Hello I'm Back!

That's right it's Misty Amethyst!

I hope you checked out my first ever Songfic 'Stay the Same' and thank you to all the people who reviewed! And thank you to Illusioner 1412 for picking up my mistakes. Thanks! And thank you for being so kind. I love you all! lol so many thank yous!

Well this is my first ever Fan Fiction so please don't be too tough!

This is total S&S! The cutest couple!


Syaoran and Sakura are bestfriends. But in comes Sophie. Syaoran starts to like Sophie leaving Sakura heartbroken. But slowly Syaoran learns who he really loves, who has always been there waiting, who has been there for him the whole time; his bestfriend °R&R° Thanks!

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN CARDCAPTORS OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS! If you or someone you know is related to any of the characters, please do not take it as and offence. I thought of the ideas in my head.


Well here goes!

Enjoy !

Tears of Heartbreak

Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home!

It was near the end of the holidays. =( School was going to start in one week! Sakura and her family were on holidays in Malaysia. Sakura's father wanted to let Sakura relax because she would be in year 9 when she started school.

°Sakura's POV°

I was so bored! It was really hot! So I decided to hop on the internet and chat to my friends.

I asked my cousin if I could use her laptop and she said yes. As I was signing in on MSN Messenger, I wondered what Tomoyo was doing. When I signed in, a screen popped up saying someone had add me to their list. I looked at the e-mail address. It said 'Little Wolf' (A/N I am very sorry if that is your e-mail address, but it just seems like Syaoron would have one like that. And also please do not mind if any of the e-mail addresses I write in this story is yours. They were the first one to pop up in my head.)

"What?" I said to myself. "I don't know anyone with the name Little Wolf."

I clicked accept anyway. When he or she signed on I would ask who they are.

I started a conversation with '

Cherry Blossom says:

Hi Tomoyo!

Don't be mean, I got your picture says:


Cherry Blossom says:

How r u?

Don't be mean, I got your picture says:

I'm good thanks! How r u? I miss you so much!

Cherry Blossom says:

I'm good. And I miss u a lot too! How's Japan?

Don't be mean, I got your picture says:

Oh it's the same old Jpan

Don't be mean, I got your picture says:


Cherry Blossom says:

lol I love ur name 'Don't be mean, I got your picture'!

Don't be mean, I got your picture says:

lol thanks

Don't be mean, I got your picture says:

Oh Sakura I'm sorry but I g2g.

Cherry Blossom says:


Don't be mean, I got your picture says:

Sorry! Mum wants me to go shopping with her.

Don't be mean, I got your picture says:

So I'll chat to you some other time. But if I don't, ring me as soon as you get back in Japan!

Cherry Blossom says:


Cherry Blossom says:


I sure do miss Tomoyo I thought. Just as Tomoyo signed off, someone signed in. I looked down to the corner.

"Little Wolf!" I gasped.

'Well now's my chance,' I thought.

I started a conversation.

Cherry Blossom says:


Little Wolf says:


Cherry Blossom says:

Sorry to be rude but who r u?

Little Wolf says:


Cherry Blossom says:

Oh my god! Syaoran Li?

Little Wolf says:

Yea! Do I know u?

Cherry Blossom says:

It's me Sakura! I was in ur class in grade 5 and 6!

Little Wolf says:

Sakura Kinomoto! Yes I remember you!

Cherry Blossom says:

Cool! So how r u?!

Little Wolf:

Good thanks how r u?

Cherry Blossom says:

I'm good and relaxed! I'm on holidays in Malaysia!

Little Wolf says:

That sounds fun!

Cherry Blossom says:

Dad wanted me to relax be4 I get into year 11

Little Wolf says:

I'm going to Tomeada High. How bout u?

Cherry Blossom says:

Me 2! I might c u there. Or I might even be in ur class!

Little Wolf says:

Oh I can't wait to c u! Have you changed much?

Cherry Blossom says:

Um... Not really just grown a bit taller and my hairs longer.

Little Wolf says:

Hey sorry Sakura but I g2g. Mum wants me to do some training.

Cherry Blossom says:

Ooo! Sounds hard! I beta leave u to it then.

Little Wolf says:

lol It's not that hard. So Bye!

Cherry Blossom says:


I was thinking about so many things as I put away my cousin's laptop.

Syaoran was my bestfriend in grade 1 to grade 6... but then we went to different schools and our friendship grew apart. I had a really big crush on Syaoran in grade 5 and 6. But I was over him, I know I am. I'm sure I don't have anymore feelings for him apart from friendship. I'm sure...

°Normal POV°

Sakura and Syaoron talked everyday to each other. And they found out more about each other. Their friendship grew more and more. And eventually the friendship was as strong as it was before.

It was two more days before school started.

"Sakura we got the tickets and we are leaving tonight," Touyo called upstairs. "You better start packing."

"Ok!" Sakura yelled back.

Sakura started packing.

°Sakura's POV°

I was so excited! I was going back to Japan! Yes! I missed everyone so much. I couldn't wait to see how Syaoron looked like!

I picked up all the clothes I bought in Malaysia and dunked them in a suitcase. I was looking for the lock of the suitcase when I found my photo album.

"I didn't know I brought this," I said to myself.

I slowly flicked through it.

The first picture was my mum holding me when I was just born. I smiled slightly. Mum died in a car accident when I was five years old.I turned the page and saw I picture of mum, dad, Touyo and me. I looked about three. I skipped a few pages and saw a picture of Tomoyo and I. I knew Tomoyo since I was four. She was my best friend. I skipped a few pages. I gasped when I landed on a page. It was a picture of me and Syaoron with our cheeks together. On the next page there was a picture of Syaoron piggy backing me and Eriol piggy backing Tomoyo.

'I haven't heard from Eriol in quit a while,' I thought. I looked back down at the picture. We looked so happy.

I turned the page and immediately blushed. It was a picture of Syaoron smirking in a heart shape frame. I felt so embarrassed. I probably did that when I was in love with him in grade 5 and 6. I tried to take the picture out of the love heart, but it wouldn't budge.

'Ow well, I'll have to leave it in there,' I thought.

"Sakura tea's ready!" Touyo yelled from downstairs. "You better be finished packing!"

"I'm ready!" I yelled back down. "And you don't have to yell! You can just come up and tell me."

"But I don't want to see your hideous face!" Touyo growled.

"RRRRR" I yelled slamming the photo album shut and running downstairs.

°10 hours later°

Oh the plane ride was so uncomfortable! And I was so tired it was six in the morning! As we reached our street I started to get excited. I missed my house so bad. As the car stopped, I jumped out of the car. I ran up to our house. I looked all over the house and I sighed, "Home sweet home!"

Ok that was the first chapter! Lame I know but it's just getting better! SO PLEASE DO NOT DITCH THIS STORY YET! Please just read the next chapter PLEASE! They're gunna meet! And don't think that's the end because it's not! The next chapter should be coming up soon.

Thanks for reading it!

Please review and tell me what you thought about it.

Ok I know this chapter was pretty lame but I can guarantee it will get better! So please keep reading!


Ok again Misty Amethyst signing off!

Till next time!