AN: This is just a little story I started, and probably won't finish. Short.

"Draco!" Lucius Malfoy called to his five-year-old son as he stood at the foot of a staircase.

A small boy appeared at the top of the staircase. His blond hair fell in his eyes as he constantly pushed it back. The child had the brightest blue eyes you could ever hope to see, but there was a sadness to them. He huddled at the top, racking his brain for what he did wrong.

"Yes father?" He asked fearfully.

"Come here Draco. I want to talk to you." He motioned for Draco to come closer to him. Draco came, not wanting to know what would happen if he didn't.

The child, Draco, now stood in front of his father, looking as though he would rather be anywhere else.

"What is it father?" He asked again.

Lucius looked down at the child who, when old enough, would succeed the Dark Lord known as Voldemort. He was small now, but in time, he would grow to honor the Malfoy name.

"My master wants to see you. He is weak, but you shall give him the respect that he deserves. Is this clear?" He asked the frightened young boy.

Draco nodded slightly. Lucius nodded and walked away, expecting his son to follow. As Draco walked behind him, he slipped into the Draco Malfoy his father wanted him to be. A mini-Lucius. Draco knew that if he used this façade often enough, it would become harder and harder to be himself.