Disclaimer: Don't own YGO. Blah.

Oh yeah, and Nii-sama means 'older brother'.

*= Say it with me: Awwwwww!

**=Heh. I love Lucky Charms.


"You're worthless. Everyone hates you. Mokuba only puts up with you because you're nice to him."

Tears fill my eyes. "That's not true, Gozaburo!"

"You're stupid and weak." A slash to my arm.

"A good-for-nothing coward." A blow to my chest.

"No!" I scream. Punches rain on me.

"WHAT ARE YOU, SETO?" Gozaburo roars. I don't answer, and a kick is delivered to my stomach.


"W-worthless...a coward..."

"Very good. Now, does anyone care about you?"


"What about your little brat brother?" I am silent. The raging man throws me against a wall, and I slump down, without so much as a peep.



"Good, now I think you'll pay me proper respect. Now, what about Mokuba?"

"H-he hates m-me..." I stammer as the knife pressed to my throat moves up and down with my breathing.

I clutch my head in silent agony. My breath comes in ragged gasps. I've been having these visions for weeks now, but I always manage to conceal them. The horrible thing is that they aren't merely visions...they are memories.

"Kaiba, are you okay? You look terrible!"

I shoot Yami a glare and stalk away. Out of the school I attend only because I'm underage. I don't know where I'm going, but I feel another headache coming on, so I duck into an alley.

"No! Stay away from Mokuba, Gozaburo!"

"Big brother! Help me!"

"Silence, brat! Your brother hates you, he's not going to protect you."

"No...Seto doesn't hate me..."

"MOKUBA!" I'm suddenly thrown against the wall.

"See, brat? Seto isn't even trying to help."

"no..." I struggle towards Mokuba, but suddenly my vision goes black.

Random memories burn their way through my head, and I finally succumb to the agony and pass out.


My eyes open slowly to be greeted by more darkness. I blink in the direction of my watch. 6:30? What?

I stumble out of the alley to find that it's raining. Thunder and lightning flash and boom in the sky. I stagger blindly in the direction I think the Kaiba mansion is.

After making my way through the rain, the huge mansion suddenly looms in front of me. I stumble up to the gate.

"Seto Kaiba."

My eyes and voice are scanned, and the gate creaks open, only to quickly shut again.

I've just barely punched in the number code that unlocks the door when it flies open.

"SETO!" I'm suddenly tackled. "Where were you?"

"Never mind, Mokuba. Have you had supper yet?"

"No, Seto, but what happened? I was about to call the police!"

"It's nothing, Mokuba, I was just out for a bit. Now come on and we can have some lasagna for dinner."

I struggle to my feet and walk to the kitchen, Mokuba following me. He's wearing a puzzled expression and a small frown that disappears gradually as two plates of steaming lasagna appear on the table.

"Thank you, big brother."

I allow myself a rare smile, which turns to a surprised frown as Mokuba grabs my hand and drags me into the living room. "Hey!" I'm pulled onto the couch, and then Mokuba lets go of my hand and climbs into my lap, to my surprise. He hasn't done that for years now...

"Now, Seto, I want the whole story."


"You weren't just 'out'. Tell me what really happened."

Before I can protest, the blue-gray eyes widen, tiny tears form at the edges, and the bottom lip quivers. Oh, god. The 'look'. I'm doomed*.

"I...kind of got a headache...then Yami saw me, so I tried to avoid him by ducking into an alley. Then my headache got really bad, so bad that I had to sit down, then I suppose I passed out or something and woke up again a while later. It's nothing much, Mokuba, I must have gotten an allergic reaction to something..."

"Big brother, the last time you got a headache was when you were remembering something bad. What was the real reason for the headache? Was it..."

"Gozaburo." I say quietly. "Was it when he hurt you, Seto?"

I nod.

This time Mokuba's tears aren't just a part of the 'look'. He lets out a tiny whimper and buries his head in the crook of my arm. I wrap my arms around him, trying to be comforting, but it's hard when I'm as scared as he is. I squeeze Mokuba gently.

"Don't worry, Moku, he's gone. He'll never come back to hurt you again. Shh."

We sit for a while, and eventually Mokuba's small sobs fade into soft snores. Afraid to wake him, I adjust my position on the couch until I'm in a fairly comfortable position and pull a blanket over me and Mokuba. Soon I fall asleep, Mokuba beside me.


Mokuba woke up at the crack of dawn. He found himself in his brother's lap, and was about to thank his nii-sama for staying with him when he saw that the elder Kaiba's eyes were closed peacefully. Mokuba quietly freed himself from Seto's protective hold, and tucked his older brother in tightly. Seto muttered something in his sleep and smiled softly.

Mokuba wandered into the kitchen, where he poured himself some Lucky Charms and ate them quickly so that the marshmallows wouldn't get soggy**. Finally the little boy remembered it was Saturday and trudged up to his room and changed his clothes. He then tiptoed into Seto's room and picked out a warm housecoat for his brother to wear when he woke up. After laying the housecoat on the far end of the couch, he peered out the window to see Yugi and Joey standing at the door, and Joey's finger was an inch away from the doorbell. Mokuba ran to the door and opened it before the loud doorbell woke his nii-sama.

"Hello, Joey and Yugi."

"Hey, Mokuba, why you whisperin'?"

"Shh! Big brother's sleeping! Come on in, but be quiet."

Joey and Yugi exchanged looks then followed Mokuba to one of the various living rooms of the Kaiba mansion.

"Mokuba, we're here to talk to you 'bout your brother," Joey explained, no longer whispering, since they were in the west wing of the mansion and Seto was still sleeping peacefully in the east wing.

"Why? What happened? Is nii-sama sick or something?"

Upon seeing the blue-gray eyes widen worriedly, Yami decided that he would come out, because Yugi was going to lose it soon. Yugi's features shifted, signifying that his Yami had taken over.

"Well, Mokuba, we don't know. We were coming to ask you. You see, Kaiba-er, your brother looked like he was in pain or something, so I walked up to him and asked him if he was alright. He just ran out of the school, and didn't come back. Then you phoned Yugi and I at the Turtle Game Shop to ask if we'd seen your brother, and that was at 6:00. Do have any idea what happened?"

Realization dawned on Mokuba's features, and he closed his eyes wearily. "He...was remembering...something bad. Seto came home at 6:30, and he was completely soaked, but he just said he was 'out', so I made him tell me the whole story, and he said that he got a really bad headache, and I know that the last time he got a headache was when he had a bad memory. So he told me that he did remember something bad, and it gave him a headache."

Joey awkwardly put a hand on Mokuba's shoulder. "Mokuba, your brother's not the type to get fazed by remembering bad stuff, know what I mean? What was Kaiba remembering?"

Mokuba let out a tiny whimper. "Gozaburo Kaiba."

Joey looked puzzled, and Yami had changed back to Yugi.

"You have to go now. Nii-sama is going to wake up soon." With that, Mokuba ushered them out the door.


"You stupid brat! Can't you do anything right?"

"But, Gozaburo, I uploaded ten programs today..."

"Idiot! I wanted twenty! And you will address me as 'sir'!"

He picks me up roughly, and throws me out of the first-story window. The glass leaves small cuts on my arms and legs. I lie still, whimpering a little, but soon I struggle up to my feet and limp towards the door.

"Oh, so now you're trying to get back in? Stay out, brat!" Gozaburo storms out and punches me a few times, adding some new bruises to my collection. I limp towards the back door, and drag myself up to my room. I lock the door, and bandage myself up slowly. Then a scream pierces my ears. Mokuba!

"You get out of your room, or I will personally kill your brat brother!" I stumble out of my room, and grab Mokuba out of Gozaburo's grasp. With my small brother in my arms, I dart out the door, ignoring the pain in my legs. Gozaburo roars and charges after me, and I huddle in a corner, hiding Mokuba behind me. As the rain of kicks and puches descends on me, I fall into blackness.


"Nii-sama? Wake up!"

I open my eyes blearily to see Mokuba standing over me.

"Seto, I made you breakfast, come quick or the marshmallows will get soggy!" I grin. I've always had a weakness for Lucky Charms cereal.

After I finish my breakfast, I start to get up, but Mokuba tackles me. "Seto, can we go somewhere today?"

I think for a minute. I don't think I'm busy today...oh, screw KaibaCorp. I'm going to take the day off.

"Of course, Mokuba. Where do you want to go?" Oh no, not the zoo, not the zoo...

"The zoo!"

I sigh and ruffle my brother's hair, and walk out to the limo.
