Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliate with NBC or Hallmark, none of these characters belong to me, and I am making no profit from borrowing them.

The Moon Cycle


Pale moonlight covered the field as a lone shape slunk out of the trees.


The animal stopped abruptly. Its eyes, burning with crazed brightness, flashed a brilliant gold in the dim light.

Hunger, starving…

A dark tail swished between its owner's legs as a scent carried by the wind was picked up.

Hunger, starving…ravenous

There was a rustle in the bushes. The creature froze and stared keenly as a small deer crept out, looking around with cautious eyes, sniffing the air tentatively.


Gold eyes flashed. The animal pounced; fur flew. A shrill cry cut through the night, but abruptly silenced.

Sweet, warm, sustenance…hunger abating…

After a short while the predator pulled itself away from the carcass, pawing the dead animal's thick, sticky blood from its face.

A twig snapped in the forest.

The animal sprung up, growling low in its throat…then fell silent as a small rabbit hopped out of the trees.

A slow, feral smile came to the hunter's face.

Gold eyes flashed.

The moon sat passively overhead.