Dying Embers

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, though I wish I did. None of the characters are mine!

Summery: Voldemort has taken over Europe, turning the continent into a dark, dark place. The Resistance is building at Hogwarts and three unknown wizards and slowly breaking Voldemort's forces.can the dream team be united.and can Voldemort be defeated? ((H/Hr))

Chapter One

The sun was sinking over the trees at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry, casting a bloody light over the silent school. An unnatural gloom seemed to hang in the air as fading light peered through the windows. The sadness that seemed to consume the grounds was not uncommon around Europe. It had been 10 years since the rise of Voldemort. The Dark Lord had wasted no time in sending his death eaters against the muggle and wizarding world alike. He was now in total control of all Europe. The wizarding world was now known throughout the world and the amount of free people left in Europe, was disappearing quickly. The main wizarding resistance resided at Hogwarts. Witches and Wizards from all over Europe gathered there to fight, to help stop Voldemort.but the resistance was not as strong as it had been at one time. A single figure was now making its way across the barren grounds towards the large lake beside the castle. The man was wearing a long blue cloak. His hair was flaming red and his face was splashed with freckles. He looked no older than 25. This was Ron Weasley, one of the leading Aurors in the resistance. He sat down on a small rock and sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Life was hard.harder than it had ever been. The Resistance was slowly crumbling under Voldemort's numbing power. Dumbledore was doing everything he could to give them hope, but he was failing.the resistance would fall soon. But that wasn't the only thing bugging Ron. Voldemort had camps set up all over Europe, much like the Nazi's had done in the Muggle war. Muggles and wizards alike were kept locked up, many killed each day. Parts of Ron's family were being held in some of the camps. His older brother Charlie had been missing for a month now and was presumably captured. His sister Ginny had been in one of the camps for nearly 7 months now.there was no knowing if she was alive or dead. His other brother, Percy, was dead. The year after Ron had graduated from Hogwarts the ministry fell and Percy had gone down with it. Besides his family, he was also missing his two best friends. Two years ago Hermione had disappeared. Ron didn't know where she was, or even if she was alive. Harry had disappeared two years before that, along with his godfather, Sirius Black, and his old Potion's master, Severus Snape. No one had seen any of them for nearly four years. Ron sighed again, staring out over the still water. God he missed those care free days at Hogwarts, before Voldemort. A sudden rustle of leaves brought Ron back to reality. He glanced behind him; Remus Lupin was standing there looking concerned.

"Alright, Ron?"

He asked kindly, sitting beside his old pupil. Ron shrugged

"As good as I'm going to get"

Remus nodded slowly

"Dumbledore's called another meeting; we think we might be taking out another camp"

Ron nodded



Slowly Ron rose

"Well, let's head back to the castle, the sooner we hear the plans, the sooner we get this over with"

Remus watched Ron's retreating back and he too stood. Ron had been one of the few that still had hope in the resistance. That was until his brother Charlie went missing. He was loosing his family and friends quickly.and it was breaking him. Remus wasn't much better. Sirius and Harry had slipped from his grasp in one fateful day. He knew not if they were dead, captured, on another continent. He was almost sure that if they were alive, they were together and fighting. He followed Ron inside the school and peered around the great hall. A single table sat in the center, 10 chairs surrounding it. Dumbledore was in front, to his right Mcgonagall, followed by Hagrid, Moody, Ron, Bill, Arthur, Mundungus Fletcher, Arabella Figg, then of course his own chair. At one time this table had been much larger. The rest of the resistance were resting in hidden rooms around the castle.these 10 were just the chosen leaders. Remus took his seat and waited for Dumbledore to begin. Dumbledore slowly stood, looking older than he had ever looked

"My friends"

He began

"Our next plan is to free the captured witches, wizards and muggles from a large camp in Berlin. It isn't as heavily guarded but is rumored to hold many of our captured colleges"

The group nodded

"In three days we will travel to Berlin and free as many people as possible"

Darkness hung over the small camp in northern Paris. Death eaters crawled through the streets, checking for possible escapees or anyone to torture. In one of the center cell's sat one, Hermione Granger. Her large brown eyes scanned the grounds just outside her cell. Every five minutes or so a death eater would stroll by, smirk at her, and continue on. This was her third week in this camp.she had been removed from a larger one in Berlin after she nearly escaped. Here the death eaters could keep a closer eye on her. But Hermione was not one to sit and wait. She already had a plan to escape, and she would escape tonight. A death eater passed her cell and Hermione rose, moving into the moonlight. Her long brown hair was ratted and dirty and her smooth face was covered dirt and blood. She was wearing a pair of black robes that hung off her skinny frame. She moved closer to the bars and waited. She heard the death eater approaching and readied herself. When he reached her cell her hand shot out and clamed around his throat. With a flick of her wrist he was dead on the floor. Hermione grabbed his wand and immediately opened the cell door. She conjured ropes and tied the death eater up, kicking him into the corner of her cell. She made her way through the shadows towards the nearest cell. She peered inside. Three women and a man were huddled in the corner. Hermione waved the wand through the air and the door opened. The four people jumped and Hermione silenced them before they could say anything

"Come on; let's get you out of here"

She led them out the door and moved down the row of cells, eventually running into another death eater. Once she had another wand a wizard she had freed made his way to the other side, releasing people. After a while she knew something was wrong, it was too easy, but before she could panic there was a loud scream from across the main road. 50 death eaters had emerged and were shooting curses everywhere


Hermione shouted, sprinting across the road towards the death eaters. She blasted a few of them out of the way, trying to hold them off while the others ran. She saw that some of the cells were still locked. A young girl was in one of the cells sobbing uncontrollably as she watched people run by. Hermione unlocked the door and ushered the girl out. As she was turning she was hit with a strange curse, and in seconds she was on the ground, unconscious.


Her head was throbbing painfully when feeling started to return to her body. She let out a groan and opened her eyes. Nothing but blackness. She sat up and looked around frantically, waving her hand in front of her eyes, but she knew what was wrong.she was blind. She cried out in horror and tried to stand. She heard footsteps running towards her, only one pair. A warm hand touched her arm and Hermione threw herself back. She fell to the ground and once again cried out, grabbing her wrist. Whoever had touched her a moment ago was now kneeling beside her

"Hermione! It's me, don't you recognize me?"

Hermione shook her head and she heard the person sigh

"I haven't changed"

"I can't see you!"

Hermione blurted out, tears pricking at her eyes

"I can't see anything"

Tears were streaming down her face as she stared at nothing.

"You're blind?"

Came the worried voice. Hermione nodded solemnly, immediately breaking down and sobbing. Whoever the person was gasped slightly and she immediately felt strong arms encircle her. Not really caring who it was, Hermione buried her face in his cloak. After a moment she managed a question

"Who are you?"

She whispered, not taking her forehead off his chest

"Do you really want to know?"

Hermione nodded

"It's Malfoy, Draco"

Hermione gasped and pulled away

"Draco? How did you find me! We thought you were dead!"

Draco didn't reply for a moment

"I was dead; I was in a camp in Scotland for four years before escaping. I was passing by this one when I saw the battle taking place, deciding to come help, I found you. I brought you here; we're in the middle of some forest, as far from the camp as I could carry you. The dark lord has apparition wards everywhere, so we have to go by foot"

Hermione, still a little shaky, nodded

"We'll have to go to Hogwarts then"

"It will take us about a week and a half on foot, and we'll have to pass right through London.right under the dark lords' nose"

"He'll be after us wont he?"

"He's been after me for months now"

Hermione was silent, absentmindedly massaging her wrist

"Can, can you reverse what ever is wrong with me?"

Draco sighed, a long sad sigh

"I know the spell, but it's made for a level nine or ten witch or wizard"

Hermione waited


"I'm only a level 8, and so are you, there are only three level 9 and 10 wizards alive today"


"Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Potter"

"S-so, we'll have to go all the way to Hogwarts with me blind?"

"I suppose so"

"What time is it?"

"7 in the morning, why?"

"We should get going"

Hermione pulled herself to her feet. Draco was at her side in no time

"We're in a forest Hermione, you walking is not smart.here"

A wand was thrust into her hand

"This is yours, I managed to get it out of the camp.but I don't think you'll be using it any time soon"

Hermione heard Draco mutter something under his breath and Hermione instantly felt feather light. Two hands lifted her gently from the ground; carrying her like a baby.Hermione snuggled up against Draco's chest and closed her eyes. Who have ever though there would be a day when Hermione Granger would be happy to see Draco Malfoy?

The crescent moon gave the small cave little light. Only one beam fell across the two sleeping figures in the back. One had short brown hair and looked to be in his early forties. He was wearing a pair of dark blue robes that fanned out around him. A few feet away lay a man with greasy black hair that hung just below his ears, sallow skin, and a long hooked nose. His robes, matching the mans beside him, were more tattered and torn. Near the front of the cave sat a boy with messy raven hair, large emerald eyes and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. He was very much awake, staring solemnly up at the stars, twinkling down at him. Two tracks of silver tears were rolling down his cheeks. A small silver necklace was clutched in his right hand. His memory was flying back to his days at Hogwarts, the days before Riddle took over the entire continent of Europe. Back to his best friends.Ron and Hermione. He knew Ron was with the resistance and at this moment, safe. But Hermione had disappeared.and he knew not where she was. He tore his eyes away from the stars and stared down at the necklace. It was warm in his cold hands. It was the only thing that kept him going. He had given Hermione an exact replica of this in his sixth year. As long as the necklace was warm, the other person was alive, but when it grew cold, they were dead. He tightened his fist around the necklace, and looked back up the stars. He heard someone roll over and knew his godfather had awakened. After living for four years with him and Snape he now could identify how they woke up, what curses they used, everything. Sirius' foot steps came closer and Harry felt him sit down. Harry made no move to wipe away the fresh tears on his cheeks, he didn't look at Sirius. After a moment Sirius placed his hand on Harry's shoulder

"We'll find her"

He said calmly. Harry tensed up and nodded his head, allowing more tears to trail down his face. No one would have ever thought they'd see the most powerful wizard in the world cry, but truth be told, no matter how much power Harry possessed he was always broken by friendship. A distant scream tore Harry from his thoughts. He turned his head towards a camp less than a mile away

"Is he still there?"

Sirius asked fiercely. Harry sighed

"He's due to leave tomorrow morning, tomorrow night we'll go in."

He said quietly

"How many death eaters this time?"

"I'd say about a hundred, no less. They've got 5 trolls patrolling the boundaries, plus dementors at every cell."

"Do we know who the lead death eater is?"

Harry shook his head

"I can't keep track anymore"

A quiet groan from the depths of the cave signaled Snape had awoken. Sirius glanced over his shoulder as Snape came into view and sat on the other side of Harry. The three of them watched the dimly lit camp, void of any movement. Harry had yet to tell Sirius and Snape the real reason he wanted to break into this camp. One, lots of prisoners were held there, many whom were very valuable to the resistance. And two, his little sister.Ginny Weasley was due to be executed the day after tomorrow at dawn, along with Cornelius Fudge and Terry Boot. The sun was just beginning to rise as Harry stood

"Severus, would you please fly over the camp and wait and see if Riddle has left?"

He asked. Snape nodded and changed immediately into a black raven. He was soaring towards the camp seconds later.

"Sirius, I think food is in order.shall we?"

Sirius watched Harry for a moment. In the four years they'd been 'missing' Sirius had watched Harry grow from a boy into a man. In the beginning Harry didn't sleep at all, spending every night awake worrying about his friends at Hogwarts. And still most nights Harry did nothing but think about them. Sirius knew what it was like to worry; he worried about Remus every moment of every day. He sighed. The reason they'd left was still unclear to them. Dumbledore had just appeared one day and told Harry he needed to disappear. Harry had fought Dumbledore, but in the end, was forced to leave without a trace. Sirius, being his godfather would have none of that, and after much convincing Dumbledore sent him along.Snape as well. Sirius didn't know if it was pay back for insisting that he go with Harry, or if Dumbledore thought Snape would keep all of them safe, but it was safe to say he wasn't happy. The three of them had fled to Germany, keeping a low profile. It tortured Harry to hear about the death and destruction in England, and Sirius knew he'd wanted to go back. But then, Voldemort had moved into Spain, France, and Germany. And Harry knew that he didn't have to hide anymore. Germany had been taken and there was no point in sitting back and watching. The three of them easily avoided capture as Voldemort's armies captured the rest of Europe. For one year they were moving throughout Germany, trying to free anyone they could.Voldemort had no clue who was freeing the camps. Then they had gotten word of Hermione's disappearance. Their goal now was to find her, but they hadn't, not for two years of looking. Sirius stood and turned into a large black dog, following Harry away from the cave and into a small forest. Once inside Harry changed into a beautiful golden lion with a red-ish main. He had huge wings sprouting just behind his shoulder blades and the same shinning green eyes. He pulled his wings close and crouched low, padding silently through the forest. Sirius followed closely, he sure hoped the found something eatable today.

((There's the first chapter peoples! If you've read my other fics -Counter cursed (Completed) and Counter cursed: Growing up (Umm, not Completed)- This is completely different. I already have a large portion of the story written and I'll be posting every day, or every other day, it depends. I'm taking summer school, so I'm slightly occupied, considering I have a test every day, but I'll try! PLEASE REVIEW! Thanks ~ Kay))