Forgot the disclaimer in Ch. 1, instead of writing each disclaimer for each chapter, I don't own anything in this story except for a few characters.

Chapter 3: Falling Apart

Snake arrives at the heliport. He sees two guards patrolling the door into the warehouse. He uses his scope and looks for the air vent. He sees that it is unguarded. Snake gets behind the heliport wall and looks over the corner, he sees nobody, or thinks he does. He runs out and bumps into a Genome. He spots him and instantly calls for backup. Snake runs away and hides behind the crate next to the elevator. He looks over and sees an attack team searching the area where he bumped into the soldier.

Snake: (to himself) Dammit. . . I gotta be more careful.

He decides to go through the heliport instead. There are two searchlights watching over the heliport. When the time was right, Snake dashed through it and headed for the stairs. When he got to them though, he tripped and barely got out unseen. Snake is obviously angry at having almost been spotted again. He decides to check the room in which the camera is in. He is able to get by it and finds a chaff grenade and a ration. He gets out and proceeds to the air vent. The truck is no longer there. He sees that the air vent is still unguarded and dashes to it. He mistakenly runs into the view of a different surveillance camera.

Snake: DAMN!

Snake looks and sees armed guards heading for him. Snake takes out his USP and lets off a couple of shots. Some hit, and the guards fall down dead. More guards show up and start shooting. Snake shoots again as he crawls inside the vent. One guard tosses a grenade inside and Snake kicks it out quickly and it explodes. Snake gets out of the guards' range and continues through the vent shaken up a bit. He follows it inside the warehouse. He stops at the end and sees a man inside. He had short brown hair and looked to be around 35. He was armed with a Colt Defender and had a holster for a mini blade on his leg. He was giving orders to Genomes.

Man: As you know, there is an intruder here. I want to find him, but don't kill him. Save that for me.

The Genomes run out different directions leaving the man alone. Snake runs out and points his USP at the man as he is leaving.

Snake: FREEZE!

The man stops, but chuckles a bit.

Snake: What're you laughing at!?

Man: You must be the intruder. What a pleasure it is to meet you.

The man suddenly spins around, pointing the Defender at Snake. The man stops in awe, as he knows who it is.

Man: Snake? Is that you?

Snake: Scorpion? Colt Scorpion!

Scorpion: Its been a long time Snake. Remember those days back in FOXHOUND. Those were the good old days.

Snake: Why are you here?

Scorpion: Hahaha, I'm now with FOXHOUND X. The new and improved version of the original. You're looking at the leader of it right now.

Snake: Aren't you going to kill me now? That's what you wanted to do.

Scorpion: Since we go way back, I won't kill you now, I'll play with you for a while. Let's see how much better you've gotten since you left us.

Snake: Why do you want to do this? Would you really kill an old comrade?

Scorpion: I'm ordered to kill you, by the head of our group. In fact, the head of our group is itself a group.

Snake: You don't mean -

Scorpion: Enough talk. Let's go.

Scorpion jumps away as Snake just stares at him. Scorpion taps Snake's back and when he turns around dashes away. Snake looks around, but can't find Scorpion.

Scorpion: C'mon, the old Snake could do better than that!

Snake: Where the hell are you?

Scorpion: Turn around.

Snake turns around and sees a fist level him in the face. Snakes falls back but regains his balance and aims his USP at Scorpion, but Snake can't shoot him, for some reason he just can't kill an old comrade. Snake puts his USP back in its holster and puts his fists up ready for a fistfight.

Scorpion: What's wrong? You're not the ruthless Snake I used to know.

Snake runs towards Scorpion and throws his fist at him, but Scorpion ducks away and uppercuts Snake in the jaw. Snake falls but gets up quickly and nails Scorpion in the head with a right hook. Scorpion is enraged and takes out his Defender and points it at Snake. Snake suddenly punches Scorpion in the forehead and makes him stumble. He falls and Snake grabs him by the throat.

Snake: Why did you do this Scorpion? Why have you turned?

Scorpion: I can't answer that now.

Snake: What!? Why not!?

Scorpion: Oh don't worry Snake, you'll find out later.

Scorpion takes Snake by the throat and gets up. He lifts Snake with one hand and throws him into a bunch of crates. They all break into lots of pieces when Snake goes through them. Scorpion is staring at Snake. Snake gets up slowly in great anger when he gets up he stares back at Scorpion. But then, Snake starts shaking violently and screams in agony.


Snake tries to resist, but can't. He falls to the ground, motionless. Scorpion walks up to him, signaling two Genomes to come with him.

Genome 1: Is he dead?

Scorpion: No, he's just unconscious now. It seems to be FOXDIE making its move.

Genome 2: I think we should bring him to Boss.

Scorpion: I'm sure he'll take care of him. I have some business of my own to take care of. Bring him to the chamber.p

Both Genomes lift up Snake's motionless body and drag him away. Over Snake's codec, Roy can be heard.

Roy: Snake, are you there!. . . Snake, RESPOND!. . . Snaaaaaake! Come IN!!! (silence)

End of chapter.