Metal Gear Solid 4: Return to Shadow Moses

Chapter 1: Introduction

The date, February 12, 2010, almost exactly five years since the original terrorist incident by FOXHOUND took place. The Patriots' role in society has diminished rapidly, but they still have great power over the U.S. Ever since the legendary Solid Snake had recovered valuable information about The Patriots by recovering a computer chip inside Metal Gear MAX, they've become weaker and weaker. Snake still faces another challenge though. He requested a mission from Roy Campbell, Co-leader of Philanthropy, to head back to Shadow Moses. For what though? He isn't sent there for the government, or to prove anything to the public, but for the life of a close friend.
It all began a month ago, sometime in January. Hal Emmerich, the other leader of Philanthropy, had received an anonymous e-mail reporting that Meryl Silverburgh, Roy Campbell's niece, taken hostage by Revolver Ocelot during the Metal Gear MAX incident, was kept on Shadow Moses Island, and that a new Metal Gear was being produced there as well. It was also determined that Shadow Moses is also the place where the Patriots have harbored. Solid Snake decided to undergo this mission on his own request, and that he would do it himself. Soon after that, he prepared himself to go back to the place he wished he would never returned to. He went through extensive VR training to prepare him for this, and also went through extreme field exercises under the permission of the General of the U.S. Army. Now was the time to get going, ad to get ready for The Return to Shadow Moses.