

Hey, cuties, it's me. Anyway, this is another story dealing Minako

and Kunzite. You probably figured out by now that I've an obsession

with the Senshi and Generals. This is set in the 17th century, Italy.

Hope you enjoy it. There will be other senshi involvement, as well

as some outers. Warning: Anime pairing fans beware.

Summary: Mina Silveri is famed throughout Venice for her charm and

beauty. Though she does not avoid men like the plague, no one can

boast of having claimed her heart. Sir Kunzite Glory is mysterious,

dark and dangerous, who can coax any female into his bed. But the

moment he sees her, he vows that she'll be his. Yet, he was not

prepared for the battle of wills, nor did he expect to lose his heart.

But will she return his advances?



A raven-haired beauty in a deep-set red dress elegantly mounted

the marble steps leading to the Silveris' mansion. The sinking sun cast

a gently glow on her hair, high-lighting the red and purple hues. Her

bright amethyst eyes were cool and aloof, and she held herself with royal

grace. A uniformed footman held the door open, bowing low.

"Lady Rei."

She acknowledged him with a silent not, sweeping past him into the

glittering ballroom, her gaze focusing on a blond-haired girl surrounded by

freshly knighted men vying for her attention. The girl immediately stood

up as she noticed the other woman, breaking out of her circle of admirers and

welcoming the other. Rei smiled, losing the arrogant posture, her eyes warm

and gentle.

"Mina! How have you been?"

The blonde smiled, hugging the other.

"Rei. Glad you could make it tonight." and added in a Undertone.


Rei threw back her head, laughing softly, the sound sweet yet incredibly

seductive at the same time. The two girls chattered amiably as they reached for a

glass of wine from the tray of an uniformed waiter, whom Mina had commanded

to come with a slight wave of her hand.

"Be glad Jadeite isn't here. He would scare all your suitors off."

Mina flapped her fan airily, referring to her brother.

"You know people say he goes quite often into psycho-older brother

mood when he's concerned about me, but he gets much, much worse when it

comes to a certain fiery-tempered lady. Good idea for you to reject your grandfather's

urging to become a nun. Think how it would crush all these poor gentlemen's hearts

to know that the object of their desires has taken a vow of chastity."

"Quite. I'd have to get all my drinks myself, and all those expensive

presents and dinners would have to be paid out of my own pockets, too."

They giggled girlishly as a man tripped over a chair in his way since

he was staring open-mouthed at Rei.

"You're hazardous to his health."

Rei tossed her mane over her shoulder, giving the fallen man a

flirtatious wink, causing him to turn an interesting shade of red. One could

have fried an egg on his face.

"I'm not the only one. The man with the silver hair by that corner

next to the parlor doors has been staring at you for far longer than it's healthy

for him."

Mina followed Rei's gaze, her eyes locking onto a pair of purplish-gray

orbs. His stare boldly asserted her, before he took a liberal sip from his champagne.

The girl frowned, a frozen smile curving her lips, as she turned back to Rei.

"There's an aura of danger around him." She murmured softly, her warrior sense

kicking in. A finely arched brow rose, the tiny badge on the shoulder catching her

attention. "Let's see if I can soften this knight's cold heart."

Rei shook her head in exasperation. She was leaving all these good-looking,

nice young men to chase after a probably unattainable knight, just for the sake of

doing it. But that was Mina, dubbed by her friends as Queen of Charms. Well, that

title was certainly well earned.


Kunzite smile cynically as the young daughter of tonight's hostess sauntered

towards him. At least this wouldn't be another jaded slut looking for a romp in his


"Already found your target for tonight?"

He turned to his companion, a young man with piercing green eyes and slightly

feminine features.

"Zoicite, in case you're blind, let me enlighten you: the picture of innocence

is meeting us head-on."

Zoicite turned, noticing the tight dress and how much skin it exposed with

one glance. His tone was sarcastic.

"Oh, look. Another little harlot to you to screw. There's nothing innocent

about her; she literally screams experience. Now, if you're looking for a virgin,

the blue-haired girl in the library might satisfy your curiosity."

Only sheer will power kept him from planting his fist into Zoicite's smirking


He was about to place his champagne on a nearby table when the girl

walked right past him and curtsied deeply before Zoicite.

"Would my lord honor me with this dance?"

The young man bowed, extending his hand.

"You didn't have to ask, milady."

Kunzite could only stare, dumbfounded, as Zoicite led Mina onto the dance floor,

her golden laughter reaching his ears. He downed his champagne in one gulp, the

silver-purple orbs hardening. His hands fisted, the wine glass breaking into millions

of shards, but he ignored the glass cutting into his palm. She was his, and if he had to

kill a million men to get her.

From across the room, fear seized Rei's heart at the change of expression on

the knight's face after Mina's little stunt. Her friend was in hot water.


Thanks for reading my story. Drop me a note about whether I should continue this

little crazy thing. Thanks.