait," the woman smiled a bit, clenching and unclenching her hands in an effort to control her anxiousness. "Come morning, I will investigate. If all goes well, we'll be off by this time tomorrow night." Her people smiled and nodded, voicing approval. This time for sure they would succeed.

[Insert Dragon Ball Z movie opening and title here=]

The sun shined down brightly on the lake near Goku's house. The surface of the water was still, until Goku, Goten, and Gohan broke through the surface and tossed out some of the abnormally large fish that typically swam there.

"That should just about do it," Goku observed.

"Yeah. Hey, Daddy, race ya to shore!" Goten laughed and started swimming. Goku held still for a minute, letting his son take the lead. It was only fair, after all.

"Dad?" Gohan arched an eyebrow playfully. Goku suddenly burst forward and was on the shore before Goten was halfway there. Goten, caught in the backlash of the wave that Goku had caused, went under for a second, and came back up spitting and sputtering.

"Daddy! That wasn't fair!" Goten complained. Goku stood on the shore laughing. He had once again chosen not to brother with anything like swim trunks, and the woman who was watching whipped around with her hands pressed to her face.

"Oh my!" she gasped softly as her face became so red it was nearly purple. She shyly peaked around the tree she was leaning on, and then turned away again. "No modesty at all!" she gasped again. "Not that I'm complaining. . .whatta a body," she then shook her head and slapped herself a couple times. "Control! Must maintain control! I'd better get out of here," she muttered as she quickly slipped away.

Goku and his two sons strolled down the path to their house with their catch in tow, Goten chattering away to Goku. The little boy just couldn't get enough of his father, even after two years. Goku couldn't get enough of him, either. Though he had never admitted it, he felt guilty about not being there for Gohan as he grew up. ((It's almost like I have a second chance.)) Goku thought as he watched Goten run ahead of them in youthful excitement. Too quickly to stop before he hit the woman who suddenly crossed the path. Goten let out a small yelp as he knocked the poor woman completely to the ground and landed on top of her. He scampered off of her quickly.

"I'm sorry! I really am! Are you okay, lady?" Goten was practically in a panic. The woman sat up rubbing her abdomen where Goten had hit her, groaning softly. Goku and Gohan helped her up, also offering apologies.

"I'm sorry about my son. He didn't hurt you, did he?" Goku looked her over. She looked pretty much all right, actually. She was also very pretty. She had very long white-blonde hair that went down to her hips, pale green eyes, full lips, and a full figure. She wore a simple dress with a gold belt. The dress was now dirty down the back.

"Yes, I'm all right," she said as she dusted herself off. "I might be a little bruised later, but nothing serious."

"Well, then, I guess we'll be going now," Goku shrugged a bit.

"Wait a second, can you help me? I'm lost. Does this trail lead out of these woods?" the woman asked quickly before Goku could leave.

"Yeah. But not the way you were going. Come on, we'll show you the way out. It's the least we can do," Goku offered, and the woman smiled and nodded.

"By the way, my name is Kari," the woman told them as they walked.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Goku, and these are my sons, Gohan and Goten," Goku motioned to the boys in turn, who both gave a pleasant hello. Kari tilted her head a bit as she looked at Gohan.

"You don't look old enough to be Gohan's father," Kari observed. Goku grinned and laughed.

"Thanks! But I am," Goku answered. Kari suddenly stumbled and again gripped her abdomen where she'd been hit. "Um. . .here, let me help," Goku hesitated for a second, then placed his hands on her shoulders. Goku's attention was caught by the feel of her shoulders, which were lean and hard- muscled. A strange feeling for a woman's shoulders, in Goku's opinion. Now that he looked at her, her arms and legs were also pretty muscular for a woman's. Not to mention she had a pretty strong ki. ((On the other hand, there's nothing stopping a woman from exercising and training until she was strong.)) he reflected as he gently led her through the woods. Once she was out, Kari looked relieved, thanked them for their help, and headed for where she said her car was.

A couple hours after the Son family's quasi-rescue of Kari, Bulma was dragging her son and husband to the department store to buy them some new clothes. They had just wrecked their last set of training clothes, not to mention what had happened to their nice suits. Bulma didn't buy the whole 'I was tinkering with the washing machine and it shredded them' story Trunks had told her. Her son had never shown much interest in the workings of machines, and the fact that the one time he claimed he did led to the destruction of the garments he and his father hated the most was a tad too coincidental for her. Vegeta scowled and sat back in his seat, watching the sky roll by over head. He wondered for a moment if there was an air car that wasn't a convertible, but then recalled there were one or two models that had hoods. He stretched a bit and allowed his mind to wander. Things had certainly changed in the past two years. He and Kakkarot were actually _friends_, of all things, and seemed to be destined to watch their sons grow up together. He and Bulma were fighting less these days, and Trunks was growing quickly. ((How in the cosmos did I change so much?)) he wondered idly. A faint smile started to reach the corners of his mouth. ((Not that I don't like it.)) he added after a minute. ((I have a mate, a son, a friend and sparring partner, and a home. That's a hell of a lot more than I ever had before. Well, I had a friend and sparring partner once, but that was all. Hell, this shopping mission isn't that big a deal. Life is pretty good.)) He quietly thanked his little guardian angel for the millionth time.

"Hey, Vegeta, what are you smiling about?" Bulma glanced at him briefly before looking back at the road.

"Nothing much," Vegeta shrugged lightly. He and Trunks both suddenly felt something and looked at the sidewalk.

"What?" Bulma said quickly.

"I thought I felt a strange ki a moment ago, but. . ." Vegeta paused a moment. The feeling was gone now.

"It's left, I think," Trunks looked around, but couldn't find the ki again either.

"Well, if it's gone, there's no need to worry about it yet," Bulma said firmly as she pulled into the parking lot of the Haruka Department Store.

The trio was marching towards the men's department when Vegeta and Trunks felt the ki again. They scanned the area, but they just saw shoppers. The ki felt like it belonged to a woman who was trying on shoes, and acting like she had never seen so many before. She was a muscular woman, with long white-blonde hair that went down to her hips and was curly on the end, and pale green eyes. A gold belt glinted on her waistline. She suddenly looked over at them, and seemed to recognize them. She smiled a bit, and winked playfully. Vegeta snorted and looked away. Bulma glared at the woman in a way that said 'Keep away from my husband', and the blonde went back to looking at shoes.

The same woman appeared in the men's department as Vegeta gathered up some shirts and pants to train in. He hated clothes shopping mostly because he always had to go for the smallest sizes. Bulma found him a good shirt, pair of slacks, and dinner coat.

"It almost worked," Trunks whispered so low that only Vegeta could hear. He gave his son a small pat on the head. It had been worth a try to get rid of those awful, uncomfortable, "nice" clothes.

"I don't see why I need those," Vegeta's eyes fell on what Bulma carried.

"Vegeta, there are times when you need to dress up nicely," Bulma insisted, and stopped him before he could speak. "And your armor doesn't count," she said softly.

"It did when I. . .worked. . .for Frieza," Vegeta muttered. Bulma shook her head, and he said nothing more. They didn't talk about that time much. Trunks looked at them curiously. He only knew a little bit about Frieza. He knew nothing at all of his father's dark past, and that's how they wanted it to stay.

"Hey, it's that woman again!" Trunks' attention was suddenly pulled away from his parents when he saw the blonde woman from the shoe department standing nearby. She had a bag over her arm, and ducked out of sight when Vegeta and Bulma turned to look. Vegeta twitched at the feeling of her ki. He had the oddest feeling that woman was going to be trouble.

In the dead of night, the ship that had landed in the woods faded back into view, and two women departed; it was the one they called My Lady, and one of her underlings. The underling was gazing uncertainly at the small box that her leader carried.

"My Lady, are you sure about this?" the underling asked after a moment as her Lady pressed some buttons in the box's lid.

"Oh, yes, I'm sure," the other woman answered, and hit the last button. The box's top popped open, and a soft, tinkling melody drifted out. "No one with Saiyan blood in their veins can resist the sound of the box," she smiled, and the music spread out like a living thing, seeking its targets.

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Be here for chapter 2: The Hypnotic Music Box.

E-mail me at [email protected]! If my address doesn't work, my brother, [email protected], will take them and pass them on!