I don't own Hikago. If I did… it would've gone on for much longer.

I Love You In Pink

Let's Call it a Day

"I spy with my little eye, something… indecent!"

"The shop."

"Come on, Isumi-san, you can do better than that!"

Maid Waya said teasingly to leather clad Isumi. Hikaru was still in his nurse outfit, and both younger boys knew better than to try and get Isumi into a dress again. They valued their lives.

"But are you sure it was ok, Waya? I mean, to use such a threat just to get Touya into a dress?"

Isumi 'voice of reason' Shinichiro.

"I mean, swearing to march into his living room while his mom has guests over, dressed as you are? And have Shindo give him a check up?"

"Hell no. Not just into a dress."

"Then why?"

Waya's eyes glowed sinisterly, slightly scaring even his partner in crime.

"This, is why!"

Both Isumi and Shindo turned… to see Waya's brand new video camera.

"No way will this go unrecorded!"

"I thought so. Please tell me this won't end up like the tape you did of me."

"I swear, Isumi-san, I have no idea how that reached the net, honest!"

Hikaru couldn't help but smile at his friends' bickering, though he too wondered about that. And it was quite the exclusive site, too. But a rustle of curtain to their side stopped all manner of conversation as IT showed itself to the humble humans. And none could help but blush.

Hair silky and beautiful upon which peacefully rested a veil. A long, flowing dress, pink like the most beautiful flowers, with delicate decorations, shining even in the shop's dim light. Gentle hands firmly gripping a bouquet of white lilies.

The world's most beautiful bride, thy name is Touya Akira.

"Shindo, I…"

The boy blushed delicately, adding to the almost perfect picture.

"Ha, hai, Touya?"

The nurse replied hesitantly.

"I'm… I'm…"

Their eyes met, and to Hikaru, the world suddenly turned into a pink place filled with sparkles and flowers and shoujo bubbles.

"I'm… I'm gonna…"

Unable to resist, Hikaru took Akira's hands in his.

"Yes, Touya?"

"I'm going… to kill you."

The shattering of the moment was almost audioable.

The owner, now dressed as a priest, quickly approached them.

"I now declare you nurse and wife. You may kiss the bride, er, hurt the groom."

And as the two began to run fanatically around the room, the nurse scurrying for her, er, his life, the bride screaming death threats at the top of her, pardon, his lungs, the maid recorded it all.

"Ah, such a wonderful honeymoon, would you say, Isumi-san?"


"I bet they'd like to show it to their kids."

"Waya, they're both boys."


The maid turned to look at the leather clad one curiously.

"Ever heard of the birds and the bees?"

When Isumi looked back with a raised eyebrow, Waya looked back at the scene, cheeks flaming, only to catch what turned out to be the bouquet which Touya tried to hit Shindo with.

"Well, Waya, congratulations."

"I still say they can adopt."

Isumi smiled warmly at his friend, causing Waya to blush some more.

"U, un."

"Come back here, you!"

"You do look beautiful, Touya!"

"You'll look better with a wringed neck!"

"It's better than that women's shirt earlier!"

"Stand still so I can hurt you, Shindo!!"


It was two hours later and a visit to a shop of Isumi's choice, that the four settled in the park for some ice cream, the eldest sitting between Yoshitaka and Hikaru, and the bloodthirsty Akira.

"All in all, not a bad day."

That earned Waya another murderous glare. However, by now, all three were immune to the fourth's looks.

"Man, has he been like that before we came?"

The brunette asked the bleached one quietly.

"Ah ha. All day long."

"Well, at least you did find some clothes to your liking, Touya-san."

Isumi hoped to quell the boy's anger, but…

"No thanks to these two."


"Well, not our fault you didn't buy the bride dress! Really suited you, too, Touya!"

"More or less than it did me then, Waya?"

"…Differently, Isumi-san. Differently."

"Nice save."

An elbow to the side was Hikaru's reward.

"Well, it's getting kinda late. What do you say, should we call it a day?"

On grumpy, and two sleepy replies told the adult it was a go.

"Well then, I guess it's good night then. I'll talk to you later, Waya, Isumi-san."

"Later, Shindo. Touya."

The two friends were left behind to watch the two retreating figures fade into the night.

"All in all, a fun day. Ne, Isumi-san?"



"Isn't Shindo's house on the other direction than Touya's?"

"Hn. Why?"

"Then why're they walking together?"

At the sight, Waya grinned.

"Aw, ain't it sweet."


The younger of the two looked at his best friend with uncertainty, before speaking again.



"Kiss me."



"Stop following me around!"

Touya snapped after five minutes of silent walking.

"But I'm not!"

"Your house is in the other direction, is it not?"

"So? Can't I walk a friend home? There're molesters around, ya know."

Blinking, Akira turned away with a slight blush, for different reasons.

"I, I suppose you can."

"Can, and am. Want me to help you carry your shopping bags?"

"Tha-thank you."

It was a while that the two remained silent before Akira's house came into view. Reaching into his pocket to extract his keys, he dropped something which made Hikaru smirk.

"A beginner's card? Touya!"

"It was a joke, a joke!"

Reaching to pick the card up, Akira continued to drop things. This time, it was silvery and metallic. And had little hearts on it.

"Touya, my, is that for me?"

"This, this is…"

Blushing even more, Akira tried to shove the two items back into his pockets, only to drop all the bags he was holding.

"It's a fucking present!"

"For who, Ogata sensei?"

Touya didn't reply, only bent over to collect his things.

"Here, let me help."

Kneeling next to the higher Dan, Hikaru helped him gather the discarded clothes.

"Sorry. About today."

Rising to his feet, Akira looked Hikaru over.


Scratching the back of his head, Hikaru stayed kneeling.

"Well, I thought we could hang out together. Maybe eventually enjoy each other's company without fighting."

"I'd sooner wear a dress."

Under Hikaru's mocking, knowing smirk, Akira found his over used glare useless, and looked away, humphing.

"But maybe it's better we're still like this."

The nostalgia in his voice made Touya look back, silent.

"I'd hate to give you the impression I'll stop chasing you if we were really friends."

"I wouldn't have thought that."

Their gazes locked, and the air felt both stiff, yet warm at the same time.

"The shadow over you, this insane quest you put yourself in… Doing that, giving up, not chasing me… that would be unacceptable, both to yourself, and…"

"The 'other' me?"

Hikaru finished, biting his lip.

"The 'other' you."

The pregnant silence soon ended, with Akira opening the front door.

"Would you like to come in?"

"No thanks."

Hikaru said, stretching up.

"I better get home, or my mom'd kill me. Oh, and Touya?"

The taller boy turned back to him again, tiredly.


"Wear that shirt your mom bought you for tomorrow, ok? The pink one?"

The bags dropped to the floor again, and Hikaru could feel the hole Akira's glare burned in his chest.

"WHAT… after all this… what my mom… IN THE NAME OF ALL THINGS CLEAN, WHY?!"

After a quick blink, Hikaru grinned, his bleached bangs clearing a path for Akira to see his laughing eyes.

"Because. I like you in pink."

And the 3 Dan remained standing there for quiet a while afterwards, the Lower Dan's words echoing in his mind, until his mother came to get him.


the end ^_^