Disclaimer: All characters within belong to J.K. Rowling and everyone else who claims possession of the 'Harry Potter' franchise.

Warning: Ahoy, slash ahead.


Chapter 20: The End is the Beginning is the End


"Sera, tell me again about what Hogwarts is like." Severus asked, his eyes shimmering, a rambunctious curiosity hidden behind black eyes.

"Well, Severus. It's large. It's very, very large." A look of worry crossed Severus's face, causing Seraphine to laugh good naturedly. She reached over to him and ruffled his hair lightly. "But don't worry. You may get lost a few times in the beginning, but the paintings, ghosts and professors will gladly help you find your way. You'll learn the ropes quickly enough.

Severus sighed lightly, urging her to continue her stories of her, and soon to be their, school.

Sera shook her head. "You're such an impatient one, Sev…

"Well, the Great Hall is humungous, and that's where all of the students and staff eat their meals. Students also gather there to do homework or talk. Also, the sky is enchanted."

"Enchanted? Enchanted how, Sera?" Severus moved a bit forward, his too long hair falling into his eyes.

"You'll see, Severus. Trust me." Seraphine giggled, leading Severus onto Platform 9 ¾. The platform was bustling, hundreds of people rushing about, voices and owls screeching. "Ahh… The insanity of the trip. I love it."

She turned to her younger brother, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I can see you to your compartment if you'd like, Sev. I'm afraid I've got to sit near the front of the train. But if you need me, you can always find me."

"I'll be alright, Sera. I'll just find an empty compartment and read. Mum gave me a new book as a going away present." A shy smile stood on Severus's face. It didn't reach his eyes.

"None of that. You need to make friends, little brother… But I guess you can do that when you get there, if you need to." Seraphine said, leading Severus over to pack away their trunks before finally entering the train. She pointed down one long hall, and then turned to point in the other direction. "You'll be down that way. The cabins are arranged by year, so you'll be at the very end. There will be signs to tell you when you've reached your section. I'll be in a cabin near the very front of the train. Will you be alright?"

"Yes, yes. Stop babying me, Sera." Severus said, his voice stern, but a slight smirk on his face. He turned to go down the hallway, walking faster than normal. He turned around as he walked, waving slightly to his sister. "I'll see you at the sorting ceremony."

Severus kept his hands in his pockets and his head down, watching his feet as he walked down the long halls. He looked up every once in awhile, checking for the sign that he needed.

"A-ha!" Severus couldn't help but exclaim when he found the proper cabins, a sense of pride washing over him. He turned and entered the first cabin he saw, his eyes cast down. He didn't see anybody until he felt the impact, and heard the muffled noises of another boy's voice.

"Oi!" Severus got to his knees, rubbing a hand on his head. He found himself staring at a boy, his own age. The boy had slightly golden eyes and light brown hair. He couldn't help but give the boy a small sneer.

"Sorry about that. I was reading, and wasn't really watching where I was going." The boy held up an old book with a worn leather cover. He held out his hand to Severus. "Hullo. I'm Remus. Remus Lupin."

- - -

Albus Dumbledore has always inspired a sense of awe in the students of Hogwarts. Some students may not have cared much for him, but damned near all of them has respected him. So when he stares at you, a cup of tea simmering on his desk, his hands clasped in his lap, and his blue eyes reading you, you can't help but sit up a little straighter.

It doesn't matter that I'm a forty-one year old man. He still makes me feel like I'm a first year.

"So… Remus... Are the rumors true?" He finally asks, taking a sip of his tea, his eyes never leaving me.

I shift in my seat before answering. "Yes, sir."

"You proposed to my potions master?"

"Yes." I look down at my own cup of tea. A swirl of steam rises up slowly from it, catching my attention before I notice the look of sternness on the headmaster's face.


That question I did not expect. "Why what, sir? Why would I propose to Severus?"

"Yes, Remus, that's what I'm asking."

"Because I love him." I answer frankly. He sits silently for a moment, taking in my answer. After what seems like an eternity, he sighs, a smile coming to his face.

"Alright." He stands up, walking around his desk to stand in front of me. He takes a hand and hoists me up by the shoulder. He looks serious again for a moment, his blue eyes flashing. "If you hurt him, you will have many…many…people after your hide. Do you understand me?"


"Well, then. Have you two set a date?" Dumbledore backs away from me, going to his desk to retrieve a bit of parchment and a quill.

"No. We've discussed it, and were thinking about waiting until after the war. It's too dangerous to do it now. It could reveal his loyalties. Severus doesn't want that, both for his own safety and for the safety of Harry and the Order." I take a large gulp of my tea, trying to speed along the conversation. The sooner that I finish the tea, the sooner I may get out of this office and back to Severus.

"Oh, don't be silly, my dear boy." I can't help but smile at the tone that Dumbledore's voice takes. His smile widens. "We can have the wedding here at Hogwarts, in secret. If you keep your voices low and are discrete, I see no reason why not to get married sooner, rather than later."

"But Albus…"

"No 'buts,' Remus… This is bound to be a very long, very violent war. We won't all survive it. It is better to marry now than to regret not marrying later. Take my word on this." Dumbledore's eyes take on a heavy veil of sorrow as he says this, and I can't help but feel for the man. He's over a century and a half old, has dealt with Grindewald, and now Voldemort, for the second time. He's bound to have lost more than his fair share of friends and lovers throughout the year. "Now, if you can talk Severus into it, why not invite only one or two people, and you may have the wedding here, in my office. It will be perfectly safe. I myself can preside over the marriage. All that we need are two witnesses."

"What about the paperwork? I know that wizarding marriages are nowhere near as complicated or difficult as muggle marriages, but there must be paperwork? It can't be as easy as your performing a ceremony and us kissing at the end?"

Albus sighs. "I see no need to register your marriage until after the war, Remus. Besides," He waves his hand in front of his face in a dismissive manner. "Registering a marriage isn't what makes it a marriage. It is the Soul Bond that occurs during the marriage that solidifies it."

It is my turn to sigh before I answer. "I…I'll have to discuss it with Severus."

Albus's face brightens up and he claps his hands together as he stands. "Fine, fine, my boy. I'll start preparing for the wedding. How about this coming Sunday? That gives us three days to prepare!"

"But-but… Headmaster… I…"

"None of that, my boy. Go find Severus and discuss this all with him. I'll get a hold of Professor McGonagall to serve as a witness for Severus. Would you like for me to find Harry, to serve as your witness?" Dumbledore asks, while shooing me out of the room.

"Um, sure. Alright. I still have to talk to Severus, though, sir…" I turn to say to him, but find the door shut tightly.

Well, now I really do need to discuss this with Severus. Three days to plan a marriage… I always knew that Albus was a few knuts short of a galleon, but this just proves it.


"Is the bloody man insane? And how did he even know that you proposed? That we are engaged? I swear, he's worse that the Weasley twins."

I can't help but laugh to myself at Severus's ranting. Just two years ago, his ranting would've made me annoyed, or made me yell, but now it's almost endearing. "Calm down, Severus. He's just trying to help…"

"But how did he know?"

"Are you ashamed of our engagement?" I ask, a slight twinge in the back of my throat. Severus stops ranting and raving and walks over to where I'm sitting, kneeling in front of me. He takes one of my hands in his own and kisses it lightly.

"Of course not. I love you, Remus." Severus leans up and holds my cheek in his other hand, bringing it down to his. His onyx eyes are swirling, emotion filling them. His eyes look content, happy and above all, they're filled with love. I kiss him lightly before pulling away.

"Then why not get married on Sunday? Albus brought up good points… If we wait, we may regret it." Severus stands up and sits down on my lap, his face nuzzling my neck. I bring my arms up around him, running my hands up and down his sides before settling them down on his lower back. I can't help the tears that well up in my eyes as I speak. "I don't want to die without having married you."

"You won't." That's my Severus. Monosyllabic to a fault. "We're getting married on Sunday."

- - -

A/N: I hope this didn't suck too badly. I'm trying to wrap things up. I'm thinking one or two more chapters. I've kept people waiting for so long on this story, that I'm extremely annoyed with myself. I'm sorry, people. Thanks for reading and commenting on this story.

Also, the title of this chapter was borrowed from a Smashing Pumpkins song. It seemed oddly fitting.