Is this love?

*a Song fic to Whitesnake's "Is this love". It's a paring of Meryl and Snake. So enjoy ^^*

Snake was in his holdout in Alaska, bored as all hell and lonely too, Otacon having gone to England to visit his Step mom and tell her about Emma..God, snake didn't even want to think of it. Then he heard a knock at the door. He sighed and went to it

I should have known better than to let you go alone

Its times like these, can't make it on my own

Wasted days and sleepless nights

And I can't wait to see you again

He opened it and saw Meryl's smiling face "hey snake." she said, still wearing an arm cast and a leg cast from Wolfs bullets. She hobbled in on crutches as snake winced.

Trying to spend my time waiting on your call

How can I tell you babe, my backs against the wall

He smiled then gently helped her in. "feeling better?" she nodded and smiled "yeah, a lot better.thanks." Snake had never asked that in his life. He then smiled and gently stroked her cheek, kissing her on the lips

I need you by my side to tell me it's alright

Because I don't think I can take any more.

He smiled, getting a warm fuzzy feeling. The same he felt for Natasha at Zanzibar. He sighed and took her in his arms in a warm embrace.

Is this love?

That im feeling?

Is this the love.?

That I've been searching for?

Is this love?

Or am I dreaming?

This must be love.

Cause it's really got a hold on me..

"Snake?" Meryl said with a smile. "Yeah?"

Can't stop the feeling I have been this way before

But with you I can find the key to open up the door

"I love you." she said while smiling

I can feel my love for you grow stronger day by day

And I can't wait to see you again


So I can hold you in my arms

"I love you too" he said smiling

Is this love?

That im feeling

Is this the love?

That I've been searching for?

Is this love?

Or am I dreaming?

This must be love.

Cause it's really got a hold on me.

Hold on me..

He smiled and kissed her gently. She then yelped when he touched her arm " sorry." "It's alright snake.." She smiled and wrapped her good arm around his neck and smiled. "Meryl.your-"he started, but he was stopped by Meryl. She gently laid them down on the couch and kissed him deeply.

Is this love?

Or am I dreaming?

Is this the love?

That I've been searching for?

Is this love?

Or am I dreaming?

Is this the love?

That I've been searching for?

After it was over, he lay with her on the couch, fast asleep, and thinking of how the future could be good..

Even for him.

*well, that is it. This is a fuzzy fan fic I know o-o but I hoped you liked it ^^*