Summary: What would happen if the Higurashi family decided to take a foreign exchange student? What would happen if that student accidentally followed Kagome through the well into the past? What would happen if Naraku found out she was there? What would happen if that student had a thing about cows? Well, the answers are in my story.

Disclaimer: o.k. I do not own Inuyasha, or the idea of him or any of the Inuyasha characters. Rumiko Takahashi does. I'm just doing a fan fiction.

Rainey was a 15-year-old African American exchange student from California studying abroad in Japan. Her foreign family (The Higurashis) was really cool. They lived in the middle of Tokyo. Their house was unique, with a shrine right on the property. Rainey loved Japan. School was hard but a nice change from her school in back home. Her grades were good, and she spoke near fluent Japanese, but she did feel outta place and lonely. Her classmates were polite, but kept to themselves. She really wished there was someone her age around that she could talk to and hang out with. 7 weeks into her 1-year stay, the Higurashi 15-year-old girl came home. She was glad there was now someone her age to chill with, but why hadn't anyone mentioned her before, and where was she for the last 7 weeks?

"She had a severe case! Yes, and had to go away for treatment!" was her grandfather's answer for the absence of his granddaughter. "And she had some kind of gross rash growing-"

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Kagome interrupted turning a bright shade of pink from embarrassment.

"Well, I was just trying to help!" Grandpa pouted like a little boy.

'All right.what an interesting family.but I can't shake the feeling that they're all big fat liars. And bad ones too' she thought to herself.


Rainey was in the guestroom, struggling with her Algebra homework, and trying to find a clear and compelling reason as to why Japanese students went to school on Saturdays, even if it was only ½ day.

"Man!" she muttered to herself, "doesn't matter which country I'm in, I STILL suck at Math!"

She put the homework down and looked in the mirror. She was about 5'4, with long, black braids put up in a ponytail. She was wearing dark blue jeans, and a black shirt. She stared at her face. Not exactly fat, just chubby. 'I will never get rid of these baby cheeks.' She thought as she squished her face together. Her eyes were a dark brown color. She turned to the side. Not fat at all. But not as skinny as the Japanese girls at her school. 'That's what I get for eating all of those hamburgers.' She chided herself. Her figure was nice, although she wasn't very fond of her legs, with all their scars from participating in football and soccer teams and playing with boys when she was younger. 'I just had to be the tom-boy.' Overall, she was a pretty girl, she just had trouble remembering that herself.

*Knock, knock*

Rainey turned from her mirror and let go of her cheeks (the facial ones)"Come in." Kagome entered the room.

"Hey what's shakin?"



"Um. never mind, what's up?"

"Oh, I just wanted to say good-bye."

"Wait, where ya going? You just got back a week ago!"

She and Kagome had been hanging out for the last week. Kagome showed Rainey all the sites and made the Japanese world a little clearer, and Rainey explained about California and American boys. Rainey was starting to really like Kagome.

"Yeah, I know. I just found out.I, yeah that's right cancer, and I have to get treated in Kobe"

"Wait a minute, are you trying to tell me that there are NO good cancer treatment centers in the middle of Tokyo?"

Kagome *sweatdrop*

"Well, it's cheaper in Kobe."

"What kind?"

"What kind of what?"

"Cancer, hon. Isn't that what we were just talking about?"

"Oh yeah, it's uh.well."

"BRAIN CANCER!" Grandpa chimed in. He had been standing in the hallway and had overheard the conversation taking place.

"Brain cancer???" Rainey and Kagome asked in unison. (Kagome looking more shocked than Rainey)

"Oh yeah, how could I forget? Must be that cancer going to work," Kagome said after she recovered, tapping her head.

*Slowly steps away from Kagome and Grandpa*

"Um, sure.why've got some homework. I hope your, brain cancer, um. gets better" Rainey replied.

"Thanks. See ya later." Kagome replied looking thoroughly ticked off at her grandpa as they left the bewildered Rainey to her studies

"Thanks a lot Grandpa! Now she thinks we're all totally nut cases! Brain cancer? Where do you come up with stuff like that? Lucky for us I'm a good liar." Kagome whispered to her grandfather as they walked down the hallway.


'What a bunch of bad liars!' Rainey thought to herself. 'Even my 5 year old sister can come up with something better than brain cancer!'

"They're up to something!" Rainey said, as she sighed and looked out her window.

She liked the bedroom she was in. It had a nice view of the shrine the family owned. The sun was setting prettily behind the ancient building. Through the sunlight shine in her eyes, Rainey was able to make out Kagome going into the old building.

'Hmm, for one with brain cancer, she doesn't look in a hurry to get to Kobe.' Rainey thought.

"That's it, there is something seriously wrong here, and I'm gonna find out." Rainey decided.

She grabbed her black and silver sweatshirt out of the closet, went downstairs, told Mrs. Higurashai she was going for a walk (which was true) and went outside. The last rays of sunlight were slowly disappearing behind the shrine. She started walking toward the shrine when she saw something gleaming on the ground.

"What's this?" She said to herself. 'Looks like a shard of a jewel or something. Well, I could make a cool necklace or ring out of this.' So she picked up the glowing pink shard, placed it in her jean pocket and continued on with her search for Kagome.

By the time she got to the shrine she saw a glimpse of Kagome's green school uniform jumping down something. Rainey went inside, and saw the well.

'She jumped down a well? O.K. I'm no expert on transportation in Japan, but who gets to cancer clinics through a well?'

She peered down into the well. "Hey Kagome? You down there? Kagome?" Now the next part is a give away, so there's no need for me to explain that much. Kagome obviously wasn't in the well, so Rainey, being the adventurous type, jumps in.

She was surrounded in some weird light, and started getting nauseous. 'What the heck is going on?'

She floated almost, as it seemed, upwards. Then floated back down. She landed pretty hard on her head and was knocked out.


After a few hours (although Rainey didn't know it had been hours) she woke up.

"Ugh! My head." She groaned as she rubbed the lump on the side of her head. She stood up, stretched and looked up.

"And I'm in a well because." she strained to remember.

"Oh yeah. The genius over here decided to jump down it." She scolded herself.

"At least there are vines so I can climb out." She was standing on what appeared to be rocks (appeared being the key word here)

"AHHH!!! OMIGOSH, THEY'RE SKUUULLLLSSSS!!!!!" (For those of you who didn't catch that, she said "skulls")

She scrambled up the walls, trying to get away from the scary, dangerous, nonmoving skulls. When she reached the top, she almost fell back down.

'Grass? Birds? Sunlight? In a shrine in the middle of Tokyo? Last time I checked it was evening and there was no wildlife. O.K. I obviously have missed something. Either that or I hit my head harder than I thought.Yeah that's it.'

She jumped out of the well. And heard the sound of Kagome's voice, screeching.

"SIT, Inuyasha!"

*Whoosh! *


"Oww. What was that for, Kagome?"

'That sounded too real to be a dream. Oh man, where the heck am I?'


I think I forgot to tell you guys what everything means. Action: * * Dialogue: " " Thoughts: ' '