This was written in response to one of the PPMB Iron Chef challenges.

Particularly, the one about really unlikely couples. Just don't hurt me because

of this, okay?

Scars and Spite.. Forever?

by Huggy

Janet Barch felt guilty. She really loved Timothy, but here she was again.

Laying beside her was Him, the only reason any woman ever needed to hate men.

Janet hated herself at times like this because she couldn't help but enjoy it.

He was dozing lightly now. All the chaotic energy, pointless aggression,

and simple male stupidity seemed to melt away. He almost seemed tolerable. That

was what had attracted her to him in the first place. She had seen past his

rough exterior; the show he put on for everyone else. Over time she realized

that there was something special about this man, something that she wanted to

get to know better.

So, one day, she approached him. After he got over the initial terror,

she had told him that she knew he wasn't really the person he pretended to be.

That she could tell he had been forced to change into what he was. Sometimes the

world was just too harsh a place for people like him. He had surprised her then

by crying.

Over time, Janet coaxed him into revealing the whole story of his tragic

past. How his dad had forced him into the uniform and sent him out to battle men

he remembered as monsters. How he had tried to leave so many times, but he'd

always come back because everyone said they needed him. They needed him to stay

alive. Eventually, he had given up. He was just being a good nazi, and people

called him a hero for it.

But now that was all over. He had decided to put it all behind him when

Janet came into his life. He was a good man now. Still, she felt guilty.

"You're thinking of him, aren't you?"

Janet started. She had been so deep in thought she hadn't noticed her

lover wake up. There was no use lying about it, she nodded.

"I thought we had an agreement? When we're together the rest of the world

isn't allowed."

She smiled sadly. "I know. But sometimes I can't help it. I just feel so

bad for Timmy."

"Of course you do. You're a good person. If you weren't you couldn't have

found me out like you did. I wouldn't love you like I do."

"Wh-what did you say?"

"You heard me. I love you, Janet."

She could tell from the unguarded look in his eyes that he meant it. And

with a depth of emotion that she wasn't sure even her Timothy could muster. The

sudden realization that this man loved her completely and unconditionally

stirred something inside her. She found herself uttering a phrase which had

always sickened her in the past, but which sounded sweet to her ears now.

"Oh, Kevvy! I love you too!"