A/N: LAST CHAPTER! Look how quickly I updated! You must be so proud :)

I just had a horse show yesterday, and I got 1st! I'm so happy! This is my first blue ribbon!

Sugarbear14: Well, keep reading, don't lose hope!

Athena Knox: I updated! Thanks for waiting & reviewing!

Brittney-Btrflies: It was horseback riding camp, not sleep away camp...but when I got home I was exhausted.

Book Geek: Of course! Rooney rocks! Go Rooney!

[Mia] June 30, back at the apartment, never got back my watch

You know what I've learned from all this? I should really be more assertive, and not assume things to quickly. Maybe I should start from the beginning.

So I was just standing there, preparing myself for my worst nightmares to come true, and Michael walks up, looking totally hot in his tux. Lilly and Boris were already dancing in the middle of the dance floor, and Tina was out there with Boris's brother. Before I knew it Michael and I had joined them. It wasn't that bad at first. He wasn't talking, so neither was I. It was actually quite nice to be in his arms again. "Well, this is awkward," he said, a weak smile on his face. I ever so intelligently responded "Heh," since I wasn't quite sure what to say. So I looked up and attempted a smile, when my eyes landed on his eyes, the same old peat bog eyes.

Those damn peat bog eyes. I was stuck in them.

He didn't seem to mind me gazing up at him though. He just seemed a little surprised, and gazed right back down at me. It doesn't look like he hates me, I thought. The song still hadn't ended.

"So," he said, attempting to make conversation, "how've you been?"

To my own surprise, I replied, "Not good." He stared down at me, puzzled.

"Why?" I shrugged.

"It's nothing." My face must have been blazing red. I couldn't tell him the truth. 'Gee, Michael, because I'm still in love with you.' I couldn't say that. Who says that?

"Because she still loves you, you dumbass!" I heard Lilly yell. I could've killed her right at that moment. My head felt like it was about to burst. I ran to the bathroom. I knew I was going to cry.

Except I left my diary at the table, so I was stuck there with nothing to do. What can you do in a bathroom? Besides use the facilities. Was I going to wash my hands all night?

But it never really came down to that, since I heard someone knocking on the door. "Mia," a familiar voice called. "Mia, come on, we need to talk." My tears were still flowing freely. I sat in the corner and buried my head in my knees, trying to ignore him. I heard the door open and footsteps coming towards me. Michael was standing there, staring at me. I quickly wiped my tears from my eyes. I didn't want him to know I was crying, but it was too late. He sat down beside me, silent.

"You're not allowed in here," I said, surprised. "This is a ladies' room."

"I know," he said. "About what Lilly said," he looked over at me, "was that true?" I looked down at the tiled floor. I couldn't look at Michael, I just couldn't. I slowly nodded my head, my eyes centered on the ground.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Because you hate me," I said, holding back tears.

"I hate you? Who told you that?"

"No one, I guess. I just sort of assumed—"

He interrupted me by taking my chin and angling it towards me. I froze, unable to speak. He leaned down and kissed me, wiping the tears off my face as he did. It finally clicked: He loves me too. He pulled away and smiled. "I am far from ever hating you. I love you," He said. I smiled. I almost cried for joy, that's how happy I was. He doesn't hate me! He loves me! He took my head in his hands and kissed me deeper. That moment was bliss, pure bliss. So was the rest of the night, except for a "I told you so!" from Lilly. We danced the night away.

And I am happy to say that we are going to the Hard Rock Café this Wednesday, and this time I'm not running away.

[Michael] June 30, my hotel room, 2 AM

Mia isn't repulsed by me. Can you believe that? Do you have any idea how nice it is to know that?

But wait, it gets better, much much much better.

She told me she loved me. Mia Thermopolis isn't repulsed by me, she loves me.

I never knew that those three little words would mean this much to mean, but they do.

They really do.

And for once, I'm happy.


A/N: -tear- The End! I'm going to miss this story.

A little.

But I already have another PD fic in the works so that'll be up soon!

Thanks so much to all my reviewers and thanks for reading!

I love you all!