A/N: okay, I know it was a long time coming, but I was in a total slump over the whole thing. Thanks to everyone who reviewed; your encouragement really helps!
You may have noticed that the format of the first five chapters have changed a bit & it's now easier to read, so thanks to KT Welsh for that!
Final thanks has to go to Jackie who pulled me out of the slump, slapped me over the head & suggested I add this next part, so thanks hon. Its a very short chapter, but I really like the way this ends, so the next chapters will be longer- she's still got a murderer to catch, REMEMBER??
Once again, thanks everyone…. I'm back!!!
Grace helped Eric to his feet, as he clambered out of the car. "Careful," she said as he slipped, "You don't want to hurt yourself."
"Gracie, chill," he straightened up, "I'm fine. You've got to stop fussing over me."
She ran a hand along his cheek, "I don't want to lose you… not again." She lifted his bag and led the way into their Berlin apartment.
"Nice… very nice." Eric surveyed.
"Right," Grace sat him down on the sofa, "The doctor said you were to rest. No strenuous activities."
"Really?" Eric tugged at her jeans cheekily.
"Eric…" Grace warned, but it was too late. He had pulled her down so that she was straddled across his lap.
He ran his hands up and down her legs, rubbing heat into them, "You are so beautiful."
Grace slipped her arms around his neck, "Really? Tell me more."
"You're funny, and witty, and beautiful, and sexy, and you know just what to say and do that can drive a man wild." Eric whispered.
"What like this?" Grace ran her hands over his chest and slid them up his shirt, rubbing his muscles.
Eric began to breathe heavier and, slipping his hand inside her t-shirt, undid her bra. He slid his hand inside and rubbed her breasts.
Grace pulled her hands out, fisted his shirt and pulled him forward into a passionate kiss. His tongue coaxed her open, and he tasted the inside of her mouth. He pulled her top over her head and kissed down her neck. His shirt & her bra soon found their way to the floor. He turned and laid her on the sofa, his lips caressing her breastbone.
"Eric…" Grace murmured, her hands running through his ruffled hair, "Eric, stop. Not here, stop."
Eric blinked up at her. She slid out from beneath him, lifted their clothes and walked out of the room. He watched her walk down the hall towards the bedroom. She turned, looked at him, and winked at him.
He jumped from the sofa, so excited he didn't feel any pain, and sprinted down the hall. Grace stood in the doorway, leant against the frame, one arm above her head. Eric grabbed her waist and pulled her close, kissing her deeply.
* * *
Grace lay in bed, her head and hand resting on Eric's chest, as he ran his fingers through her hair. Periodically he leant down and kissed the crown of her head.
All was dark and silent, and Grace stared off into the distance, deep in thought. "Eric?" she said eventually.
"Hmm?" he replied.
"Can I ask you something?"
"It's something that I've been thinking about for some time, and it just won't go away. It's been itching at me, really annoying me, you know?"
"Gracie, what is it?"
"Why did you sleep with her?"
"Why did you sleep with her? That girl…"
"Grace…" Eric pulled himself out of bed and made for the bathroom.
"Eric, I want to know!"
"I don't know why!" he turned suddenly, "I could tell you I was drunk, but I wasn't. I could tell you it was a bet, but it wasn't. It was sheer stupidity. It was the biggest mistake of me life. Grace…" he knelt down and took her hand, "I almost lost you. You think I want to give you up? I can't… I need you Grace..."
Grace mumbled to herself.
"What?" Eric asked.
"I said, I thought that maybe I wasn't enough for you."
Eric looked into her watery eyes and saw the vulnerability within. His heart sank at the sight. "Jesus, baby no!" He sat on the bed and pulled her towards him, "You are more than enough, and I don't deserve you. But each day I thank the stars for you. I love you more than life itself. You're my everything… my Gracie- Lou…"