Disclaimer: I own nothing


Touya looked out the window as the rain splattered against the glass. He had been waiting for his rival for nearly an hour. It was late and most of his father's customers were gone. That was why they had chosen this time to meet. They wouldn't disturb anyone.

He looked at the clock again and sighed. Shindo was usually late. That was why Akira always told him the wrong time. Still, he should have been there forty minutes ago.

Touya shifted in his seat as he considered calling the other boy to see if he was okay. After all, Shindo wasn't known for his perceptiveness anywhere except over a goban. It was possible the duel haired pro had gotten off at the wrong station and was lost in the rain somewhere. Akira smirked.

He reached into his bag and retrieved his cell phone. It wouldn't be odd for him to be worried about Shindo. He was over an hour late after all. Touya looked the number up in his digital phone book. He never needed to use it before but it was programmed in anyway. It was just before he pressed the 'send' button that the door to the go salon slammed open.

Touya stood up, gapping as Shindo Hikaru sloshed into the parlor and made his way towards his rival in the back. Akira would have laughed except for the death glare Shindo shot him. It was clear that if he said one word about the soggy clothes or the water dripping from his head Touya would not live long enough to regret it. After a long pause Akira finally regained enough control to speak, and he found himself saying the only thing he could think of:

"I noticed it was raining,"

His voice was calm but his eyes were laughing.

Hikaru glared.

"Did you get off at the wrong station?" he asked casually.

Hikaru glared some more.

This was *too* good.

"Did you forget your umbrella, Shindo?" the long haired pro asked, cocking an eyebrow in mock concern. Hikaru's glare turned into a scowl.

That was it.

Akira couldn't help it, he laughed. He laughed so hard his checks hurt and he sincerely began to worry his ribs might crack. Shindo looked like a wet rat, and a very annoyed one at that. It was a miracle he made it *this* long without going into a fit of hysterics.

"You think this is funny, huh, Touya?" Hikaru asked.

His voice was strained.

Akira nodded, still buckled over in silent laughter.

Shindo balled his hand up into a fist and Touya knew he had pushed his friend too far. Hikaru meant to punch him. The long haired pro barely had time to straighten himself before his rival crossed the distance that separated them. He shut his eyes and he waited for the blow to fall.


Touya's eyes fluttered open as he felt the water seep through his clothes and down to his skin. He stood rigid as Shindo wrapped his arms around him, wiggling as he pressed the long haired pro against him.

Hikaru stepped back from the speechless Akira, his eyes twinkling as he examined his handy work. Touya's eyes widened as he looked down at himself.

"Ugh!" he shouted shaking a soggy arm. "Shindo?!?!"

Hikaru's laughter filled the salon. Touya glared.

"Let's play," he said after he finished laughing.

Touya glared again. Then nodded and took his seat. After all, he deserved it. Probably.

The duel haired boy smiled as he sat down and took off his sweater, revealing the dry tee- shirt beneath.

Akira scowled as Shindo started laughing again. So, Touya did the most mature, responsible thing he could think of.

He pegged him with a go stone.

"Ouch, Touya!" Hikaru cried "That hurt!"

"Shut up and Nigiri"

Shindo bowed his head, hiding a smile and did as he was told.
