Disclaimer: Wow we are slowly making progress, as Star will say, quite slowly for her. Here is Part Seven. As always neither of us own Power Rangers, they belong to Saban Entertainment and I think ABC6, but anyway they are being used without their owners permission so please don't sue and now on with our stories. BTW feel free to also send me comments about our story to me at [email protected] as well as the fan fiction site.

If Your Not the One

Part 7

By Kimber Purple Star and Starfire

A few hours later after dinner, everyone was up, including Jason surprisingly, he insisted that he be there to listen to what Adam had, it was very eventful coffee was placed on the table.

"Okay so what have you got for us Adam?" Tommy asked as he sat down. He had gotten Kim to eat a bit of food and had even made some small chat with her till she was sleepy. Currently she was lying down in the guest room where she had been for a few hours now.

Adam shook his head, "Bad news I am afraid..." He pulled out some documents and laid them on the table, "Turns out the guy you guys know as Aaron Phillip is actually a dead man."

"Okay, how in the hell is that possible. Is anyone else confused on how a dead guy can beat the living shit out of a person?" Rocky asked as he took a bite from his still heaping plate of food from supper.

Jason frowns, "Are you sure about this Adam?"

"Pretty much, turns out Aaron Phillips was originally from Ireland, he was an immigrant. The INS was trying to capture him for a while, so they of course searched for him." Adam began, "It was by chance however, that his body was discovered for some strange reason and his whereabouts were last known in a corporation called Millers. We checked the records of the owner and turns out his son a Zanith Miller was missing, after escaping from Prison."

Jason paled, "What did you say?" His hands tightened onto the couch.

Zack stared at Jason and back at Adam. "Jase are you okay?"

"Zanith Miller...." Jason whispered.

Kat gasped. Jason had told her the story about his friend Isabella and the name of the sorry sack of shit that had driven her to her grave. "Oh my god...Jason...that's..." She looked at him with fear in her eyes."

Adam looked at Jason knowing the story, "It seems that the body was misfiled for some strange reason they thought it was Zanith Miller's body until there was an extra investigation about him; when they noticed one of his accounts by his parents who refused to believe he was dead had a withdraw." Adam pulled out some pictures and showed it to them. "This is the picture the company took of him," an exact replica of the original Zanith Miller stared back at Jason.

"Oh god...he is alive." Jason trembled even more, "Why do I have a feeling all of this is my fault?"

Adam shakes his head, "It gets complicated, we searched more of the documents and the last Aaron Phillip had gotten married. It was forged of course, but it said that he was married and had citizenship in the U.S. It was later that it claimed he was divorced and all, his blood test however were different. The original Phillip was blood type O this man that claims to be Phillip is blood type AB."

Jason shook his head, "Oh no...no...."

Zack looked concerned, "Let me guess Zanith Miller was blood typed AB?"

"Bingo!" Adam muttered, "I looked closer into some documents with plastic surgeons, one was murdered it was claimed to be accidental drowning, but signs of a struggle were traced on him. His name was Christopher Stone, age 30 a associate with Miller's, the files on the surgery were missing, but we found some files he kept in a secret locked place."

Trini glanced at Adam in an appraising manner, "How did you manage to get this much information?"

"When you're a local agent for INS of NASA, you'll be surprised how good you are, but no...the reason why I know so much is because I am after Zanith. I was assigned to the job, since some technology information appears to be missing from NASA's storage." Adam grimaced.

"Wait!" Trini squealed a bit, "I remember there was a major flux in his mainframe grid, something he downloaded...it had complex diagrams and schematics that were encoded." She stared at Adam, "I managed to decode some of it yesterday; it was some sort of design for a brain washing machine."

"That is a most perplexing and dubious find Trini." Billy said then paused as he pondered "If he is really as dangerous as he appears to be than this machine in his hands could become a great weapon. He could make anyone do, say or think what he wanted. I will have to look at the code further to determine whether or not my calculations are correct of course."

Jason shook his head, "I think I have a clue as to why he has this machine let alone why he went after Kim." He twisted his hands on the couch even more.

Tanya looked puzzled, "How can it be your fault?"

Adam sighed, "So I take it they don't know?"

"They don't know, except for Tommy and Kat," Jason knew inwardly that Adam probably already dug up everything. "You can tell them, I don't really feel like retelling the story."

"Alright then." Adam reassured his friend, "You see Zanith had raped another girl and beaten her severely before Kim, when he was Zanith Miller, he had raped Isabella one of Jason's friend, a genius violinist." He shook his head in disgust, "The only reason why he was put in prison is because of Jason. Jason pulled a few strings and managed to get some dirt on the man." Snorting, "Ends up he escaped and he thinks that Jason was the one that took Isabella away from him, so when he escaped I take it he figured out that Isabella was dead, cause she killed herself." Watching Jason he noticed the flinching motion.

"That is just… how horrid." Aisha mumbled.

"Well I am betting he wanted revenge on Jason, he wanted him to hurt and the only way how knew how was to take away something that is important to him. He probably did his research on Jason, noticed the pictures of Kim, Zack, and Trini, cause we stormed his home, and found traces of those pictures on the wall." He wasn't happy one bit. "He probably did the same thing he did to Isabella to Kim, since he wanted her as substitute and to hurt Jason. The only problem to his plan is that Kim ran away, and he got angry. Jason had brought her here, and Zanith followed."

"I really want to nail that bastard." Zack growled, "Jason it isn't your fault the guy is a psycho."

"I still want to know why he took the brainwashing device." Trini chimed in.

The former black ninjetti ranger sighed, "NASA wants the plans back and they want it back badly...it was invented and never used and was placed in the archives." Adam rubbed his temples, "I really am sorry Jason, but like they said it isn't your fault one bit."

"I hope Kim can forgive me." Jason mumbled unhappily, "I didn't want this to happen at all."

"Look man this isn't your fault alright. No one is blaming you so stop blaming yourself." Tommy looked at his best friend. "Listen Jase, our job now is to keep her safe from this psycho and figure out how to shut him down for good."

Jason rubbed his temples, "I can't believe this...he escaped and now just to get at me he is going to do Kim in." He moaned, "Shit!"

Adam nodded his head, "I think Jason that it is all in the genes." He motioned toward the picture, "After all Zanith's father Janus, seems to be rather psychotic in the raising of his child."

"Let me guess dear ole dad had a little problem keeping his hands off the ladies too?" Rocky spoke up with an angry sarcastic tone. "Gee, when will they heed my words and not let assholes breed."

Zack glanced at Adam, "In the records Janus was more inclined to not be able to keep his hands off his wife actually, the girl he had been obsessed with and so on. There were also rumors that there was abuse going on about Abigail Miller."

"Abigail Miller?" Kat asked. "So this guy was not only obsessive about one woman he had another as well?" She was pissed as well she should be. Jason was not in the mood to be hearing all this stuff and she knew it. It was definitely going to be a struggle to get him to sleep tonight.

Adam shook his head, "You got it wrong Kat. Abigail Miller was originally Abigail Carlton, she was married to Janus Miller, but she was forced too as the rumors go, because of Miller's threats."

Aisha raised an eyebrow, "Talk about a psychotic family."

Kat shook her head, "Sorry all these names, its getting too confusing." She wrapped her arms around her. *Why do all the psychos attack us?* she thought.

"It is quite a puzzle, but please Adam continue." Billy pondered as he took in all the information that they were being given.

Leaning back Adam glanced at Jason to gauge his reaction, "Well in theory I think that Zanith is out to get back Kim, perhaps even use the mind control thing to control Kim. Perhaps even use her to kill Jason, if he ever manages to control her. She might even end up like Abigail Miller married to him." Closed his eyes, his lips curved, "Only thing I have as a clue is Kim, and the only way to catch him is to use her as bait."

"NO!" Jason banged his fist on the table, "I won't have it Adam! Damn it I don't want her to go through this, it isn't right. She's already hurting something fierce, I won't put her in any more trouble because of me and Isabella's story."

"Jase!" Trini responded quietly, "We can't decide that for her, besides we are telling you it isn't your fault."

Tommy too was put out by this idea. "No Trini, Jason's right on this one. There's no way I'm letting anyone put her back in danger like that again." His voice reeked of being completely pissed off." he stood up and paced a few times before turning back towards his friends. "There has to be another way to trap this lunatic without getting her hurt more than she already is. Come on."

Adam restricted himself from yelling inwardly he fought for his calm. "Tommy, Jason I know you care deeply for her we all do, but to tell you the truth no matter what we do he will still be after her.  At least if we use her as bait we have it in a controlled settling. Zack help me convince them please you understand you've worked these types of operations before."

The African youth glanced at his successor of the black ranger powers, "It might be a way we can nail him guys...and in a way Adam is right and in a way you guys are right."

"Don't tell me you're taking an Agnostic view." Jason glared at Adam and Zack.

"Jason, I don't want to put Kimberly in any unnecessary danger either but as Adam and Zack have pointed out it may be the only way of luring him in." Billy added then sighed,

"And you know full well this has nothing to do with religion." 

Kat looked at Jason and put her hand on his arm. "Luv, I wouldn't want to see Kim hurt again but lets think of it this way. When we were younger we put our lives on the line daily. Those were uncontrolled situations this won't be. We'd be ready if anything should happen and..." She turned her gaze to Tommy, "None of us are going to let him lay a finger on her."

Trini stared at Jason for a bit, "Jason it seems Isabella was set in uncontrollable circumstances regarding what happened in a way it was hard on you. I understand it must be hurting still to lose her, but you have to understand to help Kim, and even avenge Isabella we have to make sure he is caught."

Adam gave a grim smile, "Besides with the schematics for the mind control device he is twice as powerful and dangerous."

"He sounded dangerous before hand." Tanya muttered, "If it is any consolation things will be better once we fix everything and we will look back thinking thank god things will be better."

Rocky sat up in his chair. "Yeah things will be better alright. Especially if they give each of us five minute alone in a room with him."

"Rocky that wouldn't solve anything and it would just make you as bad as he is." They all heard a small voice from behind them. Kim had woken up to an empty room and had been completely petrified. After a few minutes of fumbling in the dark for her crutches she was able to move out of the guest room. She had barely gotten to the kitchen when she heard voices. Deciding it was better to see what they were talking about she had stayed behind the corner. She heard everything they had said and in a strange way it made her more angry than sad. She had been used...by some psycho only to get back at one of her friends. Well... no matter what they thought of her no one was going to get away with making Kimberly Ann Hart a pawn in their own sick little game.

Jason stood up, "Kim!" He was surprised and glanced down, "How much did you hear?" He felt his hand tremble.

Aisha glanced between the two, then at Jason, "You didn't tell her any of this I take it?"

Jason glanced down and shook his head a bit, "I am uncertain if she understood or heard what I was saying about Isabella."

"I heard everything Jase and I understand completely. I haven't flipped out that much." She moved closer to the table then looked at Aisha. She shook her head, closed her eyes and took a calming breath. It was time to destroy the voice in her head that was plaguing her. "I don't care what happens to me...I want him to pay. It doesn't matter if something happens to me as long as he's....away for a very long time Jase...for what he did to your friend." She stood still next to the table and just looked from one of her friends to the other, a determined and angry look on her face.

Jason glanced down, "I don't want you in danger Kimberly," His hand quickly jerked forward trembling until he caressed her face. "Kimmy, I beg you don't do it, even if it is too make him pay, I don't want you to be hurt I can't risk losing you."

Trini tilted her head a bit, "Self doubts, guilt." She whispered softly to Billy.

Billy simply nodded and watched the scene play out before them all.

"And I can't risk someone else getting hurt by him. You all said it...he's too dangerous and I'm not going to be his pawn anymore." She looked at Jason maintaining a cool exterior. "Jason, please I think I have to... it's the only way and you know it."

"Kim, we can come up with another way. I'm not going to risk your life just to nail this guy.  I don't care what any of you say." Tommy was very adamant on this point.

Kim looked over at Tommy with anger in his eyes. "Lets get this straight and this goes for all of you. You don't own me... and if this happens; I'm going to be choosing from now on what's best for me."

Jason stared at Kim slightly his eyes reading something more, "The pawn is taking a step forward toward Queen-dom." He muttered then smiled slightly, "Pawn to Queen." He mused, "I'll support you in this..." Knowing he sounded like a simpleton, but he had realization regarding his old friend. "But I want you to promise me something Kim..." Face becoming serious.

Adam rubbed his temple and brought out a package of cigarette, "Does anyone have a lighter?" He sighed, wanting to calm himself a bit with a smoke.

Without a second thought Kim pulled a lighter from her pants pocket and tossed it his way then she looked at Jason with a half smile. "You and your chess references." Then she looked at Adam. "Got an extra?"

Adam tossed his package of cigarettes at Kim, "Here..." He brought the cigarette to his lips and opened the lighter to light it. Sucking a bit of the cigarette he puffed the smoke out.

(Note: We aren't promoting smoking, we just wanted to add flavor to the characters in a realistic sense. Another thing, we aren't trying to influence anyone to do it. To tell you the truth we both are rather allergic to the stuff.)

Trini began to feel queasy, "Billy!" She coughed a bit, "I don't really feel so...." She grabbed onto her husband, "Good."

She quickly rose up and ran to the trash can and threw up into it.

Kim pulled one of the cigarettes out of the pack and tossed it back to Adam motioning for the lighter. Before she could light hers Trini had made a made dash for the trash can. "Trini...are you alright..?" She probably should have told Adam that they should go outside.

Rocky meanwhile just sat in shock staring at his best friend. "Um, Adam...since when do you smoke? Have I entered the twilight zone?" He started making the sounds that always accompanied the shows opening credits.

Trini made a face after emptying her stomach; she held a hand to her face. "Oh I hate this...why am I throwing up so much." She started to tear up and cry in a loud wail.

Adam glanced at Rocky in amusement, "I guess we should have lighted it outside." He mused, "As for when I started Rocky I am not really sure."

Jason just paled a bit at the thought of cigarettes, "Adam, Kim I don't think it is wise for you guys to be smoking think about your health."

Billy was immediately by his wife's side. "Its okay pet. Maybe I should bring you to a doctor. This might be something serious." He looked over at Kim and Adam with almost a pleading look for them to go outside with their smoking.

Kim sighed. "Adam, we should go outside with this." She turned around on her crutches and made for the living room door.

Tommy couldn't manage to say anything. If the thought of Adam smoking was difficult to wrap his mind around then the shock of seeing Kim want to light up damn near drove him to the fainting point. Sure back in his old neighborhood before he moved to Angel Grove a lot of teens smoked and he himself had been pressured one time to try it. He had gotten hooked like most kids his age had but after a year or two he had quit. It wasn't easy but Tommy was much better off for doing so.

Adam sighs, "Fine then..." He stood up and walked with his cigarette toward the door, "Sorry Trini."

Trini made another face, "I don't like this I eat I throw up, I throw up I eat...or I don't eat at all." She wasn't happy at all, through out everything, it was rather pathetic. "Two months of this is almost enough to make me nuts."

Aisha glanced at Tanya then at Kat, "Hnn Two months?"

"Yeah, two months." Trini splatted out, while grimacing at the taste in her mouth.

Kat smirked at Tanya and then at Aisha. "You don't think it could be...I mean she couldn't be?"

Billy seemed quite puzzled the girls reactions to his wife's sickness. "What?"

Meanwhile Kim had gotten to the door and waited for Adam to open it so she could go out. It was a bit tough to maneuver the door open on her crutches.

Adam opened the door and pushed it open, "Hey Tommy-man could you come with us just in case." He jerked his head and walked forward indicating he wanted more security for Kim.

Tanya smirked and looked at Aisha, "Simple Billy." Tanya cheerfully chimed in, "I am sure she will be fine in another seven months."

Finally broken out of his complete and utter shock Tommy nodded his head and headed in the direction that Adam and Kim had gone.

For a smart Man Billy was slow to pick up on the girls meaning. "I do not understand what kind of illness would make her sick for that long?"

Trini stared at the other three girls, "You're not suggesting that we he...I?"

"Yup, it is the signs." Aisha chirps in.

Jason got up slowly and kissed Kat on the lips. "I am going to go check on the others and Kim."

Adam puffed his smoke a bit and sighed. "I really hate cases like these..." He rubbed his temple, "So when did you start your call of the smoking stick?" he jitted at Kim.

Kim leaned back against the house so she could light her cigarette. "I believe that question was put to you first Adam." She smirked at him after taking a long puff of her own cigarette.

"Can I just ask something and feel free to ignore me...but I never saw either of you as the smoking types." Tommy stated as he stepped outside next to them both.

Kim gave her first actual laugh, "Neither did I when I first started."

Adam leaned back against the wall and smoked a bit more, "I wasn't before either, but when life is giving you crap and you've seen so much, you have to gain some vices. Though I did try to quit, but this sort of put the whole thing to a end." He smirked.

Jason walked out of the door and glanced at them, and shut the door, once he is outside. "I thought I take a look outside for a bit and have a bit of fresh air." He smiled.

Trini was in shock, "How could I have missed it?" She mumbles softly, "Oh I am so stupid!"

Billy looked at his wife with concern. "Trini, please could you clue me in on what it is they are talking about?"

Kim took another puff of her cigarette. "I lost track of the times I tried to quit in Florida, there just never was a good time or a convenient time at that. It tends to end when you're under a lot of stress...or getting the shit kicked out of you for some reason." Kim stated bitterly as she closed her eyes and took another hit.

Trini smiles a bit, "William..." She walked closer to him, still a bit dizzy, "You're not going to believe this but you're going to be a daddy!" She giggled oddly.

Aisha rolled her eyes, "Geez Billy you're supposed to be smart dang!"

Jason listened and glanced around the area, "I'm sorry."

Adam mused, and stared at bit far away. "Um Jason!"

"Yeah?" Jason questioned bit puzzled at his other friend that was smoking and ending another part of his life, perhaps even get lung cancer from the whole thing with smoking.

"Is there supposed to be large letters on that tree over there because I didn't see it before when I came here." Adam nodded his head toward across the street. His eyes focused a bit then back.

Kim opened her eyes as she exhaled. "Where...what are you talking about Adam?"

Back in the Kitchen Billy now felt a bit dizzy. "A...daddy...you mean you're....you're...pregnant?" he asked his wife with a sense of elation and a bit of awe.

"Oh, Billy man you lucky dog. You don't fool around...well maybe in this case you do." Rocky joked as he rose from his seat and clapped his friend on the shoulder.

Kat smiled at her friends. "I always thought the father was the first to know these types of things."

Zack smirked; "Well you're the first of us all to become a dad." while clapping Billy on the back.

"Guess they don't count in all things." Aisha commented, "They after all are men."

Adam gestured to the tree, "It seems the bark is stripped off." He retorted a bit, "I can see the lines are made by a knife at least. Hang on let me run over there."

Jason frowned, "It was never marked before. We always made sure in this neighborhood that tree's didn't have any damage on them."

"Well you guys can wait let me go look." Adam responded as he threw down his cigarette and stepped on it.

Rocky just laughed at Billy's awestruck expression. "Hey I think this was just the news we needed to hear to lighten up this crowd if only for a short while."

Kim tossed her own cigarette down and tried to accompany Adam but was held back by Tommy. "Leaving so soon are you?" He smirked at her.

She shrugged off his arm for the moment. It just felt to uncomfortable right now, "Look I want to see what's happened to that tree. It's grown in Jason's yard for years."

Adam walked toward the tree and glanced at it. He frowned and walked back to them, slowly, he wasn't exactly thrilled with the message.

Jason looked at Kim, "Don't worry about it Kim." Inwardly he felt something, that wasn't right it was some sort of agitation that something was damaged. He saw Adam stand at the tree and head back to them immediately.

Trini laughed happily then made a face, "Oh god not again!" She grabbed another trash can and threw up in it.

Aisha felt grossed out. "Ew."

Zack glanced at Billy, "You're the one that has to clean out all the trash can man."

This finally knocked Billy out of his happy dumbstruck state and he pulled Trini's hair back for her. "A job I will be most happy to do...seing as though it's for a good cause." he smiled a goofy smile at the thought and whispered to himself. "I'm gonna be a daddy."

"Adam, what is it? What's wrong?" Kim could tell by his expression that something was up and she was going to find out what.

Trini moaned, "Where is mother when you need her for this?" She leaned back from the bucket tired. "William...can you call her, to see if she knows how to fix this?" Of course she was referring to her mother since Billy's mother was no longer living.

Adam stared at her then at Jason, "He was here..." He leaned forward slightly to face Jason. "She's not safe here, unless we fix things fast." He wasn't happy one bit, "On the tree it says, I'm coming for your Annie. A.P."

Jason stiffened, "Shit!" While this happened Adam glanced at Kim, then at Tommy.

Tommy grabbed Kim's arm gently. "Kim I want you to get back inside now, please."

 He nudged her towards the door and though she wanted to move she couldn't.

Her face was looking at the tree and a scowl appeared on her lips. "And I'll be ready for you son of a bitch."  Kim closed her eyes after she had spoken and then opened them again. Looking up at Tommy she nodded her head. She should feel frightened, even scared but for some reason she was just more angry now than upset. *I'll be afraid later, if I crack now...*

Billy nodded his head and motioned for one of the girls to help Trini while he made the call. Kat stood up and went over to Trini. "Go ahead Billy we'll look after her for now."

Jason stared at the tree then clenched his hand, "Dumb bastard..."

"I think it is a best choice to go in to the house right now Kim, we need to warn the others." Adam muttered.

Trini groaned. "I...bet when I get through this I am going to end up Killing William." She mused, slightly at the horrid feelings.

Aisha snickered. "Well this has been a good day."

"Well it could be worse Trini...you could be having twins." Zack snickered.

Billy let the girls take over and went to their bedroom to call Trini's mom. Oh how she would flip when she heard what he had to tell her.

Kim sighed and hobbled her way back inside. "It's not safe for any of you to be here. You shouldn't have to be protecting me." She spoke up as she got inside the living room and turned around towards them."

Tommy had been right behind her. "Kim, you're our friend. Were not going to let you face this monster by yourself. You should know that." He stepped closer to her and gently caressed his cheek but she backed away.

"I'm sorry..." she mumbled."I just...I can't do this with you right now." She turned away and headed towards the kitchen where the others where.

Jason walked in and stared at Kim, "Kimberly, I am involved in this you do realize that, I have a responsibility..." He glanced at Adam, "Does it have to be where she has to be bait why can't I be it?"

Kim didn't bother to answer Jason, just went right into the kitchen and into some kind of party. She looked around the room, Kat and Trini where near the trash can where Trini had been throwing up and Billy was no where to be seen. Meanwhile Zack, Rocky, Aisha and Tanya where laughing and joking around about something. "Did we miss something?"

Tommy watched her walk away but followed her into the kitchen and he too noticed the change in the atmosphere there. He answered Kim with a bit of awkwardness, "I don't know but I'm going to find out." he said quietly to her then addressed his friends in a louder voice, "What the hell is going on in here?"

Aisha laughed, "Hey ya girl! And yes you did!"

"Trini is pregnant!" Tanya squealed happily, while Trini was feeling rather sick more.

"Damn it WILLIAM!" Trini screeched when she grabbed another canister to throw up in. "If it is twins." She groans.

"Pregnant?" Tommy asked then smirked. "Well I'll be. Billy sure works fast now don't he."

"That's what I said. Hey man, don't steal my lines." Rocky said and playfully punched Tommy in the arm.

Kim on the other hand was shaken by this news. "She can't stay here then...she'll be putting more than just herself in danger...she'll be putting that baby in danger...no... I won't have her doing that." She was speaking rapidly as she used to when she was younger.

Trini blinked slightly, "Eh did I miss something?" While glancing at the other's to see if she can clarify anything.

"It seems." Adam spoke up, totally ignoring Jason's comments regarding bait, "That Aaron or should I say Zanith left a message on a tree. It seems he is here, he knows that Kim is here and now she is panicked because she thinks you guys are collateral damage."

Zack whistled, "Well it seems my suspicion has been confirmed."

"What do you mean collateral damage?" Tanya looked miffed. "We aren't weaklings here."

Kim glared at Adam, "It's not a joke Adam. You all could get hurt...I can't...I couldn't bare if any of you got hurt because of me, especially Trini and her baby. He knows I'm here...he knows that the best way to hurt me or Jason, is through our friends. What do you think he's going to do with that bit of info huh?" her voice got louder as she spoke. They just weren't getting it. They were in danger, real danger. Not some B-rated monster that they used to fight but a psychotic human being who was a true monster.

"Kim just calm down, we all know the risks were here to help you and Jason." Tommy said as he came up behind her

She whirled around as fast as she could on her crutches with a glare in her eyes. "Don't any of you get it yet? I don't deserve your help... and you have no reason to give it. So just do me a favor and don't." Again she whirled around and headed for the guest bedroom.

Jason wasn't really thrilled about this either, "I think Kim, that the question is that I don't deserve your help."

"What is this self doubt age?" Zack commented in anger.

Adam mused and leaned against the chair, time for the grill, "Now Kimberly, what makes you think that he won't target the other's if they weren't here?" He brought out a cigarette and twirled it around, his eyes hooded heavily.

"He's right." Trini nodded at Adam, "If he has already been here, it seems that he knows of us, besides how can you be so sure that he doesn't know about us already?"

"What do you mean?" Tanya commented in confusion.

"Well okay if he knows about Kim, whom is connected to Jason, how wouldn't he know about us? After all we already are Jason's friends and all." Trini blurted out not realizing that Jason flinched at that comment.

Kimberly had stopped in her tracks but didn't turn around. "And...if he didn't find out from researching Jason..." she paused then turned around slowly, "He found out about you from me." She sighed and hobbled back over to them. Tommy pulled a chair out for her and she weakly sat down in it. "I was so stupid...I let him get too close."

Jason mused, "No...it is my fault that he got even close to you..." He walked over and sat down on the table he pushed his hand through his hair. "Why didn't I see that he is a total wacko, I thought jail would keep him locked up." He growled slightly, "I should have killed him, I had the shot..." He kept on rambling slightly.

Adam wasn't exactly pleased by everything, "If you have figured things out, but if you two would stop sticking your heads up your asses we can solve this blimey thing."

At the point Billy rushed back into the room. "Okay Trini your mom says that if you just..." He stopped when he noticed everyone staring at his sudden outburst. "Um, did I miss something of importance?"

Tommy sighed and looked at Kim and Jason. "Okay save the guilt tripping for later." The he gave his 'team' a stern look. "We've got work to do guys; this house needs to be locked down tight. He knows where here and he's liable to try something." he looked over at Billy. "Billy man, Adam will fill you in. You take care of your wife and then we need you working on that code and the plans for that shielding you were talking about."

Adam glanced at his cigarette and sighed, "It really sucks that one of you guys is pregnant or else I could take a smoke." Walking over he went to Billy, "Okay man here is what going down," grimacing, "One Zanith knows we are here, two Kim and Jason are in guilt trip heaven, and three we need your shield system up ASAP. Though out of curiosity Kim." He glanced back, "Why did he write the name Annie?"

Jason paled at that comment, "Annie..." While standing up, "Excuse me I have to get a drink of water." He walked away from them into his room that he shared with the rest of the boys, totally missing the hint that the drink was inside the kitchen.

Kim watched him go and noticed the look on his face. She then answered Adam. "I never really understood that myself. I always had assumed it was because my middle name is Ann, but whenever he said it..." she closed her eyes, "It used to give me the willies, like he wasn't really talking to me."

Kat too watched Jason go. She had a feeling she knew why he had called Kim, Annie.

"I think I might be able to shed a bit of light on that matter."

Zack blinked, "Go ahead Kat; it seems that we all want to know what this is about..."

"Is Jason alright?" Tanya whispered, "He wanted a drink he could have gotten it from the kitchen."

She heard Tanya's comment but chose to ignore it. "Well Jason told you all about Isabella and how Zanith had been obsessed with her. Isabella's middle name was Annie at least that what Jason told me. I think maybe Zanith became so obsessed with her that when he was using you, Kim, as his pawn, he was seeing you as her.  He must have felt that he was denied the privilege of revenge on her because he saw her as a...whore when she spent more time with Jason. He turned that obsession onto Kim."  Kat finished.

Zack shivered, "Man that is just creepy."

"I don't understand how anyone could do that to someone, be obsessed and use another person as a replacement." Tanya wasn't thrilled; actually she hoped she would never find a person trying to replace her with someone else.

"Ah! So that is why Jason ran off." Aisha commented, "He probably felt more, well, guilty."

"It can't be good to be felt being used doesn't it Kim?" Adam tilted his head in observation; his eyes were guarded almost giving him a quality that equaled the mibu wolf.

Kim shook her head, "No...if I had known...god why didn't I see what a lying sob he was, what a sick fuck he was." She rubbed her temples angrier at herself then at any of them but then shook it off. "It doesn't matter now, he knows his little 'obsession' is here" She said obsession as if it were a nasty word. She rose up from her seat with an unexpected yawn. "I'm sorry guys...I'm just so tired."

"Why don't you go lie down Kim, we'll make sure the house is secure." Tommy turned to Zack and Rocky. "You two I want watches set up for tonight, two people on every watch, got it?" he moved over to Kim as he spoke.

Adam slowly moved closer to Kim and patted her on the back, "Don't worry Kim, everything will be alright." He said silkily, while turning to Kat, "Kat can you go check on Jason?"

Zack nods his head, "Yeah got it...should we schedule the timing with each person?"

Kat had already risen to her feet. "I was just going to as a matter of fact, excuse me all." With that she headed in the direction Jason had gone.

Tommy pondered, "Yeah, of course I don't many of us will be sleeping tonight anyway, except for those who need it. Trini, you are not to take a watch and neither will Kim, or Jason. The rest of us are gonna have to stay on our toes." He began to usher Kim towards the room they were sharing. He hadn't understood that sleeping arrangement when Jason had announced it but it did mean he could keep and eye on her and that's what mattered the most. They would work out their relationship shit another time.

"I believe everyone should keep their communicators on at all times. We will need to be in contact with each other throughout this crisis." Billy added as he took his wife's hand in his.

Trini rubbed her eyes tiredly, "What did Mommy say?" She yawned, "Did she tell you what to do to stop the throwing up?"

Adam mused, "That would be good idea," He sat down and brought out his pack of cigarettes, "If Trini is sleeping does this mean I can smoke here?" He added.

Tanya shook her head, "This should be fun. Alright I am going to bed, you coming Aisha?"

"Hnn yea sure..." Aisha got up, "I think it is best if we get our rest while we can."

Billy proceeded to lead his wife to their bedroom as he told her what her mother had said. "She said that you should consume some crackers when you are feeling nauseous and to relax." he turned to look at the others, "I will be back out here when I get Trini down for the night." With that the married couple was gone.

"Man, this is going to be one long night." Rocky said as he put his feet up on the table. "So who's taking what watch?"

Trini giggled, "Down..." was the word they heard the Asian girl whisper.

Adam snapped open the lighter and smoked his cigarette. "I think I'll take watch. Zack can come in after me."

Zack mused, "This is fun. Alright then I'll sleep for now."

"Good everyone just wake the next watch up when you feel you're getting too tired. We can't take any chances guys." Tommy finished and then he and Kim had also left.

"I'll stay up with you on this first watch Adam, besides you gotta tell me about how you started this smoking thing. It just blows the DeSantos mind." Rocky babbled as he sat by his best friend.

Adam sighed, "Lets say when you want something badly and you see things you tend to smoke to try to forget." was all Adam seemed to say in the quietness of the room. His eyes seemed distant, *Especially when you don't deserve someone like her.*

Rocky noted his buddy's far off look. "You want to talk about it bud? We've got all night? I mean we could make some popcorn and share stories and be all girly with our emotions." He smiled. "Seriously though, I can still be a good ear to ya?"

Adam snorted, "Rocky you're already girly as it is..." He leaned back, "Yet, if need be I'll tell ya a short short story if you want to learn something about me."

"Hey I take great offense to that comment. I can't help if all the chicks dig the whole DeSantos, sensitive guy package." He said as he looked amazingly sure of himself. "A short short story huh? Well shoot man, tell away."

Adam smirked a sardonic smile, and took another drag of his cigarette. "There was a foolish boy; he joined a group, fought and held friends that died in his arms. Defused bombs to nuclear warfare during his lunch time, and yet, he battled stupid ass holes." He laughed seriously and leaned forward, "And while all of this was going on, he was alone, living his loner life, until he was touched right here.." Tapping his left hand on his chest where his heart is, "By a slip of a girl. A girl that is too innocent to be tainted by the likes of him. So instead he smokes, he drinks, he plays gods 24/7 all his life, does cases mindless jobs all for security and insures that she will be safe. While he does this it is all in the shadows for her...and it will remain that way, because he doesn't want her to be near his vile existence."

"Has anyone ever told you that you tell quite a depressing story man?" Rocky said as he clapped Adam on the back. The he sobered, "You know seeing you pick up smoking I don't think was as shocking as seeing Kim lighting up. I thought Jason and Tommy were going to have heart failure."

Adam dragged on his smoke and blew out an O, "Kim has things to deal with, so I am not surprised she smokes. Besides I can smell it on her." snickering, "Instead of power calling to power it is smokers calling onto smokers." He sobered a bit, "Is it just me or do you notice there is something wrong with Jase he was all freaking out about it then anything else?"

"Oh you know Jase, Mister Health Nut. He's right though man, they do cause this thing they call cancer. However it's your choice man, and this situation it could drive a guy to drink, smoke, try to make out with all the gorgeous woman in this house..." he let the last statement just float as he smirked as his friend.

Adam just took another drag, "I am not interested in the women in this house, except to protect them." He snorted, "I only want one woman that is all not women." While leaning back, "As for smoking, I am trying to quit, but it isn't working." He mused, "Bad habit I suppose." But inwardly he was still safe, since it won't hit him, until later, when everything is done. "As for cancer well that is another story."

"Of course man, so which of the lucky ladies is it?" Actually thinking to himself it could only of been one of the girls in this house. Trini was Billy's wife of course, no fun there. Kat was dating Jason so she was off limits, Kim and Tommy, well that was still a work in progress but she was also untouchable in every sense of the word. Aisha and Zack had grown close and he couldn't see Adam falling for the girl they had both always considered a little sister. The only one left was Tanya, for some reason that bothered Rocky but he shook it off as nothing more than a brotherly instinct.

Adam threw back his head laughing, "You're joking me right?" He coughs a bit, while calming down, "It isn't any of them, it is another girl that you don't really know well enough. As for your theory of the girls in here let me lay to rest your disassociation lets start with Trini, she is like a eldest sister to me and Billy's wife. Two, Kat is like a mother figure for me; she constantly nags me to eat. Three, Aisha is my best friend and a sister it is like incest if I even think about it that is just way too nasty. Four, Tanya isn't my type, we broke up some time ago, and we don't have mutual feelings with each other, just a platonic relationship. As for Kim, you have to be blind to think I want her, she belongs with her soul mate." Slapping his knee, "Did I miss anyone else?"

Rocky smirked, "Well there is me, won't you be mine Adam?" Rocky jokingly got down on one knee and starting talking like a girl. "You know I can't live without you. Please say you'll be mine.

While he was down on one knew Billy came back in the room and gave them both a very strange look. "Am I interrupting something here?" He said with a slight smile.

Adam just hit Rocky with a pillow. "Yea me beating up Rocky with a large pillow for acting like a prick." He commented, while glancing at Billy, "Anyways what do you need?"

"I am going to try and decode the rest of the information Trini found and work on the shield. I do not think I will be able to sleep and it needs to get done." he sat down with a bunch of different devices and began working.

Adam took a drag on his cigarette, "Mm....hey Billy...are twins prone in your family?"

"Twins...ah you mean Trini being pregnant. That did surprise me somewhat." He pondered, "I don't know if they do, I suppose I'll have to ask my dad when this is all over. He may know. For now I just want to take care of her...and this stuff." he looked over the code. It was very frustrating knowing only part of something.

"Well I say you an me work on some kata's man. It'll keep us awake till the next watch." Rocky said as he moved towards the living room. "Come one man, put the cigarette out and come let me wipe the floor with you." He motioned slyly for Adam to come into the living room.

Adam stood up and approached the other boy while glancing at the computer Billy was working on. "If you're looking for the schematics for the mind control I have access." He smirked, "All you had to do was ask..." He then walked toward the living room after stubbing his cigarette in the sink. "If you are even ready for it Rocky lets see what you got..."


Kim sat down tiredly on her bed and dropped the crutches to the floor. "I'll be so happy when I don't need those damn things anymore."

"Don't worry; you'll be out of it in no time." Tommy winks, "And my poor old bones have to be running after you when you start to zoom this way and that way..." He sat down on the bed next to her.

She smiled somewhat then turned her eyes away from him. This was so awkward, all the other times she had been in here; she'd been asleep already and hadn't had to deal with the small talk. "Are you sure you want to stay here Tommy, all of you. It's going to be dangerous not only for me but all of you." Kim finally met his eyes again, no sorrow showing just a questioning look.

Tommy smiled, "I am happy where I am at Kim, danger or no danger." He then grew serious, "I won't let things hurt you anymore and besides even if I did leave, the guy will be after me." He shook his head, "Besides, things will be fine you'll see, after my race in the meet, I'll be back here making sure things are all set."

"That's right you have that race that Jason was talking about." She cracked a smile and tried some more small talk, "Can I ask you a question about this racing thing Tommy?"

Kim pushed herself back against the pillow, lord but she was tired.

"Sure if you like Kim..." Tommy slid a bit until his back was leaning against the foot board. "Shoot if you like."

"Why would you give up martial arts for racing? And don't look at me as if I don't know what I'm talking about. You've given the arts up haven't you?" Kim asked

Tommy looked at Kim for a bit, "I gave it up because it hurt to much and I started to race cause I thought it was a way for me to run." He rubbed his neck, "In a more literal sense then a figurative way." The smile he displayed didn't reach his eyes, "I was just trying to run away and I suppose it was a way to achieve the adrenaline I missed, the feeling of being free, and...." He trailed off.

"Of having the power rushing through you. It hurts a lot to give up those powers." She frowned then looked into those eyes that had always drawn her in. "I know I hurt you a lot with that letter...I said things in there that were cruel and unfeeling. If I could take them back I would...but...I can't. I can only hope you forgive me. I just want to have you as a friend again" Her voice never wavered once during her speech.

Tommy laughed a bit, he felt his hands curl a bit, "Kim it did hurt I am not lying..." Throwing his hand over his face to shield him from her, he felt the tears start to bubble up in his eyes. "Yet, you need to know I never blamed you for it. I thought there was something wrong with me, that is why you wanted to leave me...after all who would want little pathetic Tommy." He felt his gut clench, "Who would want a person that is evil."

Kim reached over and took his hand in hers. "You are not evil Tommy Oliver...you are the most honest and decent man I know. It wasn't something that was wrong with you. It was what was wrong with me and you know that now." She released his hand and turned her eyes away from him. "I felt so ashamed of what he did to me...that I'd become...tainted by it."

Tommy clenched her hand a bit, while he kept his arm over his face, "Kim...did you write that letter because of him?" He whispered in a soft voice wanting to know no needing to know the truth.

She looked at him, the tears at the corners of her eyes and nodded her head. "I didn't have choice...after what he did to me...I just didn't feel like I belonged with you...I wasn't whole anymore. He made everything seem so hopeless...said such horrible things..." She wiped her eyes trying not to let him see her cry.

Tommy let his arm slowly part from his eyes, tears were trailing down his cheek, "Kim...do you still love me? Please." He hushed her with his fingers on her lips, "Put aside your guilt your self doubts...about me deserving you or that your tainted just honestly tell me do you feel for me still?" His voice hoarsely begged, "I need to know cause Kim I still feel the same for you...that is why I race, hoping..that I...that I might end up dead if I make a wrong turn." He felt his fingers tremble, "Kim I don't feel complete without you, I know it is too soon and if you need time I'll just be your friend if that is all you need from me...I." Licking his lips nervously, while his eyes swerve this way, and that way from his thoughts, "I just wanted you to know that is all...."

Kim took a deep breath, "I don't know if I can trust my feelings anymore Tommy. I just don't know. I trusted them when I met...Aaron or Zanith or whatever the hell he wants to call himself and it just hurt me in the end." She looked into eyes knowing she owed him and honest answer. "I never stopped loving you Tommy, but I need time." Tears pooled down her soft cheeks. "Time to figure everything out...I'm just not ready. I know I owe you more than that and I'm sorry."

Tommy nodded his head, "I'll wait then..." Leaning forward he brought her hand to his lips pressing it lightly. "I'll wait for you to reach your final decision; even if I am gone I'll still wait." Closing his eyes, "I love you Kim, don't mistake that from anything else but what it is from me."

He felt his heart crack slightly yet inwardly, he knew there was still hope even though it stings. After all he knew that Kim was uncertain confused, it was better to let time help her out, instead of trying to being selfish and force her to give something she wasn't ready to give.

Kim nodded her head. "Will you stay here till I fall asleep? I... I'm too scared to be in this room alone."

Tommy nodded his head, "I am your bed partner, I'll be here to catch you if you fall, and don't worry, as your knight I'll make sure the monsters won't get you." Rubbing his fingers down her face, "Go to sleep, when you awake I will be here." After seeing Kimberly nod her head in agreement and close her eyes, he held her hand in his, and slept.

Somewhere outside in the darkness the full moon shined upon the Scott house, it smiled at them, while in another region a man sat in a room staring at a photograph.

A sinister smile was in full bloom, while smell of sulfur burned in the room from off the side.

To Be Continued