Chapter 7

*Yes this is the last chappie of my first Fanfic! *A tear comes down* Yep, the last one...I'm so proud of my fanfic. And I love all of you reviewers. You've been so kind and supportive to this new comer. Whelp lemme let you read. Oppsie! The disclaimer! DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN NARUTO. I own Mr Kusanagi! And if you love romance and a good NaruXSaku fic, you should check out Anime Goddess. Even though I DON'T know her. Hee hee!*

'Naruto help me!' Sakura said panting down the hallway. She didn't even bother the elevator. She took the stairs down to the front door. It was around 5 flights non-stop. She thought if she'd stop she would lose him forever. She has to be with him now! She has to tell him! That she loves him. It was overwhelming her.

Bump! She ran into a man nurse. Young lady are you okay?" Sakura looked up at him from the ground. He had blonde hair, and he had that grin that Naruto has. Her emerald eyes looked to his blue eyes. 'Naruto has blue eyes too...' She thought. Her tears welled up again. 'NARUTO!' she jumped up.

"Excuse me!" She pushed pass him.

"No running!" He yelled after her. She didn't pay any mind to him. She had to get Naruto. She was on the last floor. She saw a sign on the wall that said "front door". She turned around the corner and saw HIM!

"NARUTO!" She yelled aimlessly. Naruto turned around but before he could get a good look she had tackled him in his wheel chair(to the floor this time). With a loud crash they both landed to the floor. One of the nurses hustled over to pick them up, but Kakashi was there and he held an arm out to stop her.

"Naruto! NARUTO!!"She sobbed on his chest. Naruto had no idea what was what. All he knew that Sakura tackled him and she was crying until..."Naruto," She managed through sobs and pants. "Don't leave, no, not until I tell you..."

"Tell me what?" Naruto asked hugging her tightly so she doesn't fall off him.

"That I love you Naruto. I don't know why I haven't noticed it before! I'm sorry! I'm so weak! I-I..."

"Sakura..." He got up (still sitting on the floor). He looked into her blood shot eyes. He stroked her hair.

"Its alright. I'm here now don't cry." He held her closer. Sakura's tear stained face calmed. She wimpered listening to Naruto's voice. "Sakura I've loved you since I first saw you. Now, you've admitted to me what I wanted to hear for a long time. Ever since we were cadets...Now my dream is realizing...Thank you..."

Kakashi looked around. They're starting to draw a crowd. Kakashi thought this was cute and all, but they were getting to much attention. Everyone was looking at Sakura and Naruto. Kakashi heard some 'awww's and some 'thats sooo cute!'s. Kakashi wanted to blow this pop-stand so he took them and 'poofed!' disapeared!

Sakura and Naruto found themselves alone near a spring. 'Kakashi wants us to work this out alone I guess.' Sakura thought.

"Naruto..." Sakura began to her partner in front of her.

"Hmn?" Naruto gave his warm foxy smile.

"Naruto thank you for understanding. I-I hope you can imagine us together when were older. I can understand if, you don't wann-"

"There's nothing on earth that I would want except you!" Naruto confessed. Sakura smiled brightly. She hugged him. This time she didn't cry. She was too happy.

She looked up to him. Then kissed him. Naruto took this by surprise though. 'All my wants in the world, its you. Of all things. Your the one for me. Not Sasuke. Not anyone else. YOU! After all we've been through, all the moments we've shared. Naruto...'They fell to the ground. She let go to give him air. Kakashi saw this.

"Hey! No sex down there!" He yelled. "Not old enough! We've got to finish this mission! C'mon! Do you hear me?"

"Yes! We hear you!" They both said in unison.

They got up and head toward their sensei's direction. Sakura took Naruto's hand.

"Sa-Sakura?" Naruto blushed. And looked at her. Sakura smiled and thought.'...Out of all the things that have come...This is what's best...'

*Ah ah! Pretty good ain't it!? Hoped you liked it! To all my reviewers! I am in your debt! Love all of you! To fluffy-kins! Whoever you are! Thank you for your reviews!And I think they will translate or should be translating Naruto. Or you could import it! I'm importing mine!(I'm miss fast-ass anyway) :P Well, I guess this is goodbye...*sniff sniff* I will be making another fanfic so don't worry! I don't know if it will be the same series though. Well Mrs.Kusanagi is signing off again. Thank you and as always, Luv you!*

*Peace out!*

Audience: Hey that ending sucked!